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I'm Ready

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    I'm Ready

    Hi Everyone! As you know I went 2 days AF and then slipped and have been drinking this week. I hated myself for drinking but there was something very different this time. Even though I was drinking I didn't really WANT to be drinking. A lot of the time I would be drinking and thinking about all of you. I feel like I've become one of the family and I do not want to let myself or any of you down. So this morning all the beer went down the sink, I started taking the all one drink, kudzu, l-glut, and the supps. I'm ready and determined to quit. I can't moderate and I've been foolish to think that I can. I simply cannot drink. I want to be an asset to this site and our community. I want to show others that it CAN be done. I want to be looking at 600+ days AF. I want to help others who are struggling. There is only 1 way to do that and it started today. I will not drink today. I am arming myself for battle and I anticipate tough times ahead, especially the next 3-5 days, but I will prevail. I want you all to be with me on this journey and I invite anyone else who would like to change their lives to join me. I am ready to kick this beast's ass. Thank you everyone. This site and you people have changed my life. Here's to Day 1... Don

    I'm Ready

    Good luck buddy-I will be rooting for you-I am thinking you may be my inspiration as I was going to moderate but maybe cutting it out for good will be better-
    If you don't mind me asking-how often/much were you drinking and how are you planning on dealing with withdrawals? I am sooooo paranoid of withdrawals.
    Best of wishes to you


      I'm Ready

      Wanttostop, I'm 51 years old, was a U.S. Naval Aircrewman for 20 years ( a very dedicated group of drinkers), and I've been a Real Estate Agent for the past 10 years ( another group of dedicated drinkers), so I've been a heavy drinker for 30 years. I've been drinking 12-15 beers a day for about the past year or so. I'm planning on looking at withdrawl as having the flu. I'm just going to be sick for a few days and then I'll get over it. I'm just tired of it. I'm done. Want to join me?


        I'm Ready

        Hey Don, way to go on pouring it down the sink! And your honesty in drink tracker is a great sign too. If you look back at some past months (archives) you can see that lots of us were where you are. We are rooting for you. Wantto - do you have the book? It talks about stages of alcoholism and the stage where you need medical help to detox. This may be available on the internet too. I don't know how much you have been drinking but you may be worrying more than is needed.


          I'm Ready

          I hurt and feel there with you. My life has been so uphill and I can't keep from hurting phy and mentally. I want it all to pass so badly and move on. I want to either die or have some help with everything. It all seems so bad


            I'm Ready

            Pollyanna, The help you want is here. You don't want to die. You want to go back to living and so do I, that's why I'm going to do whatever it takes to succeed. As of today I no longer drink. Period. I don't give a damn about withdrawl or how tough it will be. I'm a pretty tough bastard too. I have 2 new rules: Rule#1- Don't Drink. Rule#2- See Rule #1. Do you have the book,supps,etc? If not, get them. Let's do this together. I welcome anyone to join me in this journey. Don


              I'm Ready

              Hi Chief!! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! YEAH!!!!! Congratulations on pouring the beer down the sink, and congratulations on your winning attitude. I'm right there with you - every time the notion of "wouldn't a drink be nice" crosses my mind, I think about how "over it" I am. The whole roller coaster drinking ride.

              Pollyana, you can do this too. I hope you will consider starting with the book and seriously considering the whole program if you haven't already.

              GO CHIEF!!! And go everyone who wants freedom.

              Day 32 AF
              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                I'm Ready

                Thanks DG. With the help of everyone here I'm going to do it. Keep checking on me ... Don


                  I'm Ready

                  Don --- Congratulations on making that decision and the positive attitude. That's what it takes. I just want to let you know that the supps really help with the detox symptoms. I used to drink a double bottle of wine a night, or 12 or so beers EVERY NIGHT. I mad it 9 full days AF, and I had NO detox symptoms except a very mild headache a couple of times. I was sooooo afraid of that! Drink plenty of water, I really believe that that helped a lot too!!!

                  Pollyanna --- You CAN do this! Read on --- you are not alone. There is hope for us all. Life is out there and it is so much better AF than you think! Good luck!!

                  Good morning everyone!!!


                    I'm Ready

                    Don, just wanted to wish you every success on your journey. You will make it. Good luck, Joesgal xx


                      I'm Ready

                      Hi everyone I'm new


                        I'm Ready

                        I'm not really sure how this works


                          I'm Ready

                          I'm not sure what to do here
                          or how the forum works.


                            I'm Ready

                            Kayle 40,
                            Just post what your thinking about........your here cause you want to air out something. Let's here it. We're here to help! IAD:welcome:
                            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                            Dr. Seuss


                              I'm Ready

                     just brought an enormous smile to my face. Am so pleased for you that you feel totally committed to going AF.

                              Pollyanna.......have sent you a pm.

                              Hi kaylee40 and welcome aboard.

                              Starlight Impress x

