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I've been free of heavy drinking for 6yrs.

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    I've been free of heavy drinking for 6yrs.

    Thank God! I do not have drinking problem at the moment, I use to be very bad.
    I've found Mr.Right, but he is a heavy drinker, I can see my old habits in him, he keep on lying to me about his drinking problems.I see through him, I love him to bits. He is neglecting himself, his work and me, I'm not sure I can cope with the selfishness of a heavy drinker like myself again. I have been there. Somebody advised me to introduce him to MWO. I'm not sure is the right thing ,I registered in this site today to enable me have an idea about it, before telling him about it .

    I really want to him, but I'm afraid,can somebody help me!!!


    I've been free of heavy drinking for 6yrs.

    Hi bluelight2007,
    By all means ask your man to take a look at this site, so long as you appreciate that noone will confront their alcohol problem until they`re good and ready.

    Like yourself, I had a lengthy sobriety.......1992-2002.
    Met a new partner in 2002.......he was an alcoholic, which awakened the dormant alcoholic in me...before I knew it, I was a drunk again.

    I chose to leave him 18 mths. ago.

    Am now 11 days alcohol free, thanks to M.W.O.

    I wish you luck and love.

    Starlight Impress x


      I've been free of heavy drinking for 6yrs.

      Has he indicated a strong desire to quit drinking that was not prompted by you? If he really wants to quit, by all means tell him about the site. If he is just saying he wants to quit because of you and is not really making an attempt, I would be cautious (learn from Starlight's story). You may want to check out codependent's anonymous for yourself to help you figure out why someone who has lied to you is "Mr. Right". (I don't believe there is 1 right person for us by the way, I think there are many people we can be happy with). Please teke care of yourself. Your have much to be proud of with your 6 years of sobriety.


        I've been free of heavy drinking for 6yrs.

        Telling someone to stop drinking when they don't want to doesn't work. especially if they don't see it as a problem.
        You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


          I've been free of heavy drinking for 6yrs.

          Oh Boy, Bluelight.... Take care wont you? Don't do anything rash (drink/move in) until you've given the 'candy-floss-time' of early attraction time to settle? Enjoy the ride but keep a BIG eye on your 6 years; NOBODY is worth feeling that bad again for..?

          And if you want him to stop drinking and share your joy of being sober, you've got to stay sober. So if you think he's wonderful give him the best gift you can - a sober you that he can want to emulate!

          God luck - a typo I'll leave in! - Good Luck. "To think own self be true and therefore thou canst not be false to any man", especially a special one!

          Feet x
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

