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so i tried the kudzu

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    so i tried the kudzu

    hello guys. well, i havent tried AF yet. i havent lessened my drinking to much. im pretty disgusted with it right now because I went out last night and felt really hung over all day. i didnt even want to go out, because i first had a wedding in he daytime and drank there. didnt get drunk, but a few hours after the wedding i didnt feel like doing anything but watchin a movie and goin to bed. but i promised my friend and my bf had other plans, so i kept to my promise. i hardly see them because im always with my bf, so i made plans a week ahead of time for last night. anyway, i just wanted to say i tried takinh the kudzu. i only took it for two days. i felt a definite less "wanting to drink" feeling. heres the thing. i went out friday to my gf's house to meet up with her and my bf and a few others. of course everyone waS DRINking beers. so i had some. i DEFINITELY noticed i didnt care to keep drinking, the whole wanting more thing was pretty much completely gone. it was good in that way. now heres the downfall. this could have been in my head because i dont always feel happy drinking, but usually with the first few i do feel a litle euphoric feeling. which is basically the whole unconsceous maybe reason that everyone DOES drink in the first place. is to get that euphoric buzz... ok well. it could have been my mood, who knows, however, i didnt feel that euphoric buzz. i didnt feel happy drinking. it just seemed blah to me.... so basically it may have been my mood, but im thinkin in my head, is this why they say kudzu helps with binge drinking? because it takes away the good feelings of drinking? anyone else notice this? so i stopped taking it, because i knew i was going out saturday night ( last night) to drink with my gf's. that sux if kudzu does that, because i wasnt ready to be AF quite yet.... im thinking about it and after the summer will try it. my bf and i will do it together he said. anyway, so does anyone feel the kudzu did the same thing to them? took away the happy buzz? or was it just my mood?

    so i tried the kudzu

    I have no experience with kudzu - but I think not having the desire to get drunk, or your happy buzz being not there is a good thing, no? I know you aren't ready to be AF yet, but at least it is possibly preventing you from getting too drunk. Maybe you need to do some soul searching and decide what it is you really want. Do you want to eventually quit all together? Or maybe you aren't committed to this quite yet?

    Hang in there. Others have experience with Kudzu so they may be able to let you know what it does exactly. I am pretty sure it takes away cravings....


      so i tried the kudzu

      hey, ya i definitely am not ready to quit yet. i was thinking after the summer id try it. im young, 25, and not an everyday drinker, just a problem drinker basically. like going out and getting waaay to drunk maybe once every two weeks, not being able to stop once i start, blacking out etc. other than that though, i do drink at least twice a week. rigt now being the summer and all and no school or real work, im drinking up to four or five times a week, not getting drunk maybe two of those days. basically i fight myself and say im only going to hav ethis amount, and its been working kind of. ive been better with stopping since i came off my zoloft. i wrote a post about that i think theyre was a link between my unable to stop when im drunk and taking an ssri.. but ya, in september im going to try i thought maybe the kudzu would work in helping me control my drinking but the reason it seemed to do that was because it took the enjoyment out of the drinking, which i was disappointed in. however because i still wanted to go out and have a few drinks with friends, i wanted to still have that happy feeling that comes along with it, otherwise theres no point . im a depressed person and that is pretty much why i feel like i cant comp;letely quit yet. those two hours of happy buzz drinking feeling is really the only time in my life im happy unfortunately. its sad. depression sucks. life is just sad to me right now. ive been on and off antidepressants and they always just poop out after awhile. then u get withdrawel when u come off of them. i recently ordered amino acids and have been taking vitamen B etc, for the natural way to treat my depression and it def works as much as the zoloft was working when i stopped it. but i stil feel down. some of that is def from drinking though, because if i go four days without drinking i notice my mood is much higher. so thats another reason im looking into stopping in september. i also hate the weight gain, ive gained about ten pounds in two years all from drinking. ok well, thanks for replyin. hope everyone has a good sunday night. ttyl:thanks:

