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Newbies in Need - Day 11

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    Newbies in Need - Day 11

    Morning newbies, Saturday morning and its a nice one here in England. I'm up early, got lots to do but have managed a few sneaky minutes on the computer. Feeling much better thanks to you guys giving me a kick up the 'you know what' and a lovely pm which has done me the world of good - thank you!!

    Well, this is the place to be if you want to make some changes to your drinking habits - we are all individuals, from different parts of the world with this one thing in common! Its so inspiring coming on here and reading all your posts and hearing about your progress. It doesn't matter what you're aiming for - abstinence, moderation, 30 days, 90 days -change is what we're all wanting and its lovely being able to "talk" to people who understands exactly how you're feeling. Pop in and say hi especially if this is your first time at MWO.

    Talking about change - welcome back Change!!! I remember you from May newbies!! Good luck!!

    Some advice guys - in May, I really got into the hypno cds - although I must admit the night-time one wasn't easy. I know I need to dust the cobwebs off and pull them out again, they really made a big difference to how far I got with the programme. Is anyone else doing them??? How do you manage the night-time one - I used my ipod but the earphones kept falling out whenever I turned over!!! Anyway, would be just interested to know who's doing them or not.

    Right, enough of me rambling on - might get on later, if not have a great day everyone and remember stay positive!!!! (lol, I need talk!!!!)

    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

    Newbies in Need - Day 11

    Morning everyone,
    Well, last night was the first Friday night I've been sober in about 20 years! So today I'm starting AF day 6. Saturday was always my biggest drinking day, so I stocked up on food yesterday so I have no need to go into a shop today and face temptation. And I'm going to be staying in tonight with a fridge full of Sprite and the TV for company. Fun, fun, fun!!
    It's a beautiful day in London and I'm off for a long bike ride to get rid of some booze flab. Have a good day everyone, and glad you're feeling better Janice
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      Newbies in Need - Day 11

      Congratulations on your first Friday night sober in 20 years Marshy! That is an achievement.

      And, soft drink and herbal tea works great for me as a substitute... most of the time. Also, i like chocolate biscuits too.

      Janice, thanks for the welcome back. I have been lurking for a while, but broke my AF days about a week ago, and big time Thursday night. Alcohol is such a depressent, i have been feeling aweful.

      Day 1 of AF for me again!
      One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


        Newbies in Need - Day 11

        Good morning Janice, Marshy, Change and all yet to come.

        Janice, so happy for you to hear you`re feeling stronger again. I had many false starts before I finally got off the starting blocks for real. Losing your dad has really been devastating for`re remarkable to be trying so hard. I`d probably just be drinking myself silly if under the same circumstances, as I`ve said so many times in the past that I`m not one of life`s great copers. I admire your courage and determination.

        Marshy, I can relate to you having your 1st sober Friday for about 20 yrs and how proud you are of yourself. Am delighted with your 6 AF days and wish you many more. Admire your commitment to staying off the made me chuckle to hear how you`ve stocked up on groceries so as to steer clear of the "danger zone" hard to resist buying the offending beverage when it`s calling your name from the supermarket`s easier not to have to encounter shops which sell it in the first few days of abstaining.

        Sorry you`ve not been feeling so good, Change. I like the term "false start" now, because I think we all experience those before we go AF for real, but I think those false starts are invaluable, as each attempt causes us to become stronger and weakens the alliance we`ve formed with alcohol.So happy to have you back with us and to see you "going for gold" again. Good luck.

        Day 13 AF for me so glad it`s not Fri..........I`d probably worry myself silly that my AF run was jinxed!!! LOL
        Would just like to say that I`m beginning to seriously love not drinking, but like Mary said before, none of us can afford to allow ourselves to become complacent and let down our guard, so am faithfully polishing my shield each night before I head off to sleep ha ha

        Enormous change in the weather here........overcast and rainy, but no amount of rain can dampen my enthusiasm.

        Life without alcohol sure is sweet!!!!

        Have a fab Saturday all.

        Much love,

        Starlight Impress x


          Newbies in Need - Day 11

          Hi Everyone: I just can't explain how important you all are to me. I'm just beginning day 3 of my second 30 day stint. I'm aiming for 90 AF days. I feel that my mind might be back to normal in 90 days. I know that if I have 1 drink, it'll unlease a binge. I can admit I'm an alcoholic, but it's still hard for me to look into the rest of my life wo/wine. That's why the 30 day stretches seem manageable. I'm feeling so much better about myself & everyone around me. I love you all, Mary
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            Newbies in Need - Day 11

            Good Morning to All!

            It has been a while since I have posted. I have been very busy on my project and unable to easily get on line.

            I have been trying to catch up on all the posts and it seems like most are doing very well!

            Starlight and Mary, both of you are trucking a long so nicely. Yea!!!

            I have stayed moderated, as usual, in a pm to someone I was saying that I guess I am just not ready to say good-bye to my "friend" completely. However, not getting drunk is great and 2 or 3 a night means not waking up hungover, etc. But, AF is where I want to be.

            Hope all have a wonderful weekend, what is left of it. I fly back Sunday night so mine is short. :-(

            However, I did at least get to come home this weekend so I was only stuck in St. Louis for two weeks and not three in a row.

            AF April 9, 2016


              Newbies in Need - Day 11

              Hi all

              Janice: regarding the CDs, I have a feeling they are really valuable and also wish I did them more religiously. I tried very hard this week but only managed to do subliminal every day and clearing and one hypnotic. As for nighttime, the ability to play on a loop all night long seems broken on my CD player. for me that is better than using headphones (it doesn't have to be that loud). Use of certain kinds of headphones that are more comfortable is discussed in some threads on the holistic healing section. A while back, I looked for materials that help you relax relieve stress. I read that guided visualization really helps and these CDS offer that. So I want to do them more also.

              Last night, I had 4.5 lite beers. Not good, but not horrible. I had 1.5 the night before that and stopped. That was it for the week and I probably won't have much this weekend.

              I look forward to the day when I don't think about it that much and naturally have less.

              Hard work!


              PS Keep up the fabulous progress Mary!


                Newbies in Need - Day 11

                Hi everyone,
                Iv'e had a very busy day, same tomorrow.Glad your back on form Janice.
                Good to hear from you DB2 Hope you soon feel better change, know just how
                you feel Mary, well done day 13 star.
                Love to all Paula.xx


                  Newbies in Need - Day 11

                  Day 8 here, after I dropped the ball a week ago Thursday. My Kuzu finally came in the mail on Thursday. Still waiting on my Vivitrol shot from the Dr. but he said early next week. I just watched movies at the theater all day yesterday, then rode my bike around last night. Painted all day today, then went and ran at 7 p.m (still 98 degrees then!!). Think I will watch a movie here and then just crash out. Glad I found yous guys and this program. None of that AA mind control mess here (read The Real AA by Ken Ragge, sorry if some of you use that program), just good honest people. I bet this place could have even saved Charles Bukowski!!
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                  Trill Recognizes Trill

