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    Morning all, ha ha I beat you up Janice, we will give you this morning off from starting the thread seeing as you have done such a good job this week. Its a beautiful day here and I am just off to do the 7 mile stretch on my bike around our lovely countryside, I really do not appreciate where I live. I did 9 miles last night, trying to build to 10 a day. I hope everyone has a happy and successful day achieving their goals I know the weekend can be difficult for some but just think of it as a normal day if things dont go as you plan dont waste time beating yourself up like I do just put it behind you and carry on, one day at a time. I will catch you all later.

    Quote for the day Cherish Yesterday
    Dream about Tomorrow
    Live for today



    It sounds like you are doing much better today. Exercise is wonderful for us all. I was chatting with my folks about that last night.

    Yesterday at work when things were getting very stressful I convinced my client to take a break and we took a 30 minute walk. It helped a lot. On top of that, when we got back, we ended up figuring out what was wrong and got things back on track and made great progress. Yea!!!

    Today will be busy again but with the progress we made yesterday, hopefully it will be productive and I look forward to getting this "gig" done so I can get home sometime this week and see my family. I am missing my hubby, kids and grandkids.

    To all to come, Starlight, Janice, Paula, Mary, and anyone else I may have forgotten to mention (I am sorry) please have blessed AF/Mod day and be happy.

    AF April 9, 2016



      Morning Garden Girl & Cindi and all those to follow. Its great to hear from you both and Garden Girl, thank you for starting the thread off today - you sound great, motivated and looking forward to your bike ride. Exercise is so important - it gets the "happy" hormones flowing so great stuff and quite often we don't take time to appreciate what's around us. Enjoy!!

      Just to let you know guys I'm not planning to drink today.

      Have a great Sunday!! Janicexxx
      AF since 9 May 2012
      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


        NEWBIES IN NEED -- DAY 5

        Hi Everyone: I'm just beginning day 26. I can hardly believe that I'm saying that. I'm always having a better day when I'm sober...even if the day isn't that great. I'm thanking you & God for my sobriety. I couldn't have done it thus far wo/you all. Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          NEWBIES IN NEED -- DAY 5

          Good morning all.

          GG, great to hear you sounding`re making me feel guilty now, since I haven`t started cycling though, but haven`t bothered much these last few yrs............might take bike to bike shop to get it spruced up (has flat tyres etc LOL).........could do with some of those happy hormones.

          Cindi, I used to love power-walking too.............somehow I think quitting drinking isn`t going to be enough on it`s own to allow me to lose my excess 40 lbs. ha ha ha

          Mary, you`re amazing...........MY inspiration now!!! Am so delighted for you.

          Am on Day 7 and doing fine, apart from periodic cravings.........beginning to feel a sense of achievement...........really can`t see me giving`s just not worth it.

          Have a splendid day.

          Love to all and all those still in bed!!! LOL

          Starlight Impress x


            NEWBIES IN NEED -- DAY 5


            A friend of mine quit drinking, I believe he drank about 5 "Texas Teas" a day, when his brother died of a heart attack.

            Within 3 months, with no other changes, he lost 30 lbs.

            Texas Teas have lots of sugar, though, and of course being male it is MUCH easier for him to lose weight. grrr.

            Still, if you started walking/riding and stay away from the alcohol, I'll bet in 3 months:

            1. Skin will look much better.
            2. You will be thinner.
            3. You will be much happier.


            ps. I have decided to add exercise into my plan, to kick in the endorphins and to fill up some void time at night in the hotel. See if I can go from 3 or 2 a day to 1 or none a day.
            AF April 9, 2016


              NEWBIES IN NEED -- DAY 5

              Thanks Cindi................`cos Boy!!!!! I need an overhaul/makeover, THE WORKS!!!! lol

              Starlight Impress x


                NEWBIES IN NEED -- DAY 5

                Good day everyone! GG I admire your ambition on the bike! I too like getting my workout done in the AM - gets the old ticker pumpin' and the blood movin' for the day. I'm not even up to one mile though on the dreadmill. Overcoming years of laziness is not easy LOL!

                Cindi, that's a great idea to stop and take a walk when "stuck" on a problem. Glad it worked for you and your client, and thanks for sharing as that is a great idea. I hope you get to go home soon!

                Hi Janice, and happy not drinking Sunday.

                Hi Mary!! Are you sure you are not starting Day 27? LOL - I might need to brush up on my counting - they say the mind goes first....anyway, I know we are 1 day apart and I was thinking today is day 26 for me which would make 27 for you. At any rate, good job!!! Like you I am also starting to enjoy doing things sober that I always used to do drunk. And where in the heck did I ever get the notion that having a drink to "get me in the mood" for stuff like housework or office paperwork, etc. actually worked???? I was so unproductive I can't even believe it.

                Happy Day 7 = one week of freedom Starlight! I too am needing to lose poundage, so Cindi I hope your 30 pound theory is true!!

                Happy day to all, whatever your plan is for today. It will be AF for me!

                Day 26 AF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *(my gold stars)
                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  NEWBIES IN NEED -- DAY 5

                  Good morning ALL!!! Day 7 is here for me and Starlight!! Yahoooooooo!!!!

                  Hey Cindi, I sure hope your predictions are true. I did start to take the dog for 20 - 30 minute walks every day since I started the CD's (planted that suggestion and it worked!). It has been 10 days of that, so I'm hoping it will help. I also want to add some more exercise in since I also want to lose about 40 lbs! (Starlight --- another thing we have in common!!) For now, the walking is all I am committed to, but I hope to add on from there. I am also trying to eat healthier. The increased water intake should be goor too. Unfortunately, the scale isn't moving that fast though. (Everything slows in middle age ---bummer!!!) I guess it could be doing one of those starvation things --- you know--- it is so used to all those calories, it expects them!! I am hoping that next week my metabolism will finally wake up and let go!!! Wishful thinking???? LOL

                  DoggieGirl --- Haven't heard from you in awhile. Glad to see that you are still going strong! You are right about the thought that a drink would make me more productive... What??? I did nothing after I started!!!

                  Mary --- Way to go to you too! You and DG are rapidly approaching 30 days! AWESOME!!!

                  Morining GG and Janice! Happy Sunday!

                  Well, I am going to productive today. I have to get packed for a vacation to my father's vineyard in Napa --- me and the kids, leaving Tuesday. Yes, this ought to be interesting. My alcohol of choice was wine, and now it will be all around this early in the game. I will be posting A LOT over the next week and a half!! Look for me! I am hoping to only have a glass or two here or there, since they aren't big drinkers. I am hoping that it will help me get a sense for whether I can mod or not. But, the worst thing is that I will have to start counting all over!! (Starlight, Wakeupmom and the rest won't be on the same numbers as I am!!!) Oh well. This is a journey and we all have different paths. Anyway, I am happy AF for now, and I am so much stronger hitting Wine Country thanks to all of you and this program!!!

                  Happy Sunday!


                    NEWBIES IN NEED -- DAY 5

                    Hi Pinklady............doesn`t this feel Grrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!!!!

                    Starlight Impress x


                      NEWBIES IN NEED -- DAY 5

                      Just checking in glad everyone feels good today, Great idea star for the asap thing. Very hot here the girls have just tried to get me into the pool got my legs in but is is just too cold so ive got out again. I soo want to lose 14lbs, it would put me back to what I weighed before I had the girls, No matter how much exercise I do I just cannot seem to shift even 1 lb. I cannot stand feeling overweight and that is yet another motivation to stop the wine. Catch up later GG XX


                        NEWBIES IN NEED -- DAY 5

                        Starlight, SURE DOES!!!!!!!! I actually even lost a couple of pounds!! An added bonus!!

                        Have a great day!!!! :goodjob:


                          NEWBIES IN NEED -- DAY 5

                          Hi everybody, just got in from work, thought I would drop in and say hello, before
                          I sit in the garden reading sunday paper, glass of lemonade in hand.
                          Hope you all achieve whatever you wish for. Love Paula. xx


                            NEWBIES IN NEED -- DAY 5

                            Hi Paula - Have a great day! Sounds like a good plan.

                            Enjoy! :l


                              NEWBIES IN NEED -- DAY 5

                              Morning Ladies. It seems most folks are in a good mood today, no stories of feeling like you missed out on a Saturday night! I would love to have a bike right now, haven't in over a decade, perhaps I'll start pinching pennies for one. Manchester vs Chelsea is getting me warmed up for the day. A cup of coffee then I'll take a walk. I've got some cleaning around the house to take care of and now that I look there's a few projects that I can complete that have been in the works that somehow got ignored over time... hmmm...

                              Have you guys thought of trying the Drink Tracker? It's a kind of motivation to fill in that zero for the previous day when you wake. I noticed that retteacher is participating. PL it might help you with moderation next week.

                              I definitely feel better than I have on many Sunday mornings but am surprised to still feel a bit strange. The fact that I'm still feeling the effects of lack of intake after 3 days is kind of a wake up call in and of itself. Just exactly what does actual clarity feel like? Looking forward to it!!

                              Enjoy your day (or evenings for many of you)!

