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    Hi Newbies & Olbies too:

    I've been thinking about this thread (the changes I've experienced in 32 AF days) as a motivator for me & anyone out there. Please feel free to add to this. You don't have to have a lot of sobriety. I started feeling different within a week of stopping. I'll start w/my first change. Physical. I (obviously) have no more hangovers. I don't wake up w/a racing heart, sweaty, & w/a giant headache. My blood pressure is back to normal. Also, I'm not constantly worried about what I'm doing to my brain, liver, kidneys, heart, & all the internal organs which can be effected by alcohol. Also, there is a known link between alcohol & breast cancer, & I've obsessed about that as well. In the midst of my drinking, I got a complete physical & came out OK (good genes). But, how long would that last? I'm 62, & I knew my body would not be able to withstand the alcoholic onslaught forever. Even when I'm a little tired or a little under-the-weather, it's nothing compared to how I felt when I was drinking 3 - 5 times per week. My body is very grateful that I've stopped. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


    That's great, Mary! At 62, you're still young and have many, many years ahead of you to enjoy excellent health. The liver regenerates itself, and there's evidence that with proper supplements, the brain can even generate new grey matter (can't remember where I read/heard that, so grain of salt, please!)

    I've been modding for two months, with mixed success. I KNOW I'm drinking less than I did before finding MWO, but it's still TOO MUCH. I've been trying to convince myself that whatever "health" benefits there are to a glass of wine a day (for me it's almost never ONE glass!), there are many more in skipping the empty calories, stupid behavior, lethargy, and quality of life issues, such as feeling crappy. Even financial issues, since I won't drink jug wine or wine-in-a-box, so my booze is a big part of our budget.

    During my month AF, I lost a pound a week, stopped feeling "deprived" at about Day 10, and slept like a baby. I woke up groggy, though, but I think that was my body tired from regenerating all night, rather than filtering which is what it had been doing.
    "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams



      Well, am only Day 13 AF, but I just feel that life is opening up to me in every respect, with so many wonderful opportunities coming my way........the same opportunities that existed all along, only I just couldn`t see them when living in my former booze bubble.

      When I was drinking every night, I was prone to thinking:"Wouldn`t it be good if......."
      Now I am beginning to realize some of those wishes.

      AF truly is a whole new world..........amazing, actually.

      Starlight Impress x



        Hi retteacher
        Thanks! Yes, I feel so much better - more than I imagined... I too am glad to be rid of those awful mornings - I only had a few of them and they really, really frightened me!! But, now, yes, Starlight, well said, I'm out of my booze-bubble and I am realising just how much booze had probably been affecting me for years. I actually wonder just how much it affects anyone who drinks more than the (real and not estimated!) levels suggested for health each week?!?!? (and that's one hell of a lot of people let's face it!) I'm really not sure I am a 'real alcoholic (whatever I mean by that and meaning no disrespect to anyone at all) but do I feel better for not having and of it in my system!! I might go for mods one day but funnily enough now, when I think about it I think, well, ok have a glass of wine at my daughter's wedding next month and then I think - one glass? And not, is that all but, 'Why bother? Don't need it to enjoy myself. Wont have a hangover (like so many will!!!)' and suddenly I'm not worried about no wedding champers any more.

        Soooh much is lovely now - my relationships, the world, nature, music, theatre (go on, I'll say it nobody else dares to!!!...) love-making .... I'm awake now!! I thought I was doing ok but in comparison, crikey...!! (In life, not that!....)

        And I too, am beginning to get so much done!! No wonder so much had backed up -I was doing it but at about 30%!!! I'm tired from activity and late nights cos I'm so busy now and not from my poor ol' body trying to mend all the time as you said, Zincityzen! I'm back to my 'youth' - as in 20's - when I only needed 6 hours (or got with babies!!) sleep a night! And I fall asleep now and remember it and not wonder how I got there! I am soooh sorry for the time I have lost with my lovely man...I didn't realise that I was
        missing out until I wasn't! (I wasn't often unconscious but in a way I was - 30% awareness isn't much!)

        Thanks for this one and keep going guys in whatever way. reteacher - 32 days is fab, I hope you go on gleaning the benefits as you go on further...
        Starlight - that's fab too... 13 days must be begining to make a real difference. I've got to about 78 and still go on feeling better every day...and I've lost the size now too! Yippee! Lost 10lbs in weight but got bigger (?!?!) but now it's falling off and I feel so much better - lighter (!) and not embarassed by my 'extra-ness'!!!!

        Have a good day/evening all.
        'Feet' x
        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."



          Mary this is another great thread - wonderful food for thought. I am on Day 32 AF and so glad I did.

          Health has been mentioned up thread, and that is turning out to be a BIG benefit for me. It wasn't the #1 reason I quit, but it's quickly becoming the #1 reason I will stay quit. I credit the absence of booze plus the addition of the healthy MWO supplements with the following improvements already:

          1. I was having severe pain in my left foot - felt like a broken bone but no bone was broken - along with scary swelling every day in my left foot and ankle. My right ankle would swell some too, but not to the degree of pain or size as the left one. Already, the pain is probably 95% gone, and the swelling is 100% gone on the right (I can see my ankle bones even at bed time!) and probably 95% swelling gone on the left - most days anyway. I've started to journal my food and exercise to see if I can identify any connections there for better or worse.

          2. I am MUCH calmer, and in a better mood a higher % of the time. I wasn't really paying attention to that, but Mr. Doggy comments almost daily. He points out general things, but also specific situations and how they would have gone previously, and how they tend to go now. I'm sure a reduced stress level and more positive outlook overall is good for my inards.

          3. Quitting the booze motivated me to start exercising again and to start eating in the most healthy way I've found for my old bod again. I've lost 10 pounds which I know is good for me - even though I have a HUGE pile more to go. (anyone want some fat? I'll happily share! )

          There is type II diabetes on my father's side of the family. Diet and especially SUGAR (vodka = sugar) are bad bad bad with that running in my genes. So even though I haven't yet had blood tests, etc., I am happy just to know that these changes improve my chances in fighting that beast.

          These health things are quickly becoming THE number 1 thing that comes to mind when a thought of pouring a tall one crosses my mind.

          There are so many more benefits, but the health stuff struck my fancy for this post anyway!!

          Have a great day everyone!

          Day 32 AF
          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.



            I am 116 days AF unless I calculated wrong; and my life is back. I can't seem to find enough hours n the day to appreciate all i have now. LIfe is good, and I never want to go back to the miserable person I was. Ever.

            This is a great thread.

            God Bless

            What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
            ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?



              yeh, this is indeed an inspiring thread. I am really thinking today is the day. I have been AF many times before, and always appreciated the benefits, usually they take about a week to 10 days to really kick in, so it's a matter of getting through that period. So, really my problem is staying that way, cause that's the way I want to be forever. Thanks for your thoughts everyone, i'll keep them in mind when the urge comes around.
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



                Bear, thank for posting your message, and congratulations on your 116 or so AF days. It's inspiring to hear from you - how wonderful it is to have your life back. My next challenge is to figure out WHAT I want in the life I'm reclaiming. There is still a "placeholder" where the booze used to be - I haven't figured out what all to fill it with yet. LOL - the possibilities are so endless that it's hard to know where to begin. Does that make any sense? Any tips?

                Beatle, I wish you the very best. You CAN do this when you are ready. WE CAN DO THIS!!!

                Day 33 AF
                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.



                  Hi Guys,

                  This thread is certainly an inspiration to quit or moderate if I can. My main symptoms are that I feel hot most of the time - my body feels as if it's burning and my face is bright red. I also feel foggy and completely un-focused and very lethargic, as well as not being able to remember what was even on the telly the night before, let alone the physicial side of things. I'm hoping that after a while of being af these problems will reduce or hopefully go completely and I can return to some sort of normality and life in the boudoir will be something to remember!!

                  As you've each said, there's alot more to life without drink and it's great to hear that you're all so much happier and healthier as a result.

                  Bear - what an amazing story - I read some of your past threads and it gave me alot of food for thought.

                  Zincityzen - keep up the good work. I did a rough back of the envelope calculation as to how much I spent on wine per week and it's at least ?21 (over $40) which is alot of money. Scary isn't it?

                  I'm really pleased that all of you are doing so well - it's giving me a new perspective being on this site and I'm hoping soon that it will pay off.

                  Take care



                    Since finding this wonderful site, I have succesfully pulled myself out of the "black hole" which I like to call my time with alchohol...not pretty.

                    My body feels so much better, and having two right knee surgeries in the past which left me with some pain, I don't seem to be in as much anymore. Exercise is so much better when you don't have a hangover!

                    I have been successfully modding with some af days in between and am getting my brain back. I am getting clarity back into my life...I have a life thanx to MWO...I will be forever grateful!:h




                      :new: I found your site a few days ago. Had a few days without alcohol but over did it last night so feel lousy this a.m. Your site is very inspirational and I'll check back often. I'm also off to find a copy of the My Way Out book. Thank you to all of you.



                        Welcome Lynne to MWO. This site & program is sure helping me change a bunch of things. Best wishes to you!! Post often and let us know how we can help you reach your goals.

                        Day 34 AF
                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.

