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I'm Ready

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    I'm Ready


    Hi Don!
    I'll be looking in on ya from time to time but you'll always be in my heart, give it your best shot, we know how much you want this.
    The water is important but don't over do it as you'll mess up your electrolytes.

    Chief, your rules are damn good, you tough bastard!

    Welcome Kayle 40 and Pollyanna, I'm glad you are here!

    m. xx
    ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
    I am in the next seat.
    My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


      I'm Ready

      Welcome to Kaylee! Just keep trying to post what you are thinking. You will get the hang of the forum!! This is a great place for support whether you want to stop drinking, or learn to better moderate drinking.

      Chief - checking on you per your request. You gonna come back and be a Booze Buster again??????? **nudging and prodding - we need more AF men for Satori's cheerleading squad** Come one come all to the Monthly Abstainer's 30 Day Booze Busters Challenge!!

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        I'm Ready

        Love the attitude, Chief! :goodjob: - That's what's going to get you there - you're so right - it just can't be a half-hearted effort - so get armed, get dangerous, get mean - you have a tough opponent but your attitude has you over half way there already! Way to go - and we're here to join you on your journey- hopefully some of that 'don't mess with me' attitude will rub off if i stick close enough! :l
        :rays: Arial

        Last first day - 15th April 2012
        Days 1-7 DONE
        Days 8-14 DONE
        Days 15-21 DONE
        30 days DONE
        60 days
        100 days


          I'm Ready

          Thanks all for your support. I just got back from the gym. Had a good run and then sat in the hot tub for awhile. I'm feeling a little nervous but that's it. I just took some more kudzu and l-glut. I'm fine. I do look forward to checking this site to see if I'm getting feedback. Thank you.
          DG- count me in as a Booze Buster!
          Kaylee40-:welcome: Just say why you are here and what you are looking for. Everyone here will help you achieve what you want. This is my first day AF (alcohol free) and spending as much time on this site as I can really helps.


            I'm Ready

            Welcome to Kaylee ...... Keep reading and posting, you CAN do this .......

            Chief, You are in my heart too, I am rooting for you and everyday that you don't post I will be stalking you with pm's ...........

            I want you to do this ...........

            Love ya, BB xx


              I'm Ready

              Hi Chief

              Just to let you know that I am rooting for you too! Have read many of your posts and am delighted that you have made the decision that you DON'T DRINK... love the PMA! I have just completed day 13 AF and feel great, the Kudzu & L-glut really help with cravings and they diminish greatly after a few days.

              Will be keeping an eye on you...

              Keep it up.

              All power and strength to you.

              K-M :h


                I'm Ready

                Chief -would love to join you-tomorrow is as good a day as any-and usually my highest consumtion day so this will be a real test! I'll just try to keep busy-as long as I don't have that first a.m. beer I think I will be ok. If the weather is good my husband and I will go out enjoy the day and at some point stop for a few but my problem is drinking alone at home not out-so I can be out and not need to drink. I'll see how it goes-if not I will go back to my cut down plan-good luck to you I hope you are feeling well!


                  I'm Ready

                  Hey Chief

                  Middle of the night, Sunday morning, I'm going to bed.

                  Just checking in.

                  Hope you slept well, here's to another AF day!

                  m. xx :thumbs:
                  ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                  I am in the next seat.
                  My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                    I'm Ready

                    Sunday Morning


                    Mind if I join in?

                    Just woke up with the bruised knee and equally bruised ego!!

                    Time to jump in and go AF.

                    I fly out today and it will be tough to check into hotel and not hit the bar but if I check into room and go straight to MWO maybe I can get past that part.

                    Perhaps by the time I fly back home I will be 6 days AF. That would be awesome.

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      I'm Ready

                      GO FOR GOLD CINDI!!!!! can do it!!!!

                      Starlight Impress x


                        I'm Ready

                        Chief: You can do this. It's one day at a time, & yes, the first 3 - 5 days are the most difficult. I started to see some relief from the cravings after 1 solid week. I didn't think ahead to the future wo/wine. Once you start feeling better physically, emotionally, & spiritually, that will be motivation enough for you to keep going. In the beginning, I avoided stores w/an alcohol aisle. Even now, the sight of a bottle will get my brain going.

                        Today, we're going to my grandson's 4th b-day party. There will be plenty of drinking going on. Last night, I looked in the garage fridge, & it was filled w/ice cold beer, wine, hard lemonade & tea, vodka, etc. My brain definitely registered the visual reminder. However, I have a plan which I'll stick to. Last year, I got so drunk I black-out most of the party. I won't be doing that this year.

                        I'll check in with this thread as often as I can. On another newbie thread, I'm going to try to outline the positive changes I've gone through since stopping 33 days ago. I would not have been able to do this wo/MWO. Love, Mary

                        PS: Cindi, you can do it. I'm w/you all the way.
                        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                        October 3, 2012


                          I'm Ready

                          Checking in on Day 2 !!

                          Hello All, Well the first of many AF days is under my belt! I didn't have too tough of a time yesterday, just nervous, no appetite, a few cravings. I am on all the supps. I took the kudzu(3-300mg tablets) and the l-glut (1-1000mg tablet) 3 times (morning, lunch, and dinner) and that helped with the cravings. It doesn't entirely eliminate them but does make it manageable. I also went running and listened to the hypnotic cd. I slept kind of fitfully, waking up numerous times, and I even had a dream about going into a store and buying vodka! I thought that was interesting because I don't even drink vodka... But I woke up with no hangover and I feel pretty good. Today is day 2 and I'm ready for battle.
                          Mary- Thank You for your support. 33days is awsome! You keep it up. Go and have a good time at your grandson's b-day party and watch everyone ELSE drink and watch them start to deteriorate before your eyes. Try to think of last year and think how you will feel tomorrow when you wake up and your AF run is still intact! Do it.
                          Cindi- I would love for you to join me. I think being away from home for 6 days could make it easier for you if you used this as an opportunity to not drink instead of a reason to. Check into the hotel and then this site. We're with you.
                          Chaaku- 14 days today?- Awsome. You inspire me.
                          Wantto-I would love to have you with me too! Just decide- AF or moderate. For me there is no moderate. That's a fairy tale but some people can I guess. We'll be here for you.
                          Starlight and Magic- Thank you for being here. I can't do this w/o you. Don


                            I'm Ready

                            Good morning!

                            Just opened my wee eyes, drinking first coffee, checking in as promised!

                            Welcome Cindi!!!! and wantostop7!!!!!!

                            Mary, 4 year olds are so beautiful, I envy you. I'll be waiting awhile for grandchildren, I hope. If things get tough for you at the party, just leave.

                            And Chief, Day 2, here we go.......

                            m. xx
                            ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                            I am in the next seat.
                            My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                              I'm Ready


                              I'm going to bed.

                              I'm all alone..............did you guys pack up and move and not tell me?

                              m. xx
                              ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                              I am in the next seat.
                              My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                                I'm Ready

                                Hi Chief: I'm just beginning day 35 today. If I can do it so can you. The g-son's b-day party was great. I was a participant instead of a drunken observer. We left when the real drinking was just getting cranked up. I didn't want to try to make conversation w/people who were not making any sense. Keep going. If you get a craving, do something else. Come to MWO, call someone, eat something, whatever. Mary
                                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                                October 3, 2012

