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Newbies in Need - Day 10

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    Newbies in Need - Day 10

    Well I'm going to keep this short and sweet today as I don't think my mood justifies me starting this thread off. I won't do any of you any good. I really struggled yesterday and even got the glass out of the cupboard at one point. I've felt so down as well and I think thats why I'm tempted to reach for a drink, because I think "well I fancy one and I'm down anyway..." If my GP wasn't away for 3 wks I would definitely go and ask him for campral. Anyway, sorry everyone - I just don't know why I'm feeling like this when last week I felt so positive about everything.

    Good luck everyone today. Janicexx
    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

    Newbies in Need - Day 10

    Hi Janice,sorry you are feeling low.All i can say is try to ride it out- it will pass.Sending a big hug xx


      Newbies in Need - Day 10

      Hi Janice,
      Thanks for starting us off even though you're feeling bad - that takes some doing. Well done for not giving in. Doesn't your GP have someone covering for him while he's away who you could go and see? Even if it's just a one doc practice they get a locum in to cover holidays.
      Good luck today. Don't get that glass out of the cupboard!!
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        Newbies in Need - Day 10

        Hi all ...I'm up early for me this morning pacing the floors waiting for the sun to come up and waiting for the gym to open up so I can get going on a treadmill to burn some energy!!!!

        Janice, I'm sorry you are having a tough time, but that is what we are here for ... not only the good times.

        Just want to say "Have a Good Day" to all!!!!

        Love, Cap


          Newbies in Need - Day 10

          Hi everyone,
          I'm off to work soon, and working all weekend. Janice, you help us all so much now you
          must let us help you. Please get to see a GP. you may just find what help you need in a
          locum or another dr. in the practice. Please try not to pick up a drink because I know you
          will only feel worse afterwards. I have done it so many times and it's not worth it.
          Sending you love. Hope everyone has a good day. Paula.xx


            Newbies in Need - Day 10

            Good morning Janice, wakeupmom, Marshy, CAPRICORN1, paula and all to come.

            Janice, the strength you`ve already shown is the strength you still have within hasn`t deserted you at all. I`m so relieved that you resisted last were sorely tempted, but didn`t give in.........that takes enormous courage and self discipline. I very much agree with the "whatever it takes" perspective, and if you feel campral would be your saving- grace.......go right ahead and get yourself armed with some as soon as possible. Am not so keen on consulting with a locum myself, as they aren`t really familiar with the patient`s history, but your G.P. is going to be away for an entire 3 wks, and I don`t think you should wait that long for the campral, feeling as you do. Please go see the locum.

            Cap, am inspired by your eagerness to get to the gym........good for you!!! Am somewhat loathe to exercise, but know I have to give myself a swift kick up the backside and get myself active.

            Paula, hope you can find some "me time" over your busy weekend........think it`s essential for all of us battling this thing, to be able to find a little time for ourselves to unwind.......therapeutic.

            Had very busy and productive day yesterday working on my house. Moved here a year ago and haven`t did anything with the place since moving in as I was "otherwise engaged", i.e. drinking. So, feels great to have just made a start on my To Do list.
            HOWEVER!!!........felt exhausted when I`d finished working and the exhaustion, along with the fact that it was a gloriously sunny evening here in Glasgow, made me think as of all know THAT know, it goes:"Oh, it`s such a perfect night for a nice chilled glass of Char, and surely all my hard work means I`ve earned it........."

            Could have really enjoyed some wine last night, and that really made me stop and think how I didn`t always drink because I was feeling upset or depressed........I drank for any feable excuse I could invent, like using alcohol as a "reward" for hard work, or to "quench my thirst", seeing as how it was so hot........EXCUSES, EXCUSES, EXCUSES!!!!

            BUT...........not last night......... NO WAY........NO HOW!!!!
            Could so easily have drank due to the aforementioned excuses, but my self-belief is currently so strong that I just knew that I wouldn`t drink, and I didn`t drink.

            I still vividly recall the taste of Char. and just how much I appreciate its taste. However, it`s taste is bitter-sweet now, as I reflect on all the damage it has caused in my life.
            Am seriously beginning to enjoy not drinking........a pleasant surprise.

            Day 12 AF for me, who never thought I could get through the very first day.
            Guess I just didn`t believe in myself, and now I do.

            Drink was my "all", which is how I can truthfully say that if I can do it, anyone can.

            Have a beautiful day, my friends.

            Love and luck,

            Starlight Impress x


              Newbies in Need - Day 10

              Hi Everyone: Janice, you are still grieving, & there's no shame in that. You can feel all those feelings (in a way, they honor Dad), & you don't need to muffle them w/alcohol. Just remember how much worse you'd be feeling today if you had filled the glass.

              Star, congrats on day 12. When I got into the double digits, I felt so great. I hope you do too. The alcohol is completely out of your system, but it needs time to readjust. After 31 days, I'm just beginning to see the long-term benefits of sobriety.

              Love to all, Mary
              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                Newbies in Need - Day 10

                hi everyone, thanks for your support. I'm fine and I know that a lot of it last night was "dad" thoughts and basically feeling really sorry for myself!!! Today I've kept myself busy with shopping (bought some non-alcoholic wine, just in case....!!), jobs around the house and gardening. My hubby's on his two week break from tonight so probably won't get on the boards much as we've got a busy weekend then we're away Monday and Tuesday, home for a few days then up to the north-east for his second week. Whoever's on first please can you start the daily thread off? Good luck everyone!! Janicexxx
                AF since 9 May 2012
                Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                  Newbies in Need - Day 10

                  Well done Janice for hanging in there. We all have good and bad days and I'm sure you feel exceptionally proud of yourself for resisting the temptation.

                  I still have times where mum's death is so raw and it is easy to pour out a glass to drown your sorrows, which unfortunately I still do although it's more under control these days. Starlight you're doing so well. It must make you feel so good to be able to do some jobs around the house and actually feel motivated to do them.

                  I hope that you can get sorted with some meds if you feel it will help you. I know that a locum isn't really a good substitution for your GP who obviously knows you, but if it helps you to keep on the straight and narrow then it's worth going.

                  Big hugs from Sunny Luton and have a fantastic weekend.


                    Newbies in Need - Day 10

                    Whew.... been a busy day today, haven't had any time to check in aside from filling in my "zero" for yesterday on the drink tracker!

                    Greets to all.

                    Just a though before I get back to work. It's too often that I see folks get down on themselves for having the thought that they want a drink and treat it as some sort of bad day. Here's what we know... Those of us that have allowed ourselves to become addicted are going to have those thoughts for at the very least 90 days. It is not our thoughts that count, it is our actions. Think of it this way, thoughts are not our own, they come from the void and are returned to the void, it is how we react to them that make us who we are. When you get a craving, acknowledge it, observe it, and try to let it pass back to where it came. It's a basic meditation exercise applied to a specific issue. If you're here, if you're trying, if you're aware and a moving towards change... IT'S A GOOD DAY!!

                    :l :l :l To All!

