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The cut down plan

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    The cut down plan


    It sounds like you are really cutting down. This is good, especially if you are planning on going AF for a while at least -- as recommended by MWO plan -- since withdrawals can be tough but cutting down before going AF can reduce the seriousness of that.

    Hang in there and keep up the good work.

    If moderation is your goal, the best of luck, only a few on this site have achieved it. Most have to go AF. However, the moderation thread may be a good place for you to read daily and post as several members have achieved and are happy with it.

    Take care,
    AF April 9, 2016


      The cut down plan

      Hi wanttostop7,
      Looks like you halved your drinking over the good a way as any to start.

      Wishing you continued success.

      Much love,

      Starlight Impress x


        The cut down plan

        Thank you all -I did end up going out last night but I still consumed exactly half of what I normally would! I forgot to mention-Saturday was my first no beer in the morning morning-(had the blood test) -it was not hard at all! thanks to all of you this is getting easier!


          The cut down plan


          I'm with Cindy. You might try the moderation site. Most of us are trying to kick this thing out of the door completely one day at a time without a menu.



            The cut down plan


            Actually, lots of people here are on the moderation route.

            Just that most of us can't do it. :-(

            However, if someone wants to try for moderation, I think they should. MWO originally was designed for moderating.

            RJ did recognize that moderation is probably NOT possible for someone who has gone beyond the "problem drinker" phase into full blown alcoholism, though.

            Like me, sigh.

            AF April 9, 2016


              The cut down plan

              sorry I did not mean to offend anyone-good luck to you


                The cut down plan


                You didn't offend anyone at all!!

                I, for one, am truly impressed you have gotten your drinking cut down so much. I wish I had the willpower to do that.

                Unfortunately, I am one of those who once they start drinking, all common sense flies out the window.

                Please keep up the great work and hang in there. I know this is a tough one and every person's way is different.

                AF April 9, 2016


                  The cut down plan

                  You haven`t offended anyone wantto. It`s great to visit all of the boards, regardless of whether your goal is moderation or abstinence, as we can all learn so much from each other, even if our goals are not the same.

                  Keep`re doing great!!

                  Starlight Impress x


                    The cut down plan

                    Hi wannastop7, Think any plan is better than no plan.Stick with your goals.I tried a couple (100)lol plans.In my case I never stuck with tt.I'd wake up in the morning w/hangover say to h-- with it,drink hard for a couple weeks till i came up with a new plan.In my case I had to just quit.I'm only on day 16 af,scared I might slip again,but I feel good now.Sleep good,eat good,only time will tell.Keep posting,for some reason ,thats what keeps me strong.Good luck!!


                      The cut down plan

                      Thanks! I appreciatte it! I feel good esp with eating good too! You guys are all motivators in the journey -could not do it as easy without you!


                        The cut down plan

                        And a congrats and yahoo to you too-you should be proud of yourselves! I am proud of you!


                          The cut down plan

                          You are more than welome. All of us need the encouragement, too.

                          We are here for you!! Never forget that.

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            The cut down plan

                            How's it going?


                              The cut down plan

                              Pretty good thanks for checking-yesterday someone stopped by for "a beer" which usually gives me the green light (in my own head of course) and I stopped at 4 where our guest and my husband had a few more than that-was very proud and content-I still had a beer in hand when they did but I was not in a race-it was really nice for a change.
                              Today -had 6 -out for a pizza and beer but considering my accomplishments so far I am not going to beat myself up at all-tomorrow is a new day
                              How's it going for you-all of you?

