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New and on day 3!

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    New and on day 3!

    Hello all good people!

    Well not sure how to start this all off, but Ive discovered this site by accident really, searching for a cure for the "drinking" problem... now I know there really isnt one but you, yourself and I (and off course a hell of a lot of support).. I never thought of myself as being a problem drinker, have a responsible life, good job, beautiful home and most of all i do biking and was fortunate enough to be able to purchase that brand new toy...... however, after falling over in front of the pub a couple of times, and after a huge argument with the most beautiful woman that I love I realised there was indeed a problem and I really need to take a long hard look at myself...

    Its day 3 now and countin ....."sigh"":new: .

    New and on day 3!

    Hi Skye650 and welcome.

    Looks like you`ve decided that you too have had enough of "self-destruct mode".
    Hope M.W.O. gives you all the help you need, as it did me.

    Am 16 days sober now and truly feel that I won`t go back to drinking again.
    It`s not easy though, but then nothing in life worth having ever is........

    Wishing you luck and strength.

    Starlight Impress x


      New and on day 3!

      Welcome Skye650 !

      This is an awsome place for support, people who are fighting the same fight we all are.

      What I like most about MWO is that you can be truly honest here and not be judged, everyone understands.

      I'm just starting out as well.. Welcome !

      Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda


        New and on day 3!

        Thank you so much Starlight, I think the rude awakening was also waking up with feelings of anxiety, depression, complete blank spots trying very hard to remember what i said or didnt say and worst looking over to the side hoping my partner would still be there..........

        Well done on the 16 days, I do hope that I can get there too, feeling strong at the moment but do sometimes feel that urge or little devil sitting on my shoulder saying "agh just one it wont harm..."


          New and on day 3!

          Thank you Riker, I am sure Ill get great support here, Ive read the posts for a couple of days now and am glad to know I can talk to people who truly understand..


            New and on day 3!

            Welcome Skye650! Congratulations on getting to Day 3 - you're doing great. I know what you mean about having a seemingly beautiful life on the outside, and "That Problem" on the inside. I'm starting to find that saying "no" to urges to drink is a whole lot easier on a daily basis than managing "The Problem."

            If you haven't already, I encourage you to download the My Way Out Book. I am using the supplements and CD's recommended in the book. I'm not doing prescription meds. Everyone tends to customize. it's working great so far - 35 days AF (Alcohol Free).

            Look forward to getting to know you better! I assume the bike is a motorcycle? Or a pedal bike? Either way congrats on your new toy! Another good reason not to drink.

            Day 35 AF
            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              New and on day 3!

              Hey Doggygirl

              Thank you I will certainly download the book, the bike is a motorcycle a very good reason not to be intoxicated and riding at all...... I started wondering and asking whether I indeed was living a lie all this time..


                New and on day 3!

                Skye, welcome and best of luck to you! You already know the answer to your question...
                "started wondering and asking whether I indeed was living a lie all this time.."... now you just have to figure out why. Being here will help you with all that! Read the book, work the program but most important, read and post makes all the difference!


                  New and on day 3!

                  Thank you Pinkie I do know the answer just didnt want to acknowledge it, Ill be sure to pop in think I am going to need it...


                    New and on day 3!

                    Hi Skye, Glad you are here and congratulations on day 3 AF. I'm at the same point as you. It's not easy, in fact you can read my posts from the last couple days and you will see that I was struggling but the people here helped keep me focused. Keep reading and posting and we can do this together... Don

