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    Hi everyone, I'm late dropping in, been working.
    I have had a very good af week, and feel so much better for it. Sleep is a problem for me also, I tend to spend my nights reading. Have a good weekend GG. I know how you feel
    about drinks with friends Janice, we have friends like this, I don't bother about it now I
    just say no thanks, after a while they get used to it. My friend asked me why I didn't drink
    anymore so I told her I must have developed an allergy to it, said I get migraine if I drink.
    I couldn't tell her the real reason as she would'nt understand. I do have one special friend
    who I met at AA some years ago so I am happy in her company, as we understand oneanother. I am working again this weekend so I am fairly confident I won't drink.
    Hope you all achieve what ever you wish for.
    Love Paula. xx



      Drink problem improving, can't say the same for my typing.!!




        Well done everyone - sounds as if you've all got a handle on it. :goodjob: I on the other hand am not doing so well this week. I've had one af day so far and feel that I've slipped back into my old ways.

        However, I'm not going to beat myself up about it and am going to take productive steps. I've taken myself in hand and have ordered some L-glut and will take that in tandom with the Kudzu. Mary - you always continue to inspire me so I'm determined to crack it eventually although it may take some time. I totally agree about what you say to friends. I told one friend who I went out with that I was on a detox, but as you can't be on a permanent detox I think the migraine thing is a great solution. I hope I can get as far as saying that to people and not having a drink! How are you doing Janice?

        GG the advice from your counsellor is spot on - thanks for sharing it. It has certainly made me think. I'm a southern lass myself (Hertfordshire Hedgehog, although I live in Bedfordshire) but certainly admire the direct northern way. I used to work with a girl from Newcastle and she took me home for the weekend. The people were the nicest that you would ever wish to meet. One girl in the ladies loo was admiring my lipstick and asked me where I got it from. I did wonder whether she was gay and was coming on to me until my friend pointed out that it was the norm. If you did that in London you'd probably get beaten up.

        Anyway enough of my waffle - hope you all have a fabulous weekend.

        Take care



          Well done to everyone on their AF days and well done Janice for not caving...!

          Sweet Cheeks, like you, i haven't been that good lately. I haven't been that bad, but on Thursday night, i bought a 1/2 bottle and took it home. That is a big no-no to me... The fact that i drove out to the bottle shop after i finished it is proof that i am not ready to moderate yet. Needless to say, i had a shocking hangover on Friday.

          Then, we had a family function yesterday and i went out with my cousins. I was pretty good, i moderated all night, but they kept on buying me drinks, which made it hard for me to stay sober. So, all in all, on Friday night, after a big night Thursday, i had about 5-6 drinks, which isn't too bad as it was spread out over a period of 6 hours.

          So, anyway, i am back to AF day 1 today. I am going for two weeks and then for another month. I am going to try to incorporate exercise into the plan. The basis for my drinking is that i am miserable, but i need to combat this with exercise, rather than drinking

          Good luck everyone, i hope you're going well!
          One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


            NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 9

            hi everyone, going on day 9af. what a haul.starting to be able to sleep at nite.I feel like i should have some tapes or something.When i feel like drinking i oo do yard work.reading this site helps sooo much!!so thanks to everyone


              NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 9


              Had a naughty weekend and drank far too much. Felt really crappy this morning. Am on a quest this week to see how many af days I can string together. I'm needing as much moral support as I can get as I'm wavering big time at the moment.



                NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 9

                Sweet, Stop wavering! Get a hold of the beast and tell IT that you are not drinking today and keep yourself busy. Think about how good you will feel tomorrow with no hangover. You have to take charge. We are here for you. Don

