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question on the book

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    question on the book

    question-the book is about a hundred and something dollars.. i will order it, however i heard people say you can download it. does that mean you wouldnt have to pay that price?

    question on the book

    the book

    Hi there! The book is not $100. I just ordered it to be delivered to my bookstore and it cost me under $25 canadian. Where did you get that quote?



      question on the book

      Hi Me,

      The book itself is NOT 100 dollars. That is the kit that also comes with the supplements. You should be able to order the book separately. If you want to take the kudzu, then it is wise to order from here as quality is a big factor there.

      Another book you may wish to order is Seven Weeks to Sobriety by Joan Matthews-Larson. This book also discusses the nutritional aspects of creating a life apart from alcohol. You may be especially interested in this book because it does address the depression issue. I read your other post, but cannot respond right now.

      Welcome, Me. Read the boards, spend lots of time here, post a lot. You will feel at home in no time!

      Big hugs,


        question on the book

        Hi again,

        Okay, the book in download format is 12.95. You go to the health store (you can get there from the home page on MWO) and click on the version of the book that says PDF. The more expensive package might be the book and the Hypno CDs - it would come with 4 CDs. You can get the print it yourself version in PDF today.

        Good luck!


          question on the book

          whew. ok 100 bucks is alot for a book! well, i already ordered the supplements ( glutamine, and kudzu) so i just will order the book then. thanks guys!!


            question on the book

            Okay, Me. Yes, it was good to order the supplements too. You can order the book alone or with the CDs.

            Again - Hugs,


              question on the book

              ok thanks guys. i ordered the book from this site at amazon for twelve bucks, and the "Seven Weeks to Sobritey " book you suggested.. thanks! im glad i didnt spend the hundred since i already have lots of the supplements and dont listen to cd's.

