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Well, I am jumping in the pool, will I sink or swim?

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    Well, I am jumping in the pool, will I sink or swim?

    I am taking charge of my life! (I hope). I am sick and tired of hiding, trying to work around the fact that I drink heavily at night and can't plan on driving places (at least I am that responsible). I know that I can't just quit cold turkey. I have been taking Welbutrin while drinking heavily (my poor liver) and god forbid I seize. My plan is to cut back to on average three drinks a night for the first week, and then two, and then one to zero. It's alot better than the two bottles of wine I average. My motto is steps in the right direction, even if they are baby steps.

    My big challenge for the week is a parent meeting at 7pm on Tuesday. Many days by 7pm I have already polished off bottle #1. My plan is 1 drink with dinner (I weigh 200 lbs, I won't be DWI) to keep me from being antsy and then hope the meeting lasts two hours and I only have one more for the evening. Cross your fingers for me.

    I have to say this, it makes me feel so much better knowing that I am not the only one in the world that has a dirty little secret.

    I look forward to making new friends and having a support group that "gets it"

    Well, I am jumping in the pool, will I sink or swim?

    Dear Dachsie: I have not been honest about my drinking w/anyone except the folks here at MWO. I drank (in secret) a 1.5 liter bottle of wine at least 3 - 5 times per week. I joined MWO in April & had my last drink on July 9th. I have not felt this well in years. Keep coming. Read & share. Good luck! Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      Well, I am jumping in the pool, will I sink or swim?

      Welcome Dachsie, We can help you on your journey. Keep reading the posts on this site. Consider downloading or ordering the MWO book and start from there. Everyone here understands what you have been going through. We have been there. :welcome: Don


        Well, I am jumping in the pool, will I sink or swim?

        Hi Dashie and Welcome

        Cutting back from 2 bottles of wine a night to 3 drinks a night is a huge cut.

        Are you anticipating withdrawal?

        I have my fingers crossed for you....but suggest you see your doctor instead of trying this on your own.

        Welbutrin and an abrupt withdrawal from alcohol can equal seizures.
        Withdrawal in itself can cause seizures.

        Having seized from withdrawal, I can tell you that any risk of a seizure, however small, should be avoided at all costs.

        Be safe.

        magic xx :schmokin:
        ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
        I am in the next seat.
        My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


          Well, I am jumping in the pool, will I sink or swim?

          I agree with the others unless you are otherwise well etc be careful on cutting from 2 bottles to 3 drinks.

          Whilst I did go cold turkey from 3 + litres of 7.5% alcohol (cider) per night I had never had any history of seizures etc. I also didn't think of the risk of seizures I just did it... maybe I was lucky?

          Just be careful and maybe have someone with you the first week you cut down.
          Other than that I wish you good luck and I am sure you will be ok, you sound very positive

          Diamond x
          I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
          I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

          Marilyn Monroe


            Well, I am jumping in the pool, will I sink or swim?

            Welcome Dachsie! (is that related to Dachshunds? oh did I even spell that right?) Best wishes with your plan. My Way Out has sure changed my life!! I totally understand your situation with evening activities - not driving - basically becoming a hermit and a slave to the bottle. Best wishes with the PTA meeting on Tuesday. Come here often and "touch the life line!"

            Day 34 AF (Alcohol Free - un frickin believable)
            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Well, I am jumping in the pool, will I sink or swim?


              That is actually a really good plan if you stick with it. Someone else was put on a similar plan by their doctor.

              This way you can avoid the withdrawals and wean yourself off gently.

              However, it is also, in some ways harder than cold turkey because the "booze beast" that DG talks about in all her threads will be pricking you for just one more. Try to have a plan in place to overcome that beast. He/she is very seductive, as we all know too well.

              Perhaps have some other special non-alcoholic drink to add to your evening mix to stretch the time out. Exercise, a walk, or something.

              Have you read RJ's book and learned about the supplements? They actually do help, just a little bit in this battle a little is a lot!!

              Anyway, gotta run, late for work, but wanted to say welcome!!

              AF April 9, 2016


                Well, I am jumping in the pool, will I sink or swim?

                Welcome to you and good luck. A plan is good to have and even if you stray a little, keep your eye on the prize, don't be discouraged. Yes we ALL "get it" and good for you on your resolve.
                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

