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Newbies in Need - Day 6

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    Newbies in Need - Day 6

    Morning everyone, hope you all had a great weekend and are ready to face a new week!! If you feel you need to make some changes to your drinking habits then you've come to the right place. Only you can decide what those changes are but the support on here is amazing so pop in and say hi, it would be lovely to hear from you!!

    Well I know the weekend was a test for a lot of people - some may not have got through how they would have wished. That's what this drinking thing is all about. But, its Monday morning - pick yourself up, don't be too down on yourself, just make today different. Forget about tomorrow and the day after, concentrate on today.

    Day 7 for me today, a week today I had my last drink. I must admit its so nice going to bed knowing I won't be waking up in the middle of the night with those horrible panic attacks. For just that reason alone its worthwhile. Its the health issues that really scare me into doing something.

    Everyone sounded great yesterday, so upbeat and positive. We have got to keep that positive attitude going!! I don't mean running around with a big smile on your face all day - though that would be nice!! - its about being in the driving seat and being in charge of what you do and don't do. We can all do this and it will really make us feel good and worthwhile. Garden Girl - you have done amazing getting through yesterday. I know you felt bad on Friday and Saturday but look how you've turned it around. Try and keep that positive energy going today, it really does make a difference. Will be thinking about you.

    Star and Pink well done on your first week yesterday. I must admit I don't know whether to be worried about Pink or envy her - holidaying in a vineyard!!!!

    Anyway enough from me, lots of boring jobs to do today, ironing, washing, going to the tip, so that will keep me out of mischief. Good luck everyone, see you later. Janicexx
    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

    Newbies in Need - Day 6

    Good morning Janice and the rest of our allies yet to come.
    Don`t know what`s in the air Janice, but this thread seems almost electrically charged at the mo., as if we`re all firing on all cylinders, doing so very well, and hell-bent on succeeding.

    Feels absolutely fabulous to be on Day 8 AF, but am truly still pinching myself in disbelief..........feel as if it`s like I`ve just crawled out of the gutter. Am praying every night that I`ll stay the course, but like everyone else, I have no way of knowing. I do know that, despite still being periodically struck by strong cravings, I really do not want to drink ever again, so can only hope to maintain the courage of my convictions.

    Hardly slept a wink, but I believe peaceful sleep recurs relatively quickly after quitting drinking, so am not too concerned.........for the time-being, lack of sleep is a small price to pay for being sober.

    I hope everyone has achieved something of their personal goals over the weekend.

    Have a splendid day my friends!!!!

    Much love,

    Starlight Impress x


      Newbies in Need - Day 6

      Hi Janice and Starlight, I am happy to say that I had a good weekend as well and it's just great to waken up and know that I have not had a drink since Friday week ago. For me that is really something! I'm beginning to feel normal again and whilst the cravings hit now and again I haven't given in and am determined not to. One day at a time. Thanks for your posts, hope you and all who come after have a good day, Joesgal xx


        Newbies in Need - Day 6

        I woke up this morning realizing I have GOT to jump on this train. All of you are doing so well and I am just muddling around in this muck!!

        I am going to go for Monday AF.

        I know this sounds weak but that is my goal One day. Today. Beginning of the week.

        No wine, none, nada, nil.

        I can do this!!!!!

        I sure hope there are some people in the chat room tonight!! :H

        I had a bad night last night. I want this one to be a great one!!

        Love to all to come, btw!!

        AF April 9, 2016


          Newbies in Need - Day 6

          Good luck today Cindi, will be thinking of you. Janicexxx
          AF since 9 May 2012
          Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


            Newbies in Need - Day 6

            Hi Janice, Star, & Cindi: I only have today, tomorrow, & wed., & I'll have my 30 days. I can't believe it. Janice & Star, that first full AF week was so liberating. I knew I could do it after that. I really think that you've fought 50% of the battle in just the first week. It gets easier as you go along...not that I let my guard down. Cindi, I made progress when I took the "just-for-today-I-won't-drink" approach. The big picture of no alcohol for the rest of my life was too daunting.

            A word about yesterday: Yes, I felt tempted. I'm not sure what triggered it. I used to use alcohol to fill up empty time, especially on the weekend, Sun. in particular. It might have been an unstructured afternoon that got to me. At any rate, I talked rationally to myself, got on to MWO, & the feelings passed. I'm so grateful today, because I know how awful I would be feeling right now if I had let myself have wine.

            My sincerest thanks to everyone here. I wouldn't be in recovery if it weren't for you. Love, Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              Newbies in Need - Day 6


              I am so glad you got through it!! :goodjob:

              We all know how tough it is and kudos to you for now bowing to the desire for that wine!!

              Like Starlight did last week, I will probably be on line tonight in a panic and pacing back and forth but hey, if you guys can do it, so can I.

              Love to you all, too!!
              AF April 9, 2016


                Newbies in Need - Day 6

                Mary, first time round for me was lovely getting to 30 days. There's such a sense of achievement. I really thought I had cracked this thing when often after the 30th day, I wouldn't have a clue what day it was - I'd stopped counting! I didn't just slip back into drinking - I planned to drink - moderately. I was doing so well Af - of course I could moderate, I was strong!!! Boy, did I enjoy that first glass! I only had the one glass but I remember it now, a Sunday evening on the patio. I discussed it with my husband first, and we decided that this would be different - with some rules, no weekday drinking, no drinking alone, and I would stick to red wine only and a maximum of 2 glasses. I felt I was in control of the situation, this wasn't going to beat me. I don't know when exactly the "slide" back into the abyss happened. Probably those two days before dad died but even then it was only a couple of beers at night after we'd come back from the hospital - again, planned and with my husband. I think it all started when I came home, after the funeral and everyone had gone back to doing what they do....hubby went back to work, kids were busy, and I was busy as dad's executor I had stuff to do but during those "inbetween times" I broke the "rules". I don't think my drinking was as heavy as it was before but certainly those feelings of despair, low self esteem, can't be bothered, what's the point etc were worse - though this might have been to do with dad I suppose. Anyway, I just wanted to share how easy it is to "go back" to where our journey started. Enjoy that 30 day milestone but after that do take care - I know how hard you've worked at this. Much love Janicexxx
                AF since 9 May 2012
                Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                  Newbies in Need - Day 6

                  Janice: I needed to read about your slip after being AF for so long. I will keep vigilant! I also know that I cannot mod. It just isn't me. I asked about slips from long-time abbers in Gen. Discussion. Your story was really the clearest. Thank you for that. Mary
                  PS: I won't let up, even for a minute.
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    Newbies in Need - Day 6

                    Wow - I definitely sense the electricity from your posts. You're all hanging in there and are doing great. Mary - I can certainly equate to where you're coming from and to hear you feeling so inspired is wonderful. Having read some of the earlier post from you when I joined, you've definitely turned your life around - well done:goodjob:

                    I know I have to hang in there and go with the cravings too and I'm hoping that in a few weeks I will be proud of my achievements. What I can't work out is when the switch for "I can't get through the evening without a drink", rather than "I'm just having a couple of drinks a week" kicked in. Was it so subtle that I didn't realise it was happening, or has my brain just completely flipped by drinking this poison? My husband can just have 1 glass of wine or beer occasionally and call it a day whereas I just can't put the wine bottle down until it's empty and then sometimes I'm reaching for another!

                    Well done tkeene - I bet you felt so much better not having drunk, but it is so easy to give in to the urge isn't it?

                    Come on Cindi - we can do it.



                      Newbies in Need - Day 6

                      Welcome to a new week!

                      Janice, it seems like you're well on your way to reach your goals.

                      SI ever the cheerleader! Talk like that will get the cylinders all firing.

                      Mary congrats on the upcoming month!! :goodjob:

                      Cindi you can do it!

                      Joesgal congrats on the week! :goodjob:

                      Mondays are always busy! This one should fly by.

                      Everyone take care!


                        Newbies in Need - Day 6

                        Wow such great talk. I had a bad weekend, alcohol wise. But this week Joe works doubles all week so I have only myself to blame if I drink. Well actually that is the case all the time, but I will not be "tempted" by anyone else.

                        So AF 1 for me too, I hope.


                          Newbies in Need - Day 6

                          Hi everyone. Glad to hear all who have posted so far are doing well, but hope those who aren't will still check in for support. I had an AF weekend and hope to have an Af week. I still hope to be able to do mods eventually, just need to get back on track after vacation. Busy busy week should help. Oh, hi Hart. We were posting at the same time. Yes, it is so much easier when there is no one else around drinking. I know you can do it - I remember when you did it before!


                            Newbies in Need - Day 6

                            Day 2

                            Hi Everyone, Today is Day 2 for me. I spent most of the day on the new ASAP thread that was our Starlight's brilliant idea and I know that's what got me through my 1st AF day! Cindi and Hart, Welcome and please jump on board. I did it yesterday and so can you. I am so proud of myself for just getting through Day1. Star, Janice, Tkeene and Mary, congrats on your AF runs and Thank You for not "caving to the crave". :goodjob: Hope you all have a great day! Don


                              Newbies in Need - Day 6

                              Hi everyone, I have had a good week so far, I keep promising myself that I will not ever
                              feel as bad as I did last tuesday.Keep up all the good work. Love Paula.x

