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Bashley and Friends

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    Bashley and Friends

    Don't believe we have met...I have so enjoyed your posts and stories. Your success is remarkable especially under your home situation...GREAT on you!!! Glad you are here!


      Bashley and Friends

      correction: I mean I started the intense supps regime a couple weeks before QUITTING again (not before the RELAPSE). So I was actually drinking when I started the supps, preparing my body for the end of its pipeline to the evil elixer.
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


        Bashley and Friends

        Ditto, your daugther is very lucky to have you!
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          Bashley and Friends

          You are one very wise man Bash... It is so sad to see a woman be sooo selfish to impose such behavour upon an 8 year old child... Her own daughter... Just too sad... Your daughter is very lucky to have you Take Good Care Bash,

          ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


            Bashley and Friends

            Niblet,Beaches, Luvuall & Janka.

            So nice of you all to drop by - Welcome! :welcome:

            Where have you been Beaches- not heard from you in a while... Hope you're in fine fettle.

            Glad you cleared up the confusion there Beatle. Had me worried there for a minute that you were prepping for the "Doozy" with supps 2 weeks beforehand!! That sound like something I would do in the light of my siezures. Gotta plan a head. NOT

            I'll get round to Cosmos and The Suckling Pig one of these days. Forgive me; have been dashing around in Bogota traffic getting stuff ready for my Mexican visa. They almost want to know what coloured underwear my Grandfather wore in the Crimea :wow: !
            Knackered again, nearly midnight and another school day tomorrow. Whoopie dooo!

            Talk tomorrow.
            Hey you all liked The Biker's story about the nuns , but found it a bit risque?? Most of my Nun & Monk jokes would get me in trouble on here I think. Hee! Hee!



              Bashley and Friends

              Hi Bash, love the nun jokes, went to school with the penguins 13 years! Please tell
              Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                Bashley and Friends

                Where are you Bashley? We're all eagerly awaiting a story here.
                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                  Bashley and Friends

                  FLY EM' BY US BASH !!!!!!

                  I vote that you go ahead and fly those nun/ monk jokes right on by us !!!
                  ray: :shocked: :ey:
                  Take good care Bash !!

                  ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                    Bashley and Friends

                    Sorry Amigas y Amigos...

                    I'm up to my neck in travel plans so will have to love you and leave you for a few days, until I can get logged on from Ciudad del Carmen, Mexico.

                    Ohhhhh! I can hear you saying. What a lucky chap!
                    mg !!! Another oilfield boomtown in the middle of nowhere, an alocoholic's nightmare, bars, whorehouses and more bars.
                    I'l tell you my impressions when I get there via Trinidad on Thursday. Leave tomorrow at first light.

                    Be good yu'll and if you can't be good - be careful.

                    Bashley :flower: :flower:


                      Bashley and Friends


                      I see there are a lot of new people in here so welcome all.
                      This is just to let you catch up and I will post more now that believe it or not, this down and out alcoholic is up to 6 months and yes I'm counting every day, won't be running my own reality T.V. show and screw the shrinks and so called "friends" who said I couldn't do it.
                      MWO and the great people in here is the main reason along with my family's support.
                      Next Thread "Loaded & Labeled".


