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The cut down plan

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    The cut down plan

    He all-I am hoping that by posting my goals for each day will give me -and maybe someone else-the will to follow through-previously (at least I hope it will all be previous) here was my beer schedule for the last 7-9 months (lost a couple of loved ones so this has been my worst!!!)
    Mon-Thurs 2 a.m. 6 p.m.
    Friday 2 a.m. 7-9 p.m.
    Sat and Sun-who knows-12-18 maybe? drank all day
    eating like crap
    no workouts

    Now today's goal was;
    1beer a.m.
    5beers p.m.
    workout 20 minutes
    eat at least one healthy meal

    results so far
    1 beer a.m. yay!
    4 beers p.m. -so far
    had a 20 minute work out
    ate ok breakfast, unhealthy lunch, very healthy dinner

    I don't want to go cold turkey as I do not know how dependent physically I am-
    I am taking Campral I know it's probably not doing anything with me still drinking but it's a mind thing- and the supplements/vitamins

    so far so good!

    Tomorrow's goal;
    a.m.-10 minutes cardio (instead of the 10 minutes on the computer with the beer)
    no beer a.m.
    4 beers p.m.
    eat healthy meals and snacks

    Hope I can do this!
    Having it posted makes me feel more obligated-I would like to do this daily if anyone wants to join me!

    Best wishes to you all!

    The cut down plan

    oh forgot to add 30 minute p.m. workout tomorrow too!


      The cut down plan

      Your goals look great! Stick to your guns and you can lick this thing!

      Day 29 AF
      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        The cut down plan

        Any plan is a good plan, especially if you stick to it. Good luck. Keep us posted.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          The cut down plan

          Looks like it could be a good way to wean yourself. I think getting over that first beer in the Am is going to be the most difficult. If you can do that, the rest should be easy. Kudos for seeing the need to change and having the gumption to try.


            The cut down plan

            I'm trying the weaning too since I was a very heavy drinker of beer. After horrible withdrawals this morning, I "only" had 4 beers today. Hopefully the withdrawals stay away for the night.
            Yeah, having that morning beer usually leads me to drink all day but everytime I make it to the PM hours, I seem to be able to curb my drinking. So, my goal is, never AM beers.
            Good luck!


              The cut down plan

              Thanks to all of you-I did ok the first two days-wanted to cut down more than I did but at least I was 2 beers less each day-today -not so good-ate bad too-no workout and no motivation now but to browse the forums-tomorrow is a new day right?


                The cut down plan

                wow keep it going. I just have one question. do you get drunk at work? If you can have that kind of dedication to the beer gods, I am sure you can send some of that dedication to the sober angelsl.
                You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                  The cut down plan

                  no-no drinking for 10 hours considering travel into that-and I am functional and generally happy-unless I have a total binge Sat/Sun which has happened often lately and that's when on Monday's my friends say-are you ok? You're not your cheerful self today. maybe they are catching on yikes!


                    The cut down plan

                    Hi Wanttostop.

                    good it daily and be HONEST.
                    it helps to buddy up with someone /be accountable to somebody daily..maybe on this site??

                    I have a drinks buddy (another moderator)we do the weekly plan for our own goals and support each other in moments of temptation.(it works sometimes!!)

                    sounds like you know what you want to healthier..exercise and cut the booze down

                    Its hard to have to live with GUILT at work...the fear of being found out or eventually going out of control with the booze to the point that work does get badly affected.

                    Just want to wish you well for can do this!!!

                    Regards Cassy


                      The cut down plan

                      thank you again to all of you!


                        The cut down plan

                        Well, today is my first day on this forum. I too think that I need to wean myself. I think it might not feel too good going from two bottles of wine a day to none.

                        Today my goal is to only have three glasses of wine (mind you my glass is probably larger than most )

                        I also exercised for 30 minutes. I would love to feel like I did 10 years ago, loads of energy and fit, oh and without the extra weight that two bottles of wine a night will pack on to you.

                        I think that it is a really great thing to set goals. The only downside for me is when I beat myself up for slipping. I know that like everyone posts that you have to pick yourself up and dust yourself off, but sometimes easier said than done.

                        Tomorrow my goal is again three drinks (Better than 2 bottles!)
                        Exercise is at least 30 minutes on the treadmill.

                        I look forward to going to work tomorrow without that headache and feeling of being soooo dehydrated.


                          The cut down plan

                          Dachsie, Wanttostop, Iwantout, Good luck to all of you, if you work hard at this, and stick to your plans, you can do this. We are all here to support you in any way we can, so please let us know how it's going.
                          The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                            The cut down plan

                            Hi all just wanted to update on my moderation-did not do well last week but I am on day 3 now;

                            Friday only 5-normally would be about 8-10?
                            Saturday only 8-would normally be about 17
                            Today I am only at 3 and I only have about 1/2 drinking day left (normally today I would have about 10-16)

                            How are you all doing?


                              The cut down plan

                              Bloody Hell!

                              Do you work as a bar tender in a beer joint!

