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    Hi everyone,
    It seems there's no one around yet to start this off, so I'll have a go.

    I've got day 7 AF under my belt and am starting day 8. A week ago I didn't really think I'd be able to do that, and some days were fairly tough, but this site and everyone on it has been a lifeline. Reading about your experiences has helped me through the past week. The battle's far from over, but it's a start!

    Anyone new out there wondering where to begin? Jump in and join us!

    Have a great day/evening everyone.
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


    Marshy, Mary, Starlight, DG, Paula, Red, and all others to come,

    I actually made it through one AF day yesterday and did not give into temptation. Yea!

    Marshy, that is wonderful. It is hard to imagine putting strings of days together sober. I am starting on day 2. Let's see how she goes. I remember DG had "nopa topa" after a few days. I hope to get over that before I have to fly back home.

    I hope everyone else has a wonderful day today and meets their goals and feels good.

    Take care,
    AF April 9, 2016



      Hi Everyone: Just beginning day 35 today. I never thought I'd be able to say that, but w/the help of all of you at MWO, I've done it. My grandson's b-day party was great. Once I got through the first few minutes of watching people pour themselves drinks etc., I was fine. Since I missed out on the cake, games, etc. last year (I blacked out), I especially enjoyed it this year.

      For those of you who are just starting out, the first 3 - 5 days are really the hardest. I don't get cravings but do still get triggered. It's much easier to talk myself out of it now. Have a great day everyone. Mary
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 13

        Hi Marshy! Congratulations on 7 Days AF and welcome to Day 8!!! You are doing fabulous. MWO is an amazing web site and program and filled with terrific people isn't it?

        Hi Cindi. I was sorry to hear of your struggles over the last few days. CONGRATULATIONS ON Day 1 AF behind you, and welcome to Day 2!!! Yes, Nopa Topa Dopa was pretty strange for the first couple of weeks. Hopefully people who havent' been pounding down the copious amounts of booze that I was won't have that feeling at all or much less. I know you have been doing good at moderating (compared to my average 16 ounces of vodka per day) so I hope you have NO Nopa Dopa. Keep reaching out of the life line Cindi!

        Hi again Mary! I wrote more on the Booze Busters thread but congratulations again on another AF party - and especially for your grandson's birthday.

        Life is good here in DoggyWorld.

        Day 34 AF **********************************(my gold stars)
        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 13

          Greets Everyone. Had a full day yesterday of shopping with Mom, Aunt, and Cousin. Some back to school things and my favorite Target Sunday run for the little things needed around the house. Noticed on Sunday night that all of my cleaning and putting away has started to become cumulative as I'm not tearing apart the house looking for something insignificant or simply not cleaning up after myself as I go from one impulse desire to another in a less sober state. Had kind of a pissy day after work Saturday, just flet kind of helpless and lost for a bit not knowing what to do and all of my immediate desires were off the table so to speak. Fortunately this passed right around bedtime. Today feeling great. Monday is a whole other being without recovery involved!

          Congrats to all who met their goals and Kudos to those that keep on trying!!


            NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 13

            Hi Marshy, Cindi, Mary, DG, Benjammin, tkeene and all.

            Marshy, I totally agree with you........1st wk. is spent almost in disbelief of us actually managing to stay off the sauce. Well done to you on Day 8!

            Cindi.........Day 2 means you`re already well on your way........keep going!

            Mary, glad you had such a fab celebration with your wee grandson.I think in the beginning you really were a victim of self-doubt, Mary, just as I was.........once I saw you managing to notch up those AF days, I knew I could do it too.......owe you greatly, because I was so despondent and really needed the inspiration of someone like yourself.

  `ve just came across as being sooooooooo happy with it all from your very 1st AF you have endless energy........feel physically exhausted.........where can I buy some? LOL

            Benjammin, it`s amazing how all the little tasks we do when sober soon mount up to allow us to see a pleasant improvement in our homes. I can relate to your Sat. night "loose end" feeling..........I used to drink every night, but enjoyed it more at the weekend........almost as if the weekend just wouldn`t be the weekend without a drink.
            Feel I`m over it now, and am never short of something to do to while away the time.

            Am happily on Day 15 and don`t feel the least desire to completely amazed by this. tkeene, you and I must have quit at the same time. Can`t wait `til we hit the 30 day milestone!!

            Good news is........15 days of sobriety caused me to lose 7 lbs.........just another 35 to go!!! LOL

            Much love,

            Starlight Impress x


              NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 13

              Day 11 (I think) AF. Dropped the ball 2 Thursdays ago. Been waiting on my Vivitrol shot, so I talked to my Dr. this a.m. and he put me on Campral until my shot comes in...only one Rx in the state has the shot. Been three weeks been waiting for it and I have the prescription for it since July 18th. Started thinking today...cause I was with my band, then moved to my Adrenaline Crew pals last night. Said "No Thanks" all last night (if you go to my Myspace page you will see how crazy all of us are) so I am really proud of myself. Then this a.m. I felt like I was letting my crew down by not getting crazy drunk with them, wrote a poem and did a charcoal of my a.m. for them. So I guess I will take Campral and read yous guys messages until my shot gets here. I know it is no silver bullet but I think it will stop my over indulging so as that I can get my shiat straight. 111 degrees here today so I may Mall Walk! Yeah I said it MALL WALK. In the city I tear up on my bike and with my band hehehehheheeee. Gotta laugh at myself I suppose. Anywho great place I thank all yous guys for being supportive of a nutball that does things sober most wouldn't drunk. I feel like we all known each other for years, even though I am brand new here.

              BTW...These two help a lot!!!
              l ______
              /l ,[____],
              l---L -[]lllllll[]-
              ()_) ()_)----)_)

              Trill Recognizes Trill


                NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 13

                Speaking of mall walking, I just got back fom the mall!!! Strange place to be, but it is cool(air-conditioned) that is! Some strange folk lurk in the malls...coold start a whole new thread on that one!

                NPGBI(what does your name stand for?) What do you do in the band? I am a vocalist in a trio.I will try to put a picture in the picture place of my trio(it is loungy, but it works alot.

                Doing pretty good on the mods...having an AF day today and tring to stay out of trouble. I am still going through effexor(antidepressant)withdrawls and can't wait for that to be over...



                  NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 13

                  Hi NPGBI and Mary.

         pleased for you being on Day that you haven`t yet got your med of choice though, although I see many here do very well on the campral. Wishing you continued success. Wee dogs are gorgeous....what you call them? Love cuddling my wee dog........cheers me up if feeling down........she doesn`t know she`s a canine....thinks she`s a baby!!! LOL

                  Mary......good to see you`re contolling your drinking nicely. Sorry you`ve been having a bit of a hard time getting off the a.d.

                  Starlight Impress x


                    NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 13

                    I play bass and do some freestyle poetry over it sometimes. Thats my band that jams at when you open myspace. EvenI is the punk band I played for but I gave up getting sober with them...wish them the best. I play ska, old blues and jazz. NPGBI is IBGPN backwards. Did not want my pals knowing I was here. IBGPN means I Be Jeeping. I build Jeeps and love offroading. Now you know almost every secret I have. $50 each secret after this. Poker is a secret almost... ask only if you have Paypal...heeheee. Just kidding.Effexor fubared me for a couple weeks, still get the shocks! Brown eyed (thats sounds nasty) is Newman, and his long haired hippie sister is Callie. Great dogs. Mike Vick ain't got nothing on them two!
                    l ______
                    /l ,[____],
                    l---L -[]lllllll[]-
                    ()_) ()_)----)_)

                    Trill Recognizes Trill


                      NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 13

                      Hi evryone, been working today,thats why I'M so late logging on. It's been 2 weeks af
                      now so I'm feeling quite pleased. Well done everyone, have a good day tomorrow.
                      Love Paula.xx


                        NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 13

                        Very cool song on the myspace!!! Myspace is very boring compared to yours...Where is your pic...your friends seem like a lot of fun. Can I be on your friend list?. I will pm you.



                          NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 13


                          I'm SSOOO proud of you all! Keep up the good work!!

                          "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

                          ~Red :h


                            NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 13

                            Made it through my FIRST day AF in almost 3 years. Feel tired, did not sleep well last night. The dozen beers usually "relaxes" me and helps me sleep.. of course I know that this self inflicted "coma" has messed up my sleeping paterns and it will take about a week or so to get back to normal..I hope.

                            The Kudzu really helped keep the Copenhagens away (Carlsberg, yes I'm in my "Carlsberg years ! LOL). But I still had to really decide not to drink, the Kudzu gave me the control to do so.

                            I got home from work yesterday and decided it was time to do something about my "6 months pregnant " look ! ( btw, I am a 40 year old male) So, I went for a 35 minute jog, felt really good, other than the obvious "I'm so out of shape it's not funny" feeling. I'm starting this 13 week jogging program, it's really great because it allows you to start very slowly, here's the link in case anyone is interested

                            SportMedBC - Run10kIntro

                            Today, I will be biking home after work (pedal bike, not motor bike). It's about 12 KM and takes me approximately 40 minutes depending on the wind.

                            With the biking and jogging, and not consuming an extra 3500 calories in beer every day, I'm guessing I'll see some results fairly quickly. Which is good cause it will keep me motivated.

                            Thanks for listening, your stories are inspiring and makes me feel like I can actualy do it this time around.


                            Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda


                              NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 13

                              What are these km's you speak of? Is that like liters and stuff. Heehee. I started running the same way. If you have an iPod nano you can get Nike + without getting the Nike shoes if you don't like them. Most in my running crew use New Balance shoes and they bought a pouch to hold the transponder. I use Nike + Turbo IV shoes. Keeps track of everything online at My way starting was a little different though because my running coach said to walk 30 seconds then run 15 seconds and just keep running more and walking less. I am up to 3 miles errrrr 5K now and have only been doing it 2 weeks.
                              l ______
                              /l ,[____],
                              l---L -[]lllllll[]-
                              ()_) ()_)----)_)

                              Trill Recognizes Trill

