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More Changes

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    More Changes

    Hi Everyone: I'm 33 days sober...3 days into my next 30 day stint. My newest goal is 90 days; however, since I can admit to being an alcoholic, my whole life will need to be AF. I want to share about another change I see in myself since I stopped drinking.

    I'm much more self-aware & assertive. Because I felt so guilty about drinking, I rarely spoke up for myself & over-compensated by being a doormat in the day(s) following a binge. Also, because I spent so much money on wine every week (I didn't drink jug or boxed), I rarely treated myself to the occasional treat that makes life pleasurable: new pair of sandals, purse, etc.

    I can calmly say what I need to say now. My relationship w/others is stronger as a result. I'm not harboring resentments & hurts (which used to trigger further drinking bouts). While I'm not profligate w/money, I can treat myself &/or my loved ones to a little something wo/feeling like I'm taking excessive amounts out of the weekly budget.

    I cannot express my gratitude for MWO enough. I love you all, Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    More Changes

    Hi Mary,

    Firstly, many congratulations on getting over the 30-day hurdle ! That deserves a few cheers from the group :yougo: :yougo: :yougo: (this will have to do until Sartori gets his act together!)

    Secondly, I can so relate to what you're saying. Life is a little difficult at home for me at the moment, but each day I thank the powers that be that I had got on top of my drinking beforehand - I can handle it so much better and responsibly... I can also be there 24/7, not just before 6pm, my drinking time. And I love the feeling of treating myself without feeling guilty - I now participate in life rather than observe it through dark glasses and nursing a hangover!

    So glad that you're feeling so good - you deserve the treats and to be proud of your achievements - a great inspiration! Good luck now with your goal of 90 - with such a positive attitude I have no doubt we'll be cheering for that soon too.
    :rays: Arial

    Last first day - 15th April 2012
    Days 1-7 DONE
    Days 8-14 DONE
    Days 15-21 DONE
    30 days DONE
    60 days
    100 days


      More Changes

      Well done Mary, glad your feeling so good about yourself.
      Love Paula, x

