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Getting started - nice to know I'm not the only one

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    Getting started - nice to know I'm not the only one

    Hello all,

    I thought I'd send a post to introduce myself.

    I've got my supplements ordered, and am making an appt. with Dr. today for Rx. I think I will try to go AF initially but my desire is to be able to drink once and a while at social things without it causing me to want to go back to it full time so to speak.

    The most amazing thing I have gotten out of reading this site and book is how many other women there are out there just like me! I knew I wasn't quite alcoholic - at least not how I perceived it - but I knew I had a problem. No one has even suspected until very recently and this has been my habit since 1990. My father, who lived with me, died recently and my mother is dealing with pancreatic/liver cancer - so my drinking increased and I'm having trouble controlling how much I drink now.

    The biggest thing I hope to get rid of is the horrific guilt I feel about my drinking. I look forward to participating here and to getting more healthy.


    Getting started - nice to know I'm not the only one

    Hl Laurie, Sorry to hear about your folks.I went af 10 days ago,about when I got on this site.I feel kinda outside cause I did't get the book,tapes or supps.But not drinking really feels good!!Everyone here is so supportive Just stay with us and you will succeed.Good Luck


      Getting started - nice to know I'm not the only one

      Hi Laurie and cometakealook :welcome: to you both ...

      Laurie, as the drinking decreases so does the guilt, I started to think that the guilt was part of the hangover .... whilst we drink to cope with pressures of life you will eventually find that thing are easier to cope with without a hangover ....

      This place really is amazing, read as much as you can....

      Look forward to seeing you around ...

      BB xx


        Getting started - nice to know I'm not the only one


        HI Laurie - I'm so glad you posted. I am starting out too.

        I'm sorry about your dad and mom. Grief and trouble just seem to make alcohol a better friend, but it's not. It's the enemy in times like that.

        I, too, would like to moderate my drinking. I have a big family with teenagers, and drink way too much wine, recently lost my mother and sister, sent my two eldest off to college and my drinking escalated. I don't see myself as an alcoholic yet, but I will be if I don't stop and consider it now.

        I have not drank for two days and am very proud of myself. Tonight will be a bigger test, but I will do my best.

        Let me know how your appointment goes. I just started the supplements slowly and the topa two days ago. It seems to work. I love the book, I downloaded it. keep in touch!


          Getting started - nice to know I'm not the only one

          new 2

          Hi Laurie,

          yep, I went to rehab once and they looked at me like I was crazy b/c I was so highly functional. NO ONE could tell I have this secret pain. Being out of control is my delima but being to fake it has allowed me to continue. I am afraid of this illness and depserately need anyone out there that can help me find a new life free of wine.

          Would you like to do tge 30 day challenge of AF? I wish you all the best:new: 2


            Getting started - nice to know I'm not the only one

            Hi Laurie, comeatalook,muchthought and atpeace.

            Laurie, so sorry about your parents.

            Yes, I must say that the common perception of the alcoholic conjures up an image of the down-and-out. However, truth is that only a small percentage of alcoholics are down-and-outs, with most being perfectly respectable and with decent standards of living, just like you or I..........sadly, alcoholism claims its victims from all walks of life.

            Starlight Impress x


              Getting started - nice to know I'm not the only one

              Wow! I can't believe all the responses already. I left this page up and just hit refresh and there you all were. Thanks so much.

              And fellow wine drinkers too. Do you rationalize like I have - well at least wine has some good properties

              Thank goodness for the internet to bring people together like this in virtual privacy. I would never go to an AA meeting.

              Does anyone have any experience with SMART recovery program for cutting back/abstaining. I looked into that too but what I like better about MWO is the recognition of nutrition's role. I'm a big believer in supplements etc. That is why my drinking habit is so bizzare. Everything else I do/believe supports a healthy lifestyle but the pull of alcohol is strong.

              Thanks for your replies. I don't feel so alone anymore.



                Getting started - nice to know I'm not the only one

                Hi Laurie and fellow posters, I am not sure that moderation will work for me. I, like you, am a highly functional, otherwise healthy wine drinker. It is crazy that this is the part of my life that is not in control. I want to relook at moderation after 30 days AF. Something that I have tried to do on and off several times. Any one else in? Atpeace - I'll join you. The 13th was my first day - lucky 13!!!


                  Getting started - nice to know I'm not the only one

                  Day 2

                  I'm not sure if my last post sent...I hit a key snd lost the page????

                  Yes, I am in and the support would be terrific. I had trouble sleeping but I new little sleep was better than dehydration. I have overboard with wine too often to know it's normal and I saw as a sober child what regualr use did to my Mom

                  In hypnosis I realized that I ofen drank(one of 60 reasons) to numb a feeling. I stronly believe that i need to recharge by "batteries" with a holistic approach. With the emotional imbalance in my brain/body/spirit...I say well lets fix this with reality it's really like taking plugging me into a socket for the charge and then throwing it into a tub. It's leathal! Always thought I was one set away from being a bag lady. I dont want to push the grace of God anymore.

                  best wishes all

                  Day 2!!!!!!!


                    Getting started - nice to know I'm not the only one

                    Welcome to MWO Laurie, comeatalook and muchthought! Hello also to evergreen - not sure that we've "met." And it's good to see you again atpeace!

                    This is a great place for support, no matter what your goals are today or in the future. I too managed to function pretty well on a massive amount of booze. The last few years, it got to be harder and harder work to keep up the facade. Booze became my prison complete with ball and chain around the ankle. I'm so grateful to MWO and everyone here to feel FREE of that!! I love not drinking. I love being able to get in my vehicle and go do "whatever" any time of day or night. I love not worrying whether someone might notice me slurring a word when I answer the phone. I love doing more productive things with my time. I love not feeling guilty. I love being on "level ground" with Mr. Doggy, who does not drink. (we are both very strong personalities, and he would take advantage of "the fact i was drinking" whether it affected my logic or not during a debate) There is LOTS to love about this freedom!

                    I also think it's a terrific feature of the MWO program that moderation is considered a possibility. If you follow the plan as recommended, you will figure out in the first couple or three months (most likely I think) whether moderation is for you or not.

                    Best wishes!! And for anyone who would like to set a goal of 30 Days alcohol free, you are welcome to check out the "Booze Busters 30 Day Challenge" in the Monthly Abstainers section. You are welcome to jump in at any time! There is no official start date or end date.

                    Day 35 AF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (my gold stars)
                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      Getting started - nice to know I'm not the only one

                      hi you all
                      I am mostly detoxing off of lexapro and taking all these meds. wow, my words and mind are really strained. Like the book by mwo, I struggle with the wrong thing/word. it is like sudden retardation-I went to Duke University. This is strange. Do youall have this at all?
                      my brain is mush....

