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new here wondering about the program

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    new here wondering about the program

    Hi--I'm new here and contemplating starting the program. I'm very hungover & very unhappy right now. Does this really work?

    I've tried AA before (not really my kind of thing) but have been most successful when I go it alone. I was abstinent for 21 months but since picking up again 8 months ago I haven't been able to stop for longer than 2 or 3 weeks.

    I'd appreciate anyone sharing their experiences on MWO. I'm feeling pretty desperate & need to stop going back to the drink.

    Thank you so much for taking the time.

    new here wondering about the program

    Hi lanaya! Welcome :welcome:

    I tried AA, rehab, and finally decided to search for some sort of miracle online in my dying hour so to speak. I joined back in December. I was a hard core binge drinker and could drink 2 litres of wine or close to a 26'er of Vodka nightly. (Not to mention I also drank no matter what time it was).

    My search online brought me here. Have you downloaded the book? I would also look through the info for health and supplements.

    The people here are real, and they are very supportive. This place has given me 6 months of AF with only 5 drinks and then I had a slip in July where I drank more than enough on 3 occasions. Compared to where I was at - this is a miracle.

    I hope you read through the posts and join in the threads with us. You will find there is truly power in numbers and you will meet a lot of kind, loving, supportive people who will give you advise and hold your hand in this journey of getting well.

    Happy to have you! :l


      new here wondering about the program

      Hi and welcome Lanaya!:welcome:

      I'm glad you found this place...I too have done the AA thing and it did not work for me. It does for some though and good for you on all those months of abstinence!

      I would suggest downloading the book and reading on here to get you through your hangover tonight. There is a lot of great reading, inspriation, and encouragement on these posts. I know for me it makes it just a little easier knowing I am not the only one feeling "this way" for the moment. Welcome!



        new here wondering about the program

        Hi lanaya,
        The fact that you did it for 21 mths. before shouts out that you sure as Hell can do it again, and you shall, through coming to this site.

        I was sober from 1992-2002, but sadly, have been drunk again these past 5 yrs. I joined M.W.O. a few months back, and have had a failed attempt at moderation and a few false starts when I finally accepted that abstaining is the only safe route for me.

        Am finding my way now though..........
        Am now just into Day 8 of being alcohol free and am absolutely determined to stay the course. I could never have got even this far without the endless support and encouragement from all the wonderful friends I`ve made on this site.

        Wishing you luck and love.

        Starlight Impress x


          new here wondering about the program

          hey L, im hungover too! it sucks. mooods low as well... what did u do last night? drinking wise? how often do you drink? i havent downloaded the book either, kinda new here as well.


            new here wondering about the program

            This program definitely works! I was skeptical at first also. I have just completed 7 days alchohol free. It would have been impossible without the book, vitamins and CD. It was almost EASY!!

            Read on, you'll see that I am not the only one that thinks this way!

            Good luck!


              new here wondering about the program

              Welcome Lanaya, you've come to the right place - why not come and say hello on the daily "newbies in need" thread on Starting Out?? Good luck with your journey. Janicexx
              AF since 9 May 2012
              Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                new here wondering about the program

                Lanaya: I was an almost daily drinker who is now working on my 28th sober day. I never could have done it wo/MWO. Keep coming: reading & posting. Mary
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012

