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My Story - From a Newbie

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    My Story - From a Newbie

    Hi there! I am new here and finally got the courage to write. I have been reading posts here for the last few days and must say that I am very enlightened so far.

    I would like to share my story…….

    I am 40 years old and happily married and a mother of 2 wonderful boys. I have been drinking since I was a teenager…..but who didn’t drink back then! My mom started to drink alot when I was around 10. Her mom and dad had the illness as well. She left my dad when I was 16 because he was “too boring” so she could party…….and party she did. I moved in with her (I’m an only child) cause she said it would be more fun with her than with my father. I did and certainly did have fun; she could care less as to what I did as she was too busy in her party world. At the time I thought it was great to be able to do what I wanted but today I have much resentment that she did take better care of me. I got tied of this scene and moved back with my boring father, who by the way today is a great man! She continued on with her lifestyle of smoking and boozing and died at the young age of 52.

    I am writing this because I don’t want this to be my story. I too have realize that her illness has been passed on to me and I hate it. I have disappointed myself far too often now and embarrassed myself more times than I can remember.

    When I was 21 I met and then married my husband 3 years later then our children followed shortly after. We lead a normal life in every way but the only thing is that alcohol has always been a part of our relationship. We drank and had fun when we met and continued to drink at home after work to unwind. We still do to this day. I sometimes think it’s a 3 way relationship – me, hubby and the drink. We don’t talk about it often cause he thinks all is ok. When I have brought it up he says all is good cause we don’t fight, we have good jobs, great kids, a winter and a summer home etc. All this is true and we are happy and love each other but I have this guilt all the time. I guess we are what you would call functioning alcoholics. I am at the point though where I am sick of it. It’s not the same fun anymore. I hate how I feel in the mornings sometimes and ask myself why I would continue such a habit. Cause we’re addicted I guess. I worry now that the kids are older (12 & 15) what kind of impact this has on them. We aren’t ever mean to them but they see us with a drink most times. The worst is on weekends at our cottage. We could be doing work around the place such as raking, mowing the lawn, painting, cleaning etc. but a drink is always nearby to sip…..makes the work more fun! And a boat ride without booze is unheard of.

    Anyhow, by appearances you’d never know; people call us Ken and Barbie (even though) I’m brunette (lol) and we just look so normal but I don’t feel normal. I know that we are different from other couples. I’m tired of waking up in the morning on weekends and feeling like crap but pretending that everything is fine. I’ll sometimes sneak a drink before noon just to feel better. I’m tired of it. It never stops. But when noon comes we give ourselves permission to drink but this goes on all day until bed time. Sometimes with friends or neighbours and sometimes just us We don’t smoke, I don’t even drink coffee. We just like our beer, wine and coolers a little too much!

    So, since I’ve found this web site and have read some great success stories I’ve decided to give it a try. I’ve ordered the book, bought the L-Glutamine and Kudzu and ready to give this a roll. I know I’ll be ok until the end of the workweek but once Friday is here and we arrive at the lake this will be very tough. We always open a beer when we get there! I don’t plan to share my plan with my husband. He’ll obviously see a change in me and maybe I’ll inspire him. If he doesn’t have me as his drinking buddy anymore though what will happen? Of if I succeed in quitting and he continues will I resent him? These are the questions I ask myself.

    Thanks for listening and drop me a line if like. Oh by the way, today is day 2 for me AF!!


    My Story - From a Newbie

    Lynnie, Like the Attitude


    Our stories are somewhat similar, with my age of 46, happily married to a wonderful man and two sons, ages 20 and 24. My mother is a wonderful person, a very strong Christian. My dad, well, that's who I inherited the ugly disease from;which angers me.

    I am just attempting to curb the alcohol intake. I haven't been very successful but each day I try. I'm going to research NWO and decide if it's for me. IN Oct 2006, I underwent weight loss surgery and thus cannot drink beer so I went to alcohol which I had always disliked. I'm to the point now where I get shaky and nervous and the anxiety roars. Please keep me in your thoughts.

    Hang in there!


      My Story - From a Newbie


      Hi Flipper,

      Thanks fo your reply. So beer used to be your drink of choice? What do you drink now? The hard stuff? I really think you should consider giving this a try. order the book or pick it up at a bookstore near you if you can. From what I read it is very inspiring. Does your husband drink too?



        My Story - From a Newbie

        Welcome Lynnie and Flipper!


        You'll hear similar stories repeated here. Lynnie I think it's great that you've chosen a change because you wish for better health. You face an interesting road ahead, your husband may feel attacked at first because you're changing a system and lifestyle that he's come to feel comfortable in. You'll have to have a lot of compassion for yourself and for him as this gets underway. The only reason I mention it is that I would hate to see you change your mind when this reaction occurs. I'm not sure what your goals are but perhaps you can start off with AF weekdays and moderation during your off times at the cottage. But if AF is your absolute goal, then GO FOR IT!

        This is certianly something that we see being prevalent in family histories. It's been something that my own Mother has reminded me my entire life. She was aware of the tendencies in our family history and wanted her children to be able to make appropriate decisions. Flipper I-Ching, No Blame. Anger serves no purpose, it's like being upset that a parent passed on a gene that made you susceptible for cancer. Yes it's something to have to deal with in your life but certainly they didn't choose to pass this down to you. You can hope for your father's recovery be saddened if it's not occurring but as someone with the disease you should be able to have compassion for one that isn't able to overcome it at this point in their life.

        At any rate, welcome, good luck on your journeys. Pick some small goals and stick to them let some clarity and health from AF days, weeks, or even months settle in and figure out where to go from there!


          My Story - From a Newbie


          Writing this on the fly but wanted to say glad you're both here!

          magic xx :schmokin:
          ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
          I am in the next seat.
          My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


            My Story - From a Newbie

            Welcome to you too Flipper! Love the name!


              My Story - From a Newbie

              Welcome Flipper and Lynnie!! Glad you are both here, and I hope we can help you. I will be celebrating my first 30 days AF tomorrow - unblievable!!! The MWO program combined with a postitive and determined attitude works.

              Day 29 AF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *(my gold stars LOL!)
              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                My Story - From a Newbie

                Hi all...

                Hey Lynnie and all -
                I am also new and have been lurking for a couple of weeks. My story is quite similar to yours and I am ready to make a change. I got the whole pack of supplements from MWO and am starting slowly because sometimes I get headaches with vitamins/herbal things, so I am starting them a bit at a time. I have to say I LOVE the allone powder (though it tastes awful.) It's the first vitamins I've ever taken that I can feel the difference. I am waiting for the topa to come from overseas.

                Anyway, I am looking forward to participating and just doing this thing. All the people on this forum have so many great ideas and thoughts. and you all are becoming real people to me!!!!! You have supported me without my even existing there in cyberspace!

                I have four children ages 13 - 20, 2 are in college, great husband who can control his drinking better than me, great friends and spiritual life, nice house, work out of my home, active in the community, and it bugs the heck out of me that I can't stop drinking wine until I fall asleep. It happens 2 to 3 nights a week, I have 2 or 3 AF days a week, and 2 or 3 days when I have 2 glasses. If there was a pattern to what causes me to overindulge I would have figured it out sometime in the last 20 years (except Fri night is a given over the top....) I am just praying the supps, the CD's and the topa will do the trick. I want to moderate because I love to cook, and can't imagine a nice dinner without the complementary wine. I just don't need to keep complementing until 11pm!!!!!

                Thanks for listening, and I'm glad to come out of the dark here.


                  My Story - From a Newbie

                  Lynnie & Flipper, hi and welcome to MWO. Oh, how I relate to your stories. My mam too is an alcoholic. She's 78 now and has always drank but its got worse over the last 10-12 years. Its destroyed my family. I can also relate to your drinking. I am happily married with 2 kids and my husband and I enjoy our wine - he doesn't have a problem, I do. I found this site at the end of April and managed 42 AF days straight away. When I was on day 5 mam went back into hospital - I've lost count how many times - to get dried out and I thought this time was going to be her last as she really is pushing her luck physically. There was a lot of stress but with the help of MWO I was determined to stay AF. My mam's like a cat with 9 lives and she got through it again only to come out and start drinking again. I too am so worried thats going to be me in 40 years time. I planned to start drinking again, intending to moderate but I lost my dad at the end of June and one thing led to another or one drink led to another! This site is amazing though - the support and encouragement are what keeps you going. The vitamins and cds are a big part of the programme too and really helped me. So, its great to meet you - and thanks for sharing your stories with us. Good luck. Janicexxx
                  AF since 9 May 2012
                  Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                    My Story - From a Newbie

                    Hi Lynnie,

                    Loved your story and thanks for sharing. You are the first one I have read about here (so far) who had a mother like mine. I used to be the "designated driver" for my mom on the weekends when she went out to the bars when I was 16, 17. I thought it was cool to go to the bars with her and I often got served alcohol because I looked older than I was. Also, I grew up in Milwaukee, the drinking age was 18 then, and it wasn't unusual to see kids in bars there.

                    I realized as I got older and had kids of my own that my mom was really not a mother at all - she was more like a friend - which was great then, but didn't serve me later in life when I realized I had needed a mom and never had one. Fortunately, my mom is still around and has changed her ways. We have also done lots of healing work with our past although I still get pissed sometimes because our relationship is more like I'm the mother and she's the daughter. Still - I am grateful that she is here and healthy for the most part.

                    I am 43, mother of 3, married for 20 years. My husband and I have always had alcohol in our relationship as well. It was fun in the early years and he used to drink way more than me, but now he has a glass or 2 of wine a night and I just keep going till it's gone. I also love my beer and shots of tequila. He doesn't understand why I can't just quit at 1 or 2 - and honestly, I don't know the answer to that either. I have had issues with overindulgence all my life (mostly with food, but drinking too) and wonder if I will ever not struggle with it.

                    I have had some success with moderating on this program over the past year, but never have been able to go more than 6 days AF. I just always find a reason (often it is my husband) to have a drink and then I find myself in old patterns.

                    Anyway, welcome! I just got the courage to post for the first time about 2 weeks ago even though I read the book 2 years ago and have been doing the program off and on for a year or so - supps & CDs only - was afraid of the meds, but I got a topa prescription and am planning to start it on Sunday. (got 2 parties this weekend - lol) I am afraid it will work, so I am procrastinating about taking it. Sometimes I just am afraid to think about what my life will look like without alcohol in it, even though I desperately want to get control of it.

                    Hope to talk again.

                    Love & Light - GG


                      My Story - From a Newbie

                      Green Goddess;176147 wrote:

                      Sometimes I just am afraid to think about what my life will look like without alcohol in it,

                      A whole lot less blurry perhaps? :H

                      Little humor to lighten the mood.

                      Welcome Goddess. Big fan of the Love and Light closing, do it myself in letters.


                        My Story - From a Newbie

                        Hi Green Goddess and all who replied. It is truly inspiring to read your replies, support and stories of your own. I think the fact that we are here shows that we are determined to make a difference in our lives. I think we all feel guilty about what we are doing. I truly think though that women are tougher on themselves than men are. we are always striving for perfection. I know for myself am and when I drink too much I feel a feeling of self loating. I hate myself! I have too much going for me to waste my life this way. I also think that sometimes around the age of 40 it just hits us as we know we have lived half our lives and don't want the second half to be like to first.

                        Today is day 3 for me AF and my goal is to go 30 days and re-evaluate from there. I can't wait to wake up on the weekend and feel great. I am still awaiting the book and hope it arrives in time for me to read this weekend.

                        You are all great people and let's stick together.......we can do this!



                          My Story - From a Newbie

                          Lynnie: I just completed 30 days yesterday & my whole life has changed. I too was sneaking drinks in the am, & that only gets worse. Good luck & keep coming. Mary
                          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                          October 3, 2012


                            My Story - From a Newbie

                            Hi Lynnie

                            Could really identify with your story. It could be my husband and myself. Unfortunately like someone else said he can stop but I just dont seem to have an off button at times. We have two daughters aged 13 and 15 and I worry about the example I am setting them. Have had some success with this programme over the last year and had about three alcohol free months during the year. I ordered the topa overseas in June but it never arrived, however I intend to try and moderate until September and then when the girls go back to school really get into the programme with the cd's, herbs etc. Looking forward to seeing you on the boards and good luck



                              My Story - From a Newbie

                              Hi Lynnie and welcome:welcome:

                              I can relate to drinking and it becoming part of relationships ... probably why mine never lasted. I'm glad you have decided to turn things around and start changing it for the better!

                              Looking forward to getting to know you better!


