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My Story - From a Newbie

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    My Story - From a Newbie

    I am so surprised to hear SO many stories so close to mine!!! What an inspiration you all are to me!

    I'll be 42 and it's interesting to see so many women (and men) at the same stage of life as I am!

    My problem snuck up on me...
    I am now down to 9 drinks a day starting at 11am... (down from 12-14) iTS THE SHAKING and nausea at 10 am that I am struggling with!!! I also have an eating disorder so alot of time i dont eat at all all day... my diet is mostly made up of liquid calories... (

    I am SO frustrated... but have started a 3 week down scale... with both drinks and cigs...same amount each day...starting time getting later every 3 days...with a small decrease with each 3 day stretch of both addictions.... has anyone else tried this? By Sept 1 i should be at 1 and 1 and drinking time 5:30-6:00.... I have also been advised to follow the Food Pyramid to help with the nutritional needs of my body. I am going out to buy Magnesium and Milk Thistle today and have been eating multivitamins, B12 and Evening primrose oil... when i need extra energy I down a protien shake or Boost beverage...

    Please pray for me
    (i dont have the money for the wonderful helps offered here so I am going to try this without them... but with my doctor and therapist's guidance...and the wonderful love from God and all your prayers and support!) ~Hannah


      My Story - From a Newbie

      Hi Lynnie,
      You were just describing me in your post! I'm 38, happily married with kids and we are not lacking anything material. I too started in my teens. I love mostly beer (which usen't to have the alcohol stima attached to it in Europe). It was rather considered a light beverage. Over the years, when I wasn't pregnant, my hubby and I were always drinking buddies. I have made many attampts before to stop but usually by day 3, we're back on the beer (the minute you feel better). We too, crack that first beer around noon on the weekends while working in the house or garden. It can easily add up to 8-16 beers on those days. The worst of it is, is that we have developed such a tolerance to the stuff that we can easily drink any of oour friends and neighbors "under the table". Then comes the next morning and the hangovers/withdrawals are unreal (going through a major one today). I would love to quit cold turkey but I'm so scared right now to continue to have these terrible withdrawals, so I am still drinking (although I have held the consumption down today). My initial plan is to cut my drinking down to "safe" level and hopefully eventually quit it altogether. But one step after another. Just trying to feel better again today.....


        My Story - From a Newbie

        My Story

        :welcome: To both Lynnie and Flipper

        Reading your post I feel we have a lot in common, except my parents never seperated. My dad did drink heavily on occasion but he was a good man otherwise . I have no really bad
        family memories growing up except seeing my dad drunk a few times.

        My dad passed away at a young age too, he was just 50 and he died at my wedding reception 23 years ago. That is when my troubles began and have never stopped, I was only 22 at the time .

        Anyway, I have a long ugly history of tragities that followed and I won't torment you with the details. If it were just the drinking I would honestly say my life is perfect.

        I'm still blessed with a wonderfull wife and two children and for that I have to find the
        courage to curb my drinking. I have done very well lately at some reasonable moderation
        but it is not enough .

        Oh, and sorry about ribbing you in the chat room yesterday, I was just trying to get you talking. I see now you just wanted to be a non participating casual observer .



          My Story - From a Newbie


          Robert - If I was in the chat room yesterday it was unintentional. I think I clicked on chat by mistake and minimized and then after realized I was signed in. I wasn't siting as a silent observer.....I wasn't even there. What were you teasing me about? Do alot people use chat?

          IwantOut - Do you work outside of the home? Do you drink and feel this way on work nights......that's hard to do? Sounds like you know and can relate to me though. Hang in there!

          Luce_enzz - We will pary for you! You can do this! Keep coming on-line here for support

          Capricorn 1 - Very nice to meet you! Thanks for your post.

          Ristop- Sounds like you have a good plan. Good luck! I'll be here for you. I need lots of support too! I'm really excited about this though!

          Reteacher - Good for you with the 30 days. That is my short term goal too! Can't wait!

          Today is day 3 for me and tonight I have to deliver newspapers with my youngest son (12). We do this every Thursday night and when I ge home I usually reward myself with a drink. Not tonight though. I want to make it to day 4 and so on. Now, the weekend will be tougher but once it's out of the way I'll be so proud!

          Talk soon every1! :thumbs:


            My Story - From a Newbie

            Hi Iwantout...just noticed your post - have you tried taking vitamins? It has taken the hangovers completely away for me. I am a beer girl too and used to feel like crap every morning till I started the allone and other supps - what a difference. I also keep a big water bottle by my bedside to keep from getting dehydrated.

            Love & Light - GG


              My Story - From a Newbie

              Lynnie;176663 wrote: Robert - If I was in the chat room yesterday it was unintentional. I think I clicked on chat by mistake and minimized and then after realized I was signed in. I wasn't siting as a silent observer.....I wasn't even there. What were you teasing me about? Do alot people use chat?

              Today is day 3 for me and tonight I have to deliver newspapers with my youngest son (12). We do this every Thursday night and when I ge home I usually reward myself with a drink. Not tonight though. I want to make it to day 4 and so on. Now, the weekend will be tougher but once it's out of the way I'll be so proud!

              Talk soon every1! :thumbs:
              I was just teasing you about being ! I'm Kanadian
              too but no eh's coming from Newfoundland . Our dialect is very close to Irish with a dash
              of English thrown in. Makes sence since all of our ancestors were Irish and English . I've traced my roots back to the 1650's when my ancestors moved here from England , and have even visited the church where they were married.

              As for chat, to be honest, most who use it are there to chat and not so much about the
              real issues. I have a good laugh on chat tho, so I guess it is benificial to that extent .

              :goodjob: As for staying AF for four days, simply wonderfull . I went AF on Sunday night
              for the first time in years and it was not intentional. I was traveling back from NY to Montreal and got stuck at the border for three hours, therby missing my return flight.
              Anyway, I had no booze arriving at the hotel at 1AM and I was too cranky to go to the
              bar so I decided to give it a try. It's funny . I hardly slept, had nightmares all night and
              the sweats. Not super super bad but it was uncomfortable. To my surprise I felt great
              the next day . It was kind of empowering to know that I had indeed conquered this if for
              just one day.

              Back to work I go, TTYL



                My Story - From a Newbie

                It is so great to know there are other people trying to cut down. I will think of each of you this weekend.

                Lynnie how great to be doing AF on a holiday weekend. I know that I have done the trick of lots of other fancy beverages, like perrier and strawberries, fake beer, juice and club soda, just anything to have a drink in my hand. I also like fancy water bottles, like that square one with the flowers on it from Tahiti or something. Anyways best of lukck to you all, and ..
                Luce-ends ( I have the name wrong!) I know you can be strong. EVeryone says the nausea goes away after awhile. I wish you could try the whole banana program - it seems to work for so many. But I just send lots of encouragement your way ~~~~~~
                And everyone else who has posted too...

                It's amazing how much we all have in common. What the heck causes the button to turn on in our 40's to keep on drinking. Is it having teenagers? I am doing better this week, but still drank too much (way too much) two nights, moderated on 2 nights and AF on 2 nights. Approaching tonight is very hard for me because I know I will want to drink, and I do already. I will try to moderate, because I am afraid to promise myself not to drink and fail.

                Praying for everyone -----


                  My Story - From a Newbie

                  Lynnor and Flipper - I can relate to the heredity issue. My mom was an alcoholic growing up. She drank socially but also at home alone. At times "hiding" her drinking. She was a very angry drunk - lots of yelling and rage. Our family however on the outside was very "All American." My dad was codependent - hate the cliche but it really fits. He passed away several years ago and my mom finally was convinced by her friends and priest to go to rehab (they thought this was a new problem - reaction to his death). She has been sober ever since. I am really proud of her . . . but at times also still pretty angry. It infuriates me that I feel out of control of my own alcohol consumption and I find myself blaming her which is not really fair. The fact that I am "not as bad" or so I tell myself often tricks me into thinking ' hey I don't really have a problem." The reality is I am incapable of stopping at one drink. The more I read here the more I realize we all have SO much in common. I am 45 with 3 wonderful children and a husband who drinks socially but could really take it or leave it.

                  Green Goddess - I too have issues at time with food overindulgence. I found that when I stopped "dieting" I stopped craving and binging. The same has not worked for wine, sadly.

                  Thank you all for sharing and listening.


                    My Story - From a Newbie

                    Welcome to Lynnie and a big hi to the others that I haven't been in touch with yet.

                    Evergreen I can so relate to what you're saying. My parents didn't have a drink problem but were very social drinkers and in later life my mum and I always enjoyed a bottle of wine most days (when she looked after my children). I think the habit stayed with me when she died 2 years ago but instead of stopping at 1 bottle for 2 people, had the whole one to myself.

                    My husband, like yours doesn't NEED to drink like me so he doesn't really understand why my off switch doesn't work.

                    Well done Robert - I've read some of your posts before so keep up the good work.

                    Have a good day

                    Like most of you guys, I am 41, have two children 8 and 6 and have no real worries in life, so why am I doing this? I have got so much encouragement from people here and I'm taking it one day at a time. I know I'm doing myself so much damage but that doesn't seem to matter.


                      My Story - From a Newbie

                      The whole bottle to myself. Yes, that is what I do. My husband does not understand either. He can have one glass of wine and be just fine. Me, one leads to another, and another and I hate it.

                      I am so happy I found this site. I hope it will help me find healing. So much of what I have read so far sounds like "me". Wow, I know there will now be people who understand. I think that is what we need most.



                        My Story - From a Newbie

                        Hi Gourmet - Yes two beers for hubby and a bottle of chardonnary for me. I wish I could just drink two glasses three nights a week. That is my ultimate goal. I am just beginning also on this site; I read the book and bought the supplements and am starting slowly. I am encouraged to see how people start, fail a little, but get right back up.

                        ARe you planning on doing the supplements and everything?

