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Newbies in Need - Day 12

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    Newbies in Need - Day 12

    Late getting on today and as we've got this lunch out with friends, I'll make it a quick one!!
    Good to hear from everyone yesterday - Marshy (well done on your 1st AF Friday!), Change, Star, Mary, Cindi, Nancy, Paula and NPGBI.

    Yesterday was another beautiful day in England - I had a great day in the garden, really got stuck into it - love days like that!! Today we're out for lunch then hubby is taking me away to Norfolk for tomorrow and Tuesday!! Its a belated birthday treat and just to "get away" from the last few weeks really and have a bit of quality time together. We've never been to that area before and everyone says how beautiful it is so really looking forward to it.

    That means I probably won't get on till Wednesday, maybe later so please keep the thread going everyone!!! I'll look forward to catching up with everyone's progress. I'm not sure where the next few weeks will take me - but I've decided its best not to worry or make plans too far ahead - just concentrating on today!

    Nancy thanks ever so much for the hypno advice - I think my other half will think he's sleeping beside a river all night!! Sounds like good moderation there Nancy, well done!

    Okay, have a great Sunday everyone and thanks guys, I'd be lost without you all.

    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

    Newbies in Need - Day 12

    Hi Janice! Your getaway trip with hubby sounds very, very nice. I'm sure you will enjoy your time away from the "rat race" together. I hope you have a fabulous time!!

    Day 33 AF
    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Newbies in Need - Day 12

      Good morning to all.

      Really blew it last night. I am sure what triggered it was anxiety and not sure how to deal with that. I guess I need to go see a good doctor.

      Magic mentioned rehab and am I considering it. I need to get through this latest gig I am on first, though and figure out something to tell my manager. I think there is an outpatient one I can go to here in town.

      My husband is starting back to school next week and I guess the reality of being so tight on money while he does it is causing me some anxiety that I am not dealing well with. Unfortunately, drinking is not the way. grrrr.

      He is doing the right thing and this too shall pass, so I need to just buck up and handle this. I can't stand this run and hide personality of mine. I am so strong in so many other ways.

      Anyway, enough about me.

      I hope all have a wonderful day and send good vibes mine. I am going to go for AF today and hopefully the rest of this week while in St. Louis.

      AF April 9, 2016


        Newbies in Need - Day 12

        Hi everyone: I'm going to my grandson's b-day party today. Last year, I drank so much, I missed most of it. Not so this year. I'll walk in w/water & stick w/that all day. I want to see him blow out candles & open presents this time around. Have a wonderful day everyone. Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Newbies in Need - Day 12

          Hi Cindi. I'm so sorry to hear that you had a rough one last night. I'm glad to hear that you are considering additional options i.e. rehab - no harm in at least doing some research and checking those options out. Whatever works!! Mean time, have a good day TODAY and don't beat yourself up. The past is the past and all we can do is learn from it. I don't think beating ourselves up over it serves a good purpose.

          Mary, have lots of fun at the party!! I'm sure you will enjoy the gifts and cake and games WAY more than you did at last years party. I bet you will go home with many moments to treasure.

          Day 33 AF
          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Newbies in Need - Day 12

            Hi everyone ,late posting, been working. Janice we often go to Norfolk, you will
            love it,have a good time. I'm going on holiday next week,so I won't be posting after
            thursday. Hi DG, Cindi, Mary, hope you all have a good day. Best wishes to all to come.
            Love Paula. x
            PS.DG, well done on day 33 x


              Newbies in Need - Day 12

              Hi everyone,
              Haven't posted in a few days. I had a sinus infection which knocked me down for a couple of days. My dog (in the photo) has a spinal problem which I was really down about for a few days, we are trying to manage it with pain meds. So, I have not been totally AF this last week, but have not gone overboard at any one time. That is still disappointing to me because I still reverted to my old habits. Oh well I've known that I'm certainly not beyond this yet, and that is why I'm here.

              I've been reading this thread daily. I'm glad to see most everyone is doing well.
              Has anyone heard from Kitty?

              Cindi, I'll be thinking of you especially. Have a great day everyone.

              If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                Newbies in Need - Day 12

                Hi everyone,
                It's a rocky road isn't it? But at least we've all recognised that we have a problem and we're trying to do something about it. I don't feel in a position to offer advice to anyone else because I've f*cked things up for myself so many times, but what seems to be working for me at the moment (fingers crossed!) is keeping an open mind and attacking this thing from lots of different angles (I'm currently trying/considering hypnotherapy, meditation classes, counselling, AA etc as well as this fabulous site).
                Sometimes it seems like a bit of a hassle, but the hypnotherapist said to me that I need to put as much time and effort into my recovery as I did into drinking (and that's a lot of time and effort :H ).
                Hope you all succeed with what you're trying to do today.
                AF since December 22nd 2008
                Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                  Newbies in Need - Day 12

                  Hi Rotrod, glad your back, and feeling better. Good for you Marshy, try anything
                  and everything to keep this beast at bay,hypnotherapy is good


                    Newbies in Need - Day 12

                    Good evening (evening!!!! just so much busier now that I`m sober!!! LOL) Janice, DG,Cindi, Mary, Paula, Melissa, Marshy and all.

                    Janice, hope you and hubby enjoy Norfolk........wee break will do you the world of good.......catch up with you on your return.

                    Cindi, good luck with the AF week in St. Louis..........we have every confidence in you.

                    DG and Mary............keep on lighting the way for us following you in your commendable AF runs!!

                    Mary, what a fantastic sober party-guest you`ll be today!! Have a lovely time.

                    Paula, glad you`ve got a holiday coming deserve some time to unwind after working so hard.

                    Melissa, sorry you`ve been poorly. Like all of us, you`ll just keep getting better and better as regards your drinking...........we`ve all got a long road ahead of us.Hope your dog picks up soon.

                    Marshy, good for you in employing a multi-faceted approach to your alcohol unlikely to follow suit though, since I already spend far too much time here.........that`s good for me, but sees everything else going to pot!!! LOL And Marshy, am sure you have a wealth of good advice to offer........good advice comes from being human, not from being of the reasons for my loving M.W.O. is that the people here are kind and compassionate, whereas non-drinkers can have a hard time relating to us "afflicted".

                    As for myself..........this is my 14th day of being sober..........LURRRRRRVING IT........seriously.

                    Have a great day all.

                    Much love,

                    Starlight Impress x


                      Newbies in Need - Day 12

                      Star well done on 14 days, I know how good it feel's, and how much hard work it entails
                      Keep up the good work. Best wishes Paula.xx


                        Newbies in Need - Day 12

                        Hi everyone,

                        Well done Starlight - you're doing so well and I'm glad to hear you're feeling good.

                        I have been a terrible advocate for giving up drinking in the last week, but I'm going to have another go this week to go a/f. Marshy I agree totally - let us know how you get on with your "alternatives" - I agree with the bit about putting your energy into drinking - it's all to easy to slip into old habits isn't it?

                        Hope you're feeling better Melissa - I'm just getting over sinusitis so I can understand how you've been feeling. Sorry to hear about your dog too - hope the treatment helps.

                        Cindi - we can crack this can't we? I know we've both been wavering recently, but I'm not giving up and it doesn't sound as if you are too.

                        Mary - as ever, you're a superb example to us all - keep it up and I hope you enjoyed the party.

                        Janice - have a fab time in Norfolk - sounds just like what the doctor ordered.

                        Have a great day everyone

