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Newbies in Need - Day 7

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    Newbies in Need - Day 7

    Morning newbies!! It was great to see a couple of new names on the thread yesterday - welcome to tKeene and Lacey!

    Lacey - you will find this site really helpful and will change your life; you like exercise and take supplements so you're half-way there!! tKeene, your husband is quitting too so hopefully you can support each other!! Day 10 - brilliant! :welcome:

    Cindi & Hart, I hope you both got through yesterday as planned and Bird I hope you took Benjamins advice. Let us know how you guys got on!

    Sweet Cheeks, I can so relate to that "need" you are talking about as can many others. I read where its not how much we drink that means we have a drinking problem but the "wanting" - I suppose thats the addiction.

    Paula, you've done amazing to turn round what could have been a disastrous week. :goodjob:

    Gardengirl, we missed you yesterday, hope you're okay??

    Day 8 for me and I'm not planning to drink today. I'm starting to feel well - didn't need any antibiotics in the end but I know it was definitely a UTI last week. Just stopping the drink has helped. I'm sleeping better and have more energy during the day. I just can't think about the future though, almost panic at the thought of not having a drink again - how will I handle holidays? how will I handle Christmas? etc etc - it just seems impossible so I'm taking Mary's advice and concentrating just on today. My husband asked me at the weekend what my "plans" were and I just said "I'm not drinking today".

    So, have a great day everyone whatever your goal is - I'll see you later!! Janicexx
    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

    Newbies in Need - Day 7

    Good Morning Janice, Starlight, TKeene, Lacey, Bird, Hart, GG, Sweet Cheeks, Paula, Mary and all others to come!!

    I did great last night!! Yahoo!!

    Not because of any particularly good willpower, though, but because work has gotten me so tired, I came in, ate dinner and fell to bed early. :-)

    I am up at 3:30 as a result. I'll take a "win" anyway I can, though.

    I will shoot for one more day today to see if I can string two together in a row.

    Hope all are doing well and have a blessed day!

    AF April 9, 2016


      Newbies in Need - Day 7

      Hi everyone no janice not ok, felt very strange yesterday was very aware it was day 3. I woke up determined to get through but by 5 oclock I just could not stand the way I was feeling and went and bought a bottle of wine, then went out again and got vodka,then got very drunk had row with hubby because he hid car keys- quite rightly so . So I got on my bike and tried to ride it but ended up falling off and sat in a field untill 9.30 pm. Came home, upset everyone again. So this morning I have asked my hubby to take day off work and we are going to meet someone at 11.00am to talk about help in stopping. Dont need rehab or anything just someone to talk to. It is ridiculous that I can not drink for two days and then cave in on day three I am stopping drinking today for as long as it takes, stay with me guys I am going to need you. Report back later Love GGXXX


        Newbies in Need - Day 7

        Garden Girl,

        I am very much like you. But so was Mary and Starlight!! We can get past this "block" or whatever it is. I know we can.

        Good for you for taking a step in the right direction. I hope this helps you.

        We are all here for you just like you are here for us!! :h :h

        AF April 9, 2016


          Newbies in Need - Day 7

          Hi everyone, GG, I think we have all been where you are at this moment, it sounds as though you are going in the right direction, don't give up giving up, you must do it to save
          you and your family all this misery. Sending you good vibes. Yes we are all here for oneanother thank God.
          Janice have you tried cranberry juice for uti, its very good you can also buy in tablet form.
          Have a good day everybody. Love Paula.xx


            Newbies in Need - Day 7

            GG, Cindi, Janice, Paula: For anyone who has trouble getting past day 3 or 4, please don't think ahead. Just concentrate on today & not drinking for this one day. It does get easier. When you think you can't stand another minute, come up w/some kind of strategy. For me, eating something helps. Talk on the phone...put off getting that bottle. The feeling will pass. I still get them but not as strong. I love you all, Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              Newbies in Need - Day 7

              Garden girl, you will get through this because you want to so much. Its going to be hard but you will do it. Stay with us Garden girl, we need each other. Good luck this morning. Janicexxxx
              AF since 9 May 2012
              Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                Newbies in Need - Day 7

                Thankyou yet again for all your lovely thoughts and words. Just got back from this advisory place. My husband came in with me, and the woman we saw was very good. She says what we already know but it was good to go today. I need to change the way I think and do things to get our of this vicious circle I am in. She says I need to abstain which is what I want. Ive got lots of things to do on paper and I need to see her again next week. I also need to stop counting and take one day at a time. So heres to today af just for today, God I hope I feel better tomorrow I feel like Ive been through a emotional rollercoaster, Im sure my family do too. I love them so much and this is just not fair on them. Catch up later Have a good day everyone GG.


                  Newbies in Need - Day 7


                  Hi to Janice, Cindi, Paula, GG, Mary and all those yet to come.

                  Yes, we`re a very "mixed-bag" each day, with some of us maintaining our AF runs, partly due to our guardian angels, I believe...........I really do, simply because I cannot fail to remember the no. of occasions when I sat here half sloshed, typing away about my being such a "hopeless case", which was complete bollocks, since I`m on Day 9 AF today and seem to be coping very well, although somewhat lacking in "get-up-and-go".

                  TO ANYONE STRUGGLING, and GG in particular, I have this to say..........."IT`S ALL IN THE MIND!!!" Why am I convinced that this is the case?............answer is simple..........the longer I allowed myself to believe I was a "hopeless case", the longer I was going to continue to be just that.

                  Consider all the good things you have accomplished in life........all the achievements, many of which will have asked blood, sweat and tears of you. Think back to a particularly trying situation you`ve had to deal with.............we`ve all had them..........then consider how you overcame that situation, because we all have past triumphs in our lives. Then look inside yourselves, at all the abilities and determination that afforded you those past triumphs and witness just how strong you really are.

                  You`ve overcame past obstacles in your lives due to believing in yourselves that you could deal with whatever it was at the time, just as you can deal with this.

                  Just for today, tell yourselves that you are invincible and that "I CAN IF I THINK I CAN".
                  It took me to adopt this attitude to get my 9 AF days, which I am confident will continue to rise, because if I allow myself to think that "I CAN", then I shall............

                  Love and luck to you all today............let`s make it a triumphant one!!!

                  All my love,

                  Starlight Impress x


                    Newbies in Need - Day 7

                    Here here Starlight - you're absolutely right. I know it's in the mind with me and once we get over the hurdles that many of us face on a daily basis, we WILL see good results. Like Mary says get a strategy and plenty of distractions in place - it really does work.

                    Hang in there GG - you've done the right thing by taking positive action. I really hope you can beat this. I too have ended up saying that I won't drink and then completely doing the opposite. The brain plays cruel tricks with addictions such as ours and you have to take control of it, instead of it taking control of you.

                    If you can achieve more good days than bad then you're making inroads. Well done Cindi too - are we both on Day 2 af today?

                    We're here with you


                      Newbies in Need - Day 7

                      Hello. New guy here at your site. I have read the book cover to cover, started the supplements on Sunday morning, and have been AF for 6 days today. 11 days before I drank last Thursday. I also started the cd's on Sunday, seem to work pretty good. I am a binge drinker I suppose. I would start on Friday afternoon, do the hair of the dog trick, on Saturday morning, start with the whiskey by 10 a.m. Saturday, repeat that on Sunday, then try to recover on Monday. Well this Friday I spent all my booze money on running gear (new Nike + shoes, so I can track my progress online, and some running clothes) and I have been walking/jogging/running two miles every day. I am waiting on my Vivitrol shot to come to my Drs. office. Only one pharmacy in my state carries it. Should be here this Thursday. I am really confident that I will be able to control my drinking when I finish this program. Just reading yous guys post daily (been a lurker) makes me proud that I am not the only person that AA did not work for, feel better on my own with a little encouragement from my pals. Anyway just wanted to say hello and this seems to be a great site for just talking/venting when needed.
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                      Trill Recognizes Trill


                        Newbies in Need - Day 7

                        Hi everyone, as always it's good to read your posts. I am now on day 11 af, quite something for me and I feel good. Garden Girl, if I can do it, you can too. I was where you are now so many times and then something just seemed to click with me and I am taking one day at a time I'm not even thinking of Christmas, easy does it for me anyway.GG I will be thinking of you, you will get there. Thank G-d for this site and all the wonderful people who post here, Joesgal xx


                          Newbies in Need - Day 7

                          Hi Janice, Sweet cheeks, Paula, Mary, Starlight, Cindi, GG, NPGBI and joesgal. Hopefully I didn't miss anyone!!

                          Janice, congrats on day 8!!! You've come a long way emotionally in a very short time. I'm happy for you. And also happy that your are feeling better.

                          GG - I'm glad you saw a counselor and have some action items and a plan to see the conselor again. YOU CAN DO THIS. I can't even count the number of times I promised myself I would stop the madness - only to stuff my head right back in the bottle again. You proved you can go 2 days AF - that's more AF days than I could string together for many years until this time. What parts of the MWO program are you utilizing? I know I sound like a broken record, but I REALLY believe in the supplements and CD's as far as making this string of 28 AF days possible. It's in the mind too - wanting it and all. A combo of things. You CAN get it figured out for yourself and your family. I'm rooting for you along with everyone here.

                          Welcome NPGBBI and congrats on your investment in running gear instead of booze!! Congrats on Day 6 - with a string of 11 before that if I got it right. I'm not doing the meds - but am doing all other parts of MWO program "by the book" and I'm so glad to have found this place and program.

                          Booze Buster Loud and Proud!!
                          Day 28 AF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *(my gold stars!)
                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            Newbies in Need - Day 7

                            Hello NPGB1 and welcome, hope you find lots of support, you sound like you
                            are on the right track, best of luck. GG glad you are getting things sorted out.
                            You can do it. Love Paula x


                              Newbies in Need - Day 7

                              Just checking in at 5pm - welcome to the thread NPGBI and good luck with the programme!! Well for the first time in 8 days I feel "uneasy" - its that time of the day and I have that little voice in my head. Can't seem to settle to anything even though I've got tons to do - but I realised that I'd forgotten my lunchtime vits, my kudzo and L-glut.
                              Garden girl - well done for today. I'll be back on later, left the iron on, just "needed" to log on but I'm okay - back to the ironing!!! Janicexxx
                              AF since 9 May 2012
                              Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

