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Bashley and Friends

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    Bashley and Friends

    Yup, good stuff. Cannot wait to read more!!



      Bashley and Friends

      Buenos Tardes Todos y Tadas!

      As you are reading anyway; a little Spanish lesson whilst I gather my thoughts on the pool patio. I'd prattle on about the beautiful starlit night here at 8,500 feet but that would be lying, as it's as cloudy as a Ricard and water(God I love them!) and my patio doesn't have pool...:shocked:

      Soy muy feliz con todos las respuestas y consejos que ustedes han mandado. Muchisimos gracias del fondo de mi corazon.
      En serio para dar gracias a todas y todos, voy a escribir el proximo cuento verdadero ahora mismo.
      Esperan unos minutos mientras que yo fuma un cigarillo :schmokin: y toma un vaso de agua sin rocas ni una sola gota de nuestro diablo!



        Bashley and Friends

        Catch you all later.

        Time for bed said Zebedie. Boooing!! Blimey that dates me doen't it???? (Sorry it's an English kids' program dating back to Black and White sets)

        Time for "Cosmos & TheSuckling Pig" tomorrow.c:

        Bashley:byebye: :byebye:


          Bashley and Friends

          Too Tired....

          Blimey after reading all 10 pages of the EeZee thread my eyes are bloody crossed.
          Basically friends, that lady needs more help than we can give I'm afraid. Bit too contrived and "Poeish":b&d: for my liking. Oh, well time to move on!
          Anyone feel like a drink today?:shocked:
          I had serious cravings when I went to a new deli just opposite to buy smoked bacon(is there any other kind?) and they had an amazing range of Irish and Scottish Single Malts. Never seen that outside the British Isles.
          I could almost taste it and ended up walking out with a bottle of grenadine and a baguette.
          Too tired for a story tonight - sorry. I promise I'll get to Cosmos in good time.


            Bashley and Friends

            Wow, that's resisting temptation. (you smelled the bacon, I see, hohoho).

            Bashley, are you taking supps, and/or any of the stuff that helps with cravings? any meds? It seems like you are constantly confronted with temptation and surrounded by drinkers, and it's only fair that you should have a little up your sleeve besides sheer will power. This is also a physical thing, you know, and based on all you have had in your past, it's not just your mind that wants the stuff. Another leader in this field writes in her prominent book about getting sober (Seven Weeks to Sobriety) that she feels so sorry for all these people in AA who are expected to get and stay sober when their bodies are physically battling them. Just a thought.
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              Bashley and Friends


              I second your endorsement of Seven Weeks to Sobriety - it is a great book. If anyone is interested, they can google "Joan Matthews Larson" and that should bring up some info. A lot of the program is actually online, but you have to do some searching. Very well researched book.



                Bashley and Friends

                Bash, et al.

                Just because I leave home...I haven't a clue what's going on around here and what smoked meat has to do with scotch...but don't. I'm trusting you now.

                I am at the end of the flipping world, I like to call it. In a very tiny village, Tofino, on Vancouver Island. I can watch the sun set over the ocean and on North America, except for Hawaii. Beautiful beaches. Kids are driving me crazy.

                Got to go, others waiting for one computer.

                Be good, all of you.....I'll think of you as I'm watching the sun set and looking up at the stars.

                m. xx
                ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                I am in the next seat.
                My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                  Bashley and Friends

                  Beatle, Pansy, Magic et, al.

                  Dear All,

                  Thanks so much for your advice and posts.
                  I'll look into the book when I have time to surf. No Beatle I'm only taking an anti-depressant, vitamins and 900mg Thiamin p/d. What are "supps" anyway? Forgive the uninformed.

                  Had a real doozy this Friday. My dear wife invited 12 of her ex-airline friends over for Tandoori Chicken. She started the maranade at 9:00 am and vowed it would be all her own show which I was all for seeing as she can't boil an egg normally! :H

                  About 4:00pm she called about "being tied up in traffic" and turned up at 6.00 with 1 bottle of white wine and 1 rum. Between 13(!) Started to sound fishy. It was evident that all thought of food had gone out of her mind, so I set about getting stuff ready for the invasion.

                  About 7:00 she was definitely talking up a storm at me, not to
                  me and I suddleny re-recognized that wide-eyed look. Checked our bathroom washstand, found specks of coke, confirmed by tasting, sprinkled on the black surface. Bloody hell!! The traffic jam had been her stopover at her coke dealer. I gave a whithering look and the guests began to arrive. Only thing to offer was the rum and the wine which lasted just one round...
                  "O.K.," I said " Got anything else to offer?"
                  She sent the maid out to get much more rum, wine and scotch and she plopped back down on the sofa and proceeded to talk her head off to any one else there who had to make multiple visits to the bathroom together (know what I mean..).:wow:

                  To cut a long story short, the oven went 1/2 dead. People were helping themselves to drinks as flight crew would in an aircraft galley and getting louder by the minute. I hate loud noise and music; of which there were both. The chicken wasn't baking but just simmering. STRESS !!

                  The final straw was when her ladyship drifted into the kitchen, 3/4's pissed, even wider eyed and wanted to dance. I told her go dance with her "friends" and quit taking any more of that shit. That remark made her swing round and deny any wrongdoing in front of a buddy of mine and she swept out in huff.:sulk:

                  I finally put the food out on the table(buffet style), told everyone to help themselves and went with my friend to pick up his daughter from a teenagers party.
                  He was as grateful as as I was to get out of there and remarked that as happy as he was that I was making a good go of it, my wife was not helping in the slightest. He had been telling his wife( a dentist) this for years that she had been in need of treatment for drugs & alcohol way before she had me commited. The 2 women and the others in the circle used to also do coke together.

                  We got to my place and it looked like bomb had hit the place. So I bid my goodnights and shuffled off to watch TV whilst they partied on.

                  Around 4:00 am in comes madam and strips off and falls naked on the bed(unusual for her after all these years). Lies there sniffing and groaning. Light on, lights off for a couple of hours looking for any last sprinkles lying around the house. She is f****d up big time and spends the whole of Saturday in bed with the worst kind of hangover. Coke and Alcohol Combo.
                  No mercy from me as you can imagine. My daughter was up and at it at 8:00am, so I took her out to get away from the bomb drop and from seeing her mother in that state. You know she took it in her stride like nothing and when asked, she said that she'd seen it all before.

                  This confirmed my suspicions (Posts from months ago) that my wife was indeed continuing with her life style when I was in re-hab and working abroad.
                  When confronted by this yesterday, her only excuse was that she; had had to put up with me and to stop being so nosy into what she and other people did.
                  All I can say folks is that I'm still fuming.
                  Long live will power everybody 'cause it's the only thing between me and that damned monkey!!

                  Bash :argh:


                    Bashley and Friends


                    Good for you for hanging tough through that nightmare, arrgghh. :goodjob:

                    It sounds like your wife might need the same help you needed. Of course, you know she is going to have to want it.

                    I would type more but have to get ready to fly off this morning and still not packed.

                    Take care, keep hanging in there. We all are pulling for you and are so amazed you have done so well.

                    I'll check in tonight.

                    Keep strong and keep your chin up.

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      Bashley and Friends

                      yeah, that's amazing. You sound like a saint, even making the food. She definitely needs help, and I am very sorry for you that you are surrounded by that stuff when you are working so hard to stay clean.

                      The supps are supplements (as in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and herbs): MWO has put the whole shabang together in something called ALLINONE. I don't live in the US and can't get it where I am, but there's a list of what's in it, on this website (I forget where). So you can get all the stuff yourself. It's formulated especially for alcoholics/recovering alcoholics. Good stuff. I even add to this list a few supps I've read or heard about, so my supp regime is very extensive, but it's doing great things for me. My last detox was a piece of cake and I've felt good ever since. They also reduce cravings and make you better able to handle stress.

                      I don't use the kudzu or any medications (again, can't get them here) but a lot of people get so much help from them. (Have you not read the book, by the way? tsk tsk). Anyway, check out the meds forum (Topamax, Campral..) and the Holistic Healing forum for lots of great advice.

                      Really Bashley, you don't deserve to have to struggle so much. No matter what, we all need will power, but there's a lot out there to make it a little easier.

                      Your daughter sounds like a winner. How old is she?
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                        Bashley and Friends

                        Good Evening!!


                        I hope today has gone much better for you. No wild parties and not having to deal with sprinkles in the house.

                        I can't imagine raising children among that. It would scare the beejeesus out of me!!

                        Are you doing okay today?

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          Bashley and Friends

                          Specially for you!

                          Thanks Beatle & Cindy,

                          I'm not an elephant as far as memory goes so I have forgiven her for the trangression. Nuff said.
                          Forgive me Beatle but I've forgotten where you said you lived. I will research the site as you suggested and see what the local Chipchas can come up with. You say your last Detox... did you fall off the wagon or were you doing a general flush out?
                          Maybe some Kudos is in order here if you are starting back again. :kudos:
                          Lord knows you are all over this site supporting all of us. Sometimes the supporters get forgottenin the avalanche of words.
                          Here's some for you only. :flower: :flower: Keep it up wherever you are; your doing great Beatle.

                          Bashley :wavin:


                            Bashley and Friends

                            PEE. ESS.

                            Meg (Margaret) is nine.



                              Bashley and Friends

                              Wow Bash ... you are one awesomely tough and tender soul! she's lucky to have you
                              Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                                Bashley and Friends

                                Hope you're doing well Bashley. Very kind of you to forgive and forget, although maybe it's not in the best interests of your wife and daughter? I have an 8-year-old and I can't imagine exposing her to that. Yours sounds a bit more worldly than mine.

                                Yep, I was off for a little doozy in late July-early August. It started out very much under control, just a couple of drinks in the evening, but after a while spun out of control, as usual. But all is well now, and I really really think that was the last time. (please hold me to it!)

                                The easy detox was a big surprise and I credit the supps almost entirely, as I started an extensive regime a couple weeks before the relapse. Certainly, eating exceptionally well, and exercising (long walks, mostly) helped too. I guess my body was just so much more prepared to handle it this time. Also, I feel really good still...nobody's going to take my supps from me!
                                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

