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Day one

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    Day one


    Am on day one with quite a hangover. Have ordered the Kutzu and hope it helps. Tried many other products without success. Think the biggest reason for my failure is trying to do it alone and keep it all a secret. Glad this website it here so I can relate to others like me.:thanks:

    Day one

    Hi Aileen and welcome.
    Have been drinking again these past 5 yrs., and have now been alcohol free for 11 days, thanks to coming here.

    I wish you much success.

    Starlight Impress x


      Day one



      Hi there ! This is a good first sep. Day 3 for me!



        Day one

        This is great


        Been drinking for 30 of my 44 yrs, so know this is not going to be easy. Have quit a few times for short stints but never had anyone I could talk to about it. All my family and friends are drinkers so they don't see my problem. I am a binge drinker and am beginning to miss a lot of work, due to killer hangovers. NOT GOOD!:blah:


          Day one

          Aileen: Keep coming here. I am 31 days sober...the most sobriety I've had in many a year. It's all due to MWO. Mary
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            Day one

            Welcome Aileen. This site, the book, kudzu, cd's and the whole program are very helpful. My husband noted the other day that I am doing better with this than with anything else I have tried. He often has seemed unaware of how much I drank but now I know he just didn't know what to say and has really noticed the change with the mwo program.


              Day one

              Hi Aileen

              welcome..cant say I,ve packed in the booze totally but moderating and not many bottles in my recycling.
              difficult whensurrounded by a family of drinkers(I am too)..My aduly kids drink..sometimes bingeing(well that had me and hubby for an example!!)

              Its never to late to change the pattern..little steps.

              I love coming on here as it gives me inspiration to keep moderating and not go back to the bottle a night habit!!!

              Good Luck...Cassy


                Day one

                HI Reteacher

                I am so so pleased for you with your 31 days of sobriety....Fantastic news .i used to read your earlier posts and the strugle you had to get going.

                Keep posting you are an inspiration to us all.

                regards Cassy


                  Day one

                  Hi Aileen
                  Welcome - Cassy (you're so right, thanks for putting it so simply!) has said it all, "It's never too late to change the pattern... LITTLE STEPS" (!) That's what seems to be working for me. "Knit by the stitch not the yard - the wool gets really tangled by the yard!" If I look too far ahead or count too much I feel a bit I don't!!!
                  And you've said the rest - yes, don't try this alone. (You're not alone if you're here anyway!) Hold ANY (sober!) hand you can for the first several days and be prepared for tricky days 3 and 4 but you can do it - just cut the day into moments of not drinking and nothing longer.
                  God luck (I'll leave that typo actually!...)
                  Good Luck and blessings.
                  'Feet' x (77-ish days so if I can!)
                  :heart: c: :heart:
                  "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                    Day one

                    Welcome Aileen! I too drank heavily for 30 years - and REALLY heavily in the last several years. I am pleased to be on Day 31 alcohol free - a seeming impossibility just one short month ago. I credit the entire MWO program - the book, all of the supplements, the hypnosis CD's and this discussion forum for making it possible, as others before me have mentioned. It still takes determination to quit - at least I have to stay positive and determined - but it's such a relief to have a tried and true program to go with it.

                    Best wishes! Hope you are onto Day 2 by now.

                    Day 30 + 1 AF
                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      Day one

                      Hi Aileen and welcome,
                      hope you find all the help you need.

