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Starting My Journey

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    Starting My Journey

    Hi Don
    I have this crazy plan in
    My birthday is Aug 15...I have a doc appt on Aug 21 SO....
    I am going to seriously TRY for this....
    8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1, drinks AND smokes a day

    am I crazy? or could this work??
    I cant afford this program BUT am going out to buy Magnesium and Milk Thistle to help with the withdrawals..... gonna start tappering off on strat dring times too

    thanks for you support
    how did you do today???


      Starting My Journey

      lol my spelling sucks coz i type too fast
      cave to the crave... is a bit mild for me...
      i get serious withdrawal symptoms....shaking, nausea, stomach cramps...etc
      just gonna try it slowly


        Starting My Journey

        Hi Luce

        No, I don't think this will work at all.

        Milk of Mag. will do nothing for withdrawal.

        Sorry to be so blunt but you need to see the doctor. Period.

        Best of luck to you Luce, and I mean that,

        magic xxx:schmokin:
        ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
        I am in the next seat.
        My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


          Starting My Journey

          those last two posts really bothered me... i AM seeing a doctor and i was with my therapist this morning.... they BOTH think I CAN do this....
          where did you guys get "milk of mag" from? i said magnesium and milk thistle...both offered in the program....
          I am in Canada and that makes it that much more pricey (it really isnt about the $$$) and would take weeks and weeeks... my doctors and I have set a 4 week program in place... and I have to trust them
          I wouldnt be here OR have begun the scale down if I didnt WANT this... I have scaled back for 2 days already and feel very positive...
          Magic, your comments WERE blunt and you saying "this will not work at all" actually has given me more will power honestly I DO thank you for that... )
          I just need sensitivity now, not judging
          thanks guys


            Starting My Journey


            Yes, I was blunt, and apologized beforehand.

            I apologize again, I am dyslexic, and read the magnesium and Milk together. My mistake, my fault.

            I am not judging you by any means. I have been where you are now many, many times.

            It's horrible, horrendous....worse than that, a nightmare. It's hell on earth.
            I know that you, with all of your heart and soul, want to be rid of this addiction once and for all. This is not the way to do it.

            I don't think that you are taking withdrawal seriously enough. It is more than a set of symptoms to suffer through. I worry about your electrolytes for example, you also have an eating disorder.

            I think that you are a desperately ill young woman, in tremendous pain, reaching out for help when the help you need is right before you.

            I will say it one last time and then shut up.

            Please, Luce, take the advice of your doctors and enter rehab. It is not the awful experience you anticipate it to be. It is your best chance. You will be safe there.

            Take good care, Luce, good care.

            m. xx
            ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
            I am in the next seat.
            My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


              Starting My Journey

              I'm with Magic on this one.
              Rehab and taking the illness seriously can work wonders. Cutting down just doesn't cut it for most of us in the big bad world of liquor all around.
              Take the plunge Luce-get dried out; with drugs if neccesary to calm you down through the 2-3 week withdrawal period. I didn't miss cigarettes whilst on Xanax, just glad to be away from all the hassle. If you are working, maybe your company would pay some of the costs of rehab if you fess up to your problem. Just a thought.
              Good luck anyway

