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Scary withdrawals this morning

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    Scary withdrawals this morning wishing you all the best.

    Good luck.

    Starlight Impress x


      Scary withdrawals this morning

      You're doing well, I think you will be fine, you have gone from 16 to 4 beers so you are on your way.

      Well done.

      Diamond xx
      I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
      I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

      Marilyn Monroe


        Scary withdrawals this morning

        Sounds like a great plan. Keep us posted.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          Scary withdrawals this morning

          All the best to you Iwantout! I admire your determination!


            Scary withdrawals this morning

            Hi iwonouti just quit a few days ago,I normally drink about a dozen beers a day.My wife is reeal before yesterday i had a real bad time.shakes, super anxietry,sweats chills. I drank lots&lotsofwater! didn't sleep all night My wife stayed with me all nite,by 9:am exhaustion set in ,still could;nt sleep,still had most symptons,by evening i started to relax,by midnite hungry,got 3 hrs rest. kept up my program yesterday,today i feel good. i just wanna say if you go cold turkey it's really hard,dangerous,n,scary.I've got a wife n 3 sons that help me .BE CAREFUL! @welcome


              Scary withdrawals this morning

              Hi Iwantout,
              Plenty of good advice, re C.vit and water but please stick to recommended
              dosage, and it is possible to drink too much water.
              Best wishes Paula.


                Scary withdrawals this morning

                Yes, I did. It worked for me. But...we are all different. But I hope you find your way soon!

                I had terrifying withdrawals one morning in May - shaking, no legs, clammy, breathing all over the place, palpitations and little black insects in my peripheral vision - I really thought I was going to die and, boy, did I make a decision just then... (just to scare you out of getting worse!! DON'T go there, it's scary and dangerous.)

                I saw my doc and confirmed that cut down was best - I did one cm of brandy in a narrow glass (a UK pub measure) 4 times a day for 4 days. Actually, after two days I didn't want No. 4 and on day 3 I had one and day four I didn't take it....78 days ago now...!

                The best of luck and courage to you. You CAN do this.

                Feet x
                :heart: c: :heart:
                "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

