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    Hi Starlight!

    I'm with you --- soon to be closing out Day 10 and joining you on Day 11!! Congratulations!!!

    I wish I lost my appetite! I am eating healthy, but I certainly wouldn't mind having your problem. How do I get it???? LOL

    Anyway, I just wanted to say hi!




      Hi PL,
      Isn`t it just fab to be off the sauce!!
      Congrats to you too.
      Don`t understand where my appetite has gone...........I always loved my grub!!!, but now it`s like I just can`t really be bothered much with eating..........

      Starlight Impress x



        Goodness this one is starting early!! I'm still getting ready for bed on Day 8. Hope you folks get some sleep, it's dreamy...



          Well, that gave me a surprise this morning Star!!! You and Pink, your enthusiasm and motivation for staying AF is brilliant - I wish some of it would rub off on me.

          The last two days, especially the afternoons, I have been having this "discussion" in my head, about having a drink. You know the one, where you try to convince yourself that it can be different this time? Yesterday luckily my husband was home and I talked things over with him. He wants to support me with whichever way I decide to go but to be honest I don't think he realises the extent of my problem. He certainly isn't aware of how much I was drinking during the day. We're going to friends on Sunday for lunch and they LOVE their wine and I know thats going to be difficult. My husband won't be drinking cause he's having a blood test early the next morning so they're going to think we're both a lot of laughs!!! Then I've got 2 weeks of family holiday - a mixture of staying at home and going up to the north-east for a week. I'll be staying part of that week with mam, catching up with dad's garden etc but being in the same house as mam who is drinking herself silly, won't be easy. It'll either make me see sense or the stress of staying there will push me over the edge.

          I know I'm having these feelings because I'm starting to feel well and realistically I know I can't moderate, tried that - I don't know, maybe its time to get the hypno out now.

          Anyway, I'm going to be more positive today, keep myself busy - I'm in on my own but plan on tackling the house while everyone's out. I've got two teenagers who leave a trail of destruction everywhere they go!!! Still, I'm not moaning - I'll be missing that trail of destruction when they both go off to uni in September.

          I hope everyone is okay - I'm sorry I'm not very motivating at the moment and I must admit it was lovely coming on today and seeing someone else had started the thread. Hi to SuzieQ, and everyone else who joins us today.

          See you later

          * * * * * * * * * *
          AF since 9 May 2012
          Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


            NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 9

            Good morning Star, Pink, Bemjamin, Janice and all who come later. Well day 13 begins today and I am determined not to drink. Last night I had one of those discussions too Janice and decided on reflection that feeling healthy and well beats feeling as bad as I did when I first gave up. I never want to be in that place again, ever. I have been taking Campral and supps and have ordered the cds and I'm hoping when they come, they will keep me motivated and maybe help my sleep patterns improve. Anyways have a good day all,love to everyone, Joesgal xx


              NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 9

              My mam takes - or should I say is supposed to take - campral. Does you find you have had any side effects?? Janicexx
              AF since 9 May 2012
              Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 9

                Janice so far so good with the Campral, no side effects at all and I feel clear headed and well for the first time in longer than I can remember. Good luck, Joesgal xx


                  NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 9

                  Hi everyone,
                  I posted here a few times a couple of months ago, then went off the rails again. This time I want to do better. I'm just starting day 4 AF, which is where I fell down last time. Last night I really wanted to drink but I looked at posts on this site and that helped calm me down. Haven't slept all week, but feeling hopeful!
                  AF since December 22nd 2008
                  Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                    NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 9

                    Morning everyone, I was up late last night couldnt sleep. I am pleased that you all are doing so well, keep it up. Janice, Glad you are ok,Your situation sounds so similar to mine, my husband is very supportive but no he doesnt really understand and I think we have to accept that that is how it will always be.Unless you have had a problem like this you cannot understand as long as they remain supportive thats all that matters.I have kind of taken my hubby out of the equation now and just concentrate on getting my mindset right. The woman I saw on Tuesday said it would not be easy. Our minds have become used to using alcohol to numb us into oblivion and take all feeling away. We have to be strong to face whatever life throws at us without the alcohol,It has been out crutch for such a long time for me 5 years. However fright for me was the feeling holding me back and that is what I am trying to conquer. I know I can deal with life without alcohol and I just have to take that big step to prove it to myself and that is what I am doing.Janice when you think of the evening at your friends and the weeks ahead in holiday mode try to think of alcohol differently. Accept that you will feel regret because you cant have a glass that is ok to feel that but that is all it is regret, Look at the holiday and ask yourself why do I need to have a drink to enjoy it, and the answer is you dont but our minds are so preprogrammed to associate alcohol with certain situations that it just cannot contemplate how we we can do without it. The only way it is going to get used to it is by going without but allowing ourselves to feel regret this is what this counsellor was saying to me and it makes sense I hope it makes sense to you too. Sorry to ramble. Janice I come from the north east cleethorpes and I call my mum Mam as you do yours a very ne lincs saying, do you originate from the north east?? Have a great day everyone GGXXX


                      NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 9

                      Hi Star, Janice, Pinkie, & GG: I'm starting my next 30 days today. It feels wonderful! Last night we went to a cocktail party. It was my 3rd AF party this summer. I walked in w/a water bottle & stuck to selzer after I finished it. The sight of the wine, spirits, & pitchers of margaritas & mojitos didn't tempt me like they have previously. I knew if I took one drink:
                      -I'd fail my 30 day AF streak.
                      -I'd be obsessing all evening about when & how many times I could refill.
                      -I'd continue to binge today.
                      It's obviously much easier to deal w/parties after a little alcoholic lubrication, but I coped & got into it. I didn't wake up w/a hangover & am not wondering what I did or said. That feels great.

                      Please keep going. You can do it.

                      Love, Mary
                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 9

                        Congrats to all who are having abs streaks!

                        Janice, that party with friends sounds tough. Do you have to go? As for the vacation, well
                        I think it will be nicer and more enjoyable if you are not battling hangovers every other day. And I could be wrong, but I bet seeing the damage your mother does to herself will be a wakeup call, not an incentive.

                        Garden Girl: glad you are getting professional help on this. This woman you are seeing sounds wonderful.

                        I decided not to drink for a week. Last weekend, I had 6 drinks in one night and that is WAY too much. That is a huge amount for me now and causes a hangover, unhealthy etc. I want to moderate and I feel I can do it.


                          NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 9

                          Hi everyone just to let you know that i will be off line untill sunday as I m going away with family for a few days. Wish everyone good luck with their goals and I will let you know how I am doing on Sunday, Have a good weekend everyone GG XXXX


                            NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 9

                            Wow, great job making it through the Party Mary!

                            Garden Girl you sound ready to take on the day.

                            Janice the wine is nothing more than ceremony for friends to open up to one another in order to laugh and talk about things that are on their minds. As long as you don't make a big deal out of it your friends shouldn't feel uncomfortable. Have a couple of stories ready or perhaps learn a joke or two to break the ice and move into the conversation. After all them having a drink isn't about you, it's about them.

                            Good Day to you as well Joesgal.

                            Welcome Marshy :welcome:

                            SI... Fab!! I love it!

                            Have a great Day Everyone!


                              NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 9

                              I've probably missed you Garden Girl but have a good few days, it will do you good - and yes, I do come from the north-east! Hi to Benjamin, Nancy, Mary, Marshy and Joesgal - hope today is going okay.

                              AF since 9 May 2012
                              Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

