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Kudzu questions ?? - Please help.....

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    Kudzu questions ?? - Please help.....

    Hi there,

    Those of you who have used you really think it helps? Do you really notice a difference?

    And if it does work, do you take it just when you are fealing "weak"? or do you have to take it consistently for it to take effect?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am considering buying this stuff but it does sound too good to be true.



    Kudzu questions ?? - Please help.....

    Hi again Lynnie! I take Kudzu, but I also take the full range of supplements recommended in the book, and in the more recent update. The down side to that is I can't really say exactly what difference Kudzu makes compared to L-Glut, etc.

    What I CAN say is that I believe in this program as outlined. The only part I chose not to do is the prescription meds such as Topomax. I actually ordered Topomax from outside the US (River Pharmacy). But I started the supplements and CD hypnosis before the Topomax arrived. By the time it arrived, I was probably a week or so into AF (alcohol free) and was feeling good about things - so it sits here unopened.

    Long story - but bottom line is that I recommend doing it just like the book says if you can. I also ordered all the supps through here - there is a big difference in quality out there. And very little control in the supplements game.

    Best wishes!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Kudzu questions ?? - Please help.....

      Hello there Kudzu works within a half hour for me and it is great ! It is still an effort, but much easier... Best of luck to you,

      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~

