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    I MADE IT THROUGH DAY 3 !!!!!!!

    Good Morning Friends!:thanks: AS some of you know I was about to lose control last night but was able to keep my grip around The Beast's throat thanks to the people here that posted a response to my request for help. I stayed on MWO for a while, went to bed and listened to the cd. I didn't sleep at all, was up and down all night but I made it! Today is day 4 and I'm tired but ready for battle. The SOB almost got me last night and I know IT will be coniving today to bring me down but I am not going through this again! Thank You to all that helped me last night. If it weren't for you and this site I would have a huge hangover today but I don't!! Thank You! Don

    I MADE IT THROUGH DAY 3 !!!!!!!


    Those sleepless nights are a b*tch. Glad you are ready for battle again today in spite of it. WE CAN DO THIS.

    Rock on for Day 4 AF.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      I MADE IT THROUGH DAY 3 !!!!!!!

      I really thought you would Don.

      Congrats being on Day 4!!!

      More power to you!!!!

      Starlight Impress x


        I MADE IT THROUGH DAY 3 !!!!!!!

        Good job man, I'm going to use you as my inspiration when my day 4 comes along.. just did day ONE yesterday and just started day 2.

        They say it get's easier after the first 5 to 7 days.. you be sure to let me know OK ?

        Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda


          I MADE IT THROUGH DAY 3 !!!!!!!

          Congrats Don! I am so happy for you - Day 3 is such a bitch!! Day 4 can be tough too, but I think you know what to expect now. Doesn't it feel good - tomorrow will be no hangover for 3 days!! Woo hoo!!

          If you don't have melatonin, you may want to pick some up - it does help with the sleep. Also, if the CDs were helpful last night that sounds like a good plan for you. You are also the first person I think I have spoken to who has not fallen asleep to them!!! Maybe tonight you will ...

          Verrry nice, Chief ..... descending .... descending



            I MADE IT THROUGH DAY 3 !!!!!!!

            Well done Chief - days 3/4 are the worst - it gets easier once these are out of the way!

            Take care

            "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


              I MADE IT THROUGH DAY 3 !!!!!!!

              You know Don, when I logged onto MWO this morning I was wondering and praying that you would be OK... You are in good hand buddy,,,, Arm yourself for day 4 !! IT IS SOOO ON !!!!
              Congratulations and you should be so gosh darn proud of yourself !! One of many friends,

              ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                I MADE IT THROUGH DAY 3 !!!!!!!

                Well done Don,I know how hard it is but you are on the right track.


                  I MADE IT THROUGH DAY 3 !!!!!!!

                  I knew you could do it!! Well done!
                  I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                    I MADE IT THROUGH DAY 3 !!!!!!!

                    Thank You All, This program and especially the people on this site makes all the difference in the world. Last night when I was about to jump out of my skin I just said to myself "get on MWO and post-someone will be there" so that's what I did and you were there. I'm so happy I'm on day 4 and I can't wait for day 5.
                    Riker- congratulations on day 1! I'm doing this for me #1, but #2 I'm doing this and posting as I go through it for people like you who are on day 1 or are just thinking about day 1. I really want to succeed and show people that it can be done. I think you have to put EVERYTHING you have into it. I was thinking last night that I put A LOT of time and energy into being a heavy drinker for 30 years and it's not going to just change overnight. I have to put the same time and energy into becoming a non-drinker. That's what I started calling myself today, a non-drinker. Please keep following me and I won't let you down. Tell yourself" if this ole dude can do it, so can I" Don


                      I MADE IT THROUGH DAY 3 !!!!!!!

                      Well done!!
                      Enlightened by MWO


                        I MADE IT THROUGH DAY 3 !!!!!!!

                        Good luck to you too Riker and congrats on Day 2.........Don is absolutely have to go into this wholeheartedly, determined to be a winner........we can`t wish for sobriety..........we have to go through a whole load of torments and joys to ultimately achieve it.

                        Starlight Impress x


                          I MADE IT THROUGH DAY 3 !!!!!!!

                          Congrats Don!

                          If I've ever heard of a success story in the making it's yours. You inspire me. I'm on my second AF day, started taking the Topa on Sunday and am very optimistic about the days to come.
                          Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.--- Dale Carnegie


                            I MADE IT THROUGH DAY 3 !!!!!!!

                            Thanks Rob, keep reading and posting and feel free to ride my shirttails... Don


                              I MADE IT THROUGH DAY 3 !!!!!!!

                              Thanks Don, I appreciate the congrats and sending the same over to you. I know that you will suceed, just because of you attitude and determination.

                              Stay strong, keep fighting, I'm there right along with you.

                              Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda

