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Newbies in Need - Day 7

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    Newbies in Need - Day 7

    Hi NPGB1 and welcome. Good luck to you, but with an attitude like that you cannot fail.

    Sorry the wee demon in the head is teasing you Janice, but you know you won`t give in to him........just tell him to F*** OFF!!!! lol

    Starlight Impress x


      Newbies in Need - Day 7

      Hi everyone (again): We had the g-sons overnight & just dropped them off at home. I just took the dog for a walk & again pondered the changes in my life since I've stopped drinking (day 29 today).

      One recent change I'd like to report that might encourage some of you who are having a hard time. Last week, I accidentally backed into one my grandson's ride-on cars. The axle & wheels kind of bent. I've been finding that, yes, I still do & say some dumb things now that I'm sober. However, the shame & remorse that I felt from my many drunk mishaps just wasn't there. I chalked it up to being human & sometimes having the gears slip a little. My son-in-law will bend it back into shape, & the whole incident is now over.

      Letting go of a of the many gifts of sobriety. Keep on trying. You'll do it when the time is right. As I said in one of my past posts, I thought that some real hellish bottom would get me to stop (even for a week), but it was actually a simple decision not to drink for one day that did it.

      Love, Mary
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        Newbies in Need - Day 7

        Got to fill in the zero again this morning... ahh the little victories. :happy: You ladies are already on your way by the time I get a chance to log in, the time warp can be kind of funny.

        Garden Girl be glad you had someone there who could restrain you. This morning I had the wonderful pleasure of explaining to my Father why it was that I was at work but not my car... :blush: If you don't make the right choices I promise someone will eventually do it for you.

        Now that's the stick...

        It's better with a carrot...

        Here's the good news. Reading Dr. Weil's "8 Weeks to Optimum Health" he comments how he has seen even the hardest addictions fall away when a person honestly wants to change. He did it by planning a trip into the wilderness of South America. He knew that he would have to change his lifestyle in order to make the trek. His desire to make that happen was greater than any of his others and it fueled his own personal transformation. He firmly believes changing out of desire and for postive rewards is much better than changing out of fear. Perhaps there is something that you would like to acheive or be in life that a lifestyle change can facilitate. Then this journey can be about reaching your goals rather than avoiding being out ot control.

        Hehe... this response has been on my screen since about 9AM just now had a chance to finish it off!

        Keep it up folks, slips or no slips, keep trying!!!


          Newbies in Need - Day 7

          Oh today is probably the hardest since I started this last week. All those old feelings came back this afternoon. My daughter and I went for a pub lunch (had a diet coke) but maybe thats set me off, or the fact I didn't take the vits till late, or the fact that I've been thinking a lot about dad then feeling sad...but then I am always thinking of him. I don't know just one of those days - maybe time of the month has something to do with it. (Sorry Don & Benjamin!!). Anyway I took your advice Star..... !! An early night I think and if anyone fancies starting us off in the morning please do, I might need some inspiring!!!!!!!!! Thinking of you all, Janicexxxx
          AF since 9 May 2012
          Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


            Newbies in Need - Day 7

            Hi all Janice I am sorry you are having a bad day, dont be hard on yourself you have been so strong these past few days so just put today down to an off one. It is very early days for you in your grief, I am here 5 years later and still having trouble with it. I feel very low today and that is just because I feel so sad that I am in this horrible situation of having a drink problem. Like most of you I just wonder how the hell I got here but I do realise that to get out of here I have to start thinking differently. Everyone has said that on here today and it is good advice we do need to think positively, I like what you said Benjamin about changing out of desire andfor positive rewards rather than changing because of fear. I have to slowly start to change my thinking round and I know I will succeed. Anyway have a good night everybody and I will check in in the morning GG XX


              Newbies in Need - Day 7

              Janice;175490 wrote: Oh today is probably the hardest since I started this last week. All those old feelings came back this afternoon. My daughter and I went for a pub lunch (had a diet coke) but maybe thats set me off, or the fact I didn't take the vits till late, or the fact that I've been thinking a lot about dad then feeling sad...but then I am always thinking of him. I don't know just one of those days - maybe time of the month has something to do with it. (Sorry Don & Benjamin!!). Anyway I took your advice Star..... !! An early night I think and if anyone fancies starting us off in the morning please do, I might need some inspiring!!!!!!!!! Thinking of you all, Janicexxxx
              No apology necessary. Moon cycles are something to be considered for sure!

              Goodness knows I've experienced my share of people close to me overloaded with emotions around the full moon.


                Newbies in Need - Day 7

                Yikes, by the time I get here some of you have gone to bed. Welcome NPGB1. Wow Mary, tomorrow is 30 days! For the real newbies you should know Mary was brave enough to post on drink tracker all through her early struggles and has been a real inspiration to me. GG, glad you went to seek help to get past this 3 day cycle and that you have your husband's support. Janice, that grief comes in waves but I'm glad you are resisting the temptation to try to fix it with drink (although I certainly did plenty of that). Gerat to hear how well everyone is doing. I'm on day 4 AF, getting back on track after a great but somewhat overdone (nothing outrageous, mods but too many days of mods) vacation.

