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    I MADE IT THROUGH DAY 3 !!!!!!!

    Stephane, Evergreen, Chief,
    You inspire me. I am new at this, on day three AF. Got my arsenal ofsupps, Topa, CD's and I hope loads of willpower to keep the beast at bay when he comes calling in the PM today.
    Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.--- Dale Carnegie


      I MADE IT THROUGH DAY 3 !!!!!!!

      Rvm, Day 3 too? Excellent. As you probably know day 3 was rough for me. But you know what I learned. I no longer am sitting in the wings waiting for "The Beast" to take a shot at me. I'm constantly looking for the bastard so I can squash him like a bug before he even gets a chance to fire the first shot... I hate him, nothing but trouble. Stay strong, stay alert, let's get 'em...Don


        I MADE IT THROUGH DAY 3 !!!!!!!

        Thanks Don,
        I've got my fly swatter by my side.
        Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.--- Dale Carnegie


          I MADE IT THROUGH DAY 3 !!!!!!!

          chief, i love the attitude, to stay tough, makes me more determined, its only day 2 for me-again-i gave in-tried to moderate-hahahaha!!! I need a big giant fly swatter!! I'm gonna do this!! Brea


            I MADE IT THROUGH DAY 3 !!!!!!!

            Go Brea!! Day 2 is good! I know exactly where you are. I told myself for a long time that I could moderate... what a freakin' joke. I finally realized that it wasn't me saying I could moderate, it was "The Beast". It just wanted me to take that first drink, then "It" took over saying" Thank You very much, I'll take it from here"... I finally realized that I could not beat "It" if I tried to fight "It" on "It's" terms. I realized the only way to beat "It" was to never step into the ring. Make any sense? Stay strong. We're here when you need us,,,Don


              I MADE IT THROUGH DAY 3 !!!!!!!

              Glad for you on Day 3 rvm, and you on Day 2 mystical dreamer.

              Starlight Impress x


                I MADE IT THROUGH DAY 3 !!!!!!!

                Stay strong RVM and Mystical Dreamer.. it's the hard part now..but like everone says, it gets better, that's what I'm banking on .

                Chief, the image that I keep in my mind about fighting the demon is that of King Loenidas in 300. If you have not seen that movie, it's the ultimate battle against all odds. 300 Spartans against the entire Persian army of 100's of thousands. Now THATS a figthing spirit !!!
                Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda

