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Newbies in need day 14

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    Newbies in need day 14

    Hi everyone,
    seems a bit late starting this thread (hope I haven't missed an earlier one!) I feel a bit
    guilty as I usually leave it up to someone else, so here goes. I have not had a drink since
    the last day of July, and that feels good. Prior to that I had managed almost 6 months,
    then things happened which were out of my control, but I used it as an excuse to drink,
    anyway I feel I learned something very valuable from my slip. I now am more aware of
    how easy it is to slip back, and how bad it makes me feel, it really isn't worth it. I know
    that I could never moderate, as they say in AA one too many and tens not enough, for
    me, that is.
    Hope you are all well and happy.
    Love Paula. xx

    Newbies in need day 14

    Blimey!!!`re right paula.........almost 8 pm for you and I and thread just starting!!! LOL

    Glad to hear you`re feeling so positive, as I know just how disappointed you felt when you had your slip.........I just knew you would manage to carry on as if it never happened. You ought to be so proud of yourself, because you`re actually almost 7 mths. sober.

    Like yourself, I`m done with drinking..........Day 16 says I never ever want to go back to my old life........feeling happy to be free.

    Starlight Impress x


      Newbies in need day 14

      Hi Paula and Starlight and all who come later. I wish I could say I was on day 16 af but sadly I blew it on day 14. Don't really know why, but todays another day and I'm starting again. Back to day 1 and so far its af. I wish you all well, joesgal xx


        Newbies in need day 14

        Hi Joesgal,
        It's not easy but it will get better, at least you can start again.
        Love Paula xx


          Newbies in need day 14

          Hi guys, just got back this afternoon. Had a lovely night away in a lovely B & B called Byfords in Holt, Norfolk - really nice place. Erm...., only thing is I've got something to confess too Joesgal....., day 14 for me yesterday and, well, erm....well, we had em....well, last night we had champagne. There, I've said it! Actually, I had a few glasses of champas. I feel okay and I'm determined not to let myself slide back into old habits. One day at a time, and today I'm AF. Janicexxx
          AF since 9 May 2012
          Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


            Newbies in need day 14

            Hi joesgal,
            You haven`t blown anything............14 days says "you can".........just look at`ve bounced right back and are doing it again........I`m cheering you on!!!

            Starlight Impress x


              Newbies in need day 14

              Thanks Paula, Starlight and Janice, I feel better now that I told you all. I actually considered not posting again but then I thought no way. I have come further in the past few weeks than I have done in over 20 years. I don't want to lose that now. I have to go into work tomorrow, the A level results are out and I am dreading that, but at least I will have a clear head and that in itself will be a good thing. Thanks again to all, love Joesgal xx


                Newbies in need day 14

                Hi Janice, glad you had a good time, glad your feeling ok, you won't slide back as long
                as your aware of what your doing, and don't feel guilty, it's always the guilt that gets to
                me. Glad your feeling better Joesgal. Forgot about A level time again, must contact my niece she's waiting for her results. Glad your your usual happy opptimistic self Star, you
                cheer me up.
                Love Paula xx


                  Newbies in need day 14

                  Hi Paula, Starlight, Joesgal and Janice - 14 days sound wonderful and I agree the key is jumping right back in. I found when I stopped posting because I did not want to admit I was slipping it was a much longer slide. I am back and shooting for 30 days one day at a time. Either way I plan to check in here daily!!!!


                    Newbies in need day 14

                    Hi Janice,
                    Glad to have you back. Champers??........awww c`mon, that was were on wee special break with hubby, so no guilt-trip for that one!!!!

                    joesgal...........don`t you dare disappear if you slip!!!.........and that goes for any of us........we should use this thread as an added incentive whilst remembering that there are no conditions to being here.........if any of us cave, we just get right back on here for some loving support from our friends.......SIMPLE!!!

                    Thanks for the sweet words, paula. The people on both this thread and Monthly Abs are especially close to my heart.

                    Starlight Impress x


                      Newbies in need day 14

                      That`s the spirit evergreen!!!.........we just jump straight back in and help each other along.
                      I also want that first 30 days so very badly........really think I`ll get we all shall.

                      Starlight Impress x


                        Newbies in need day 14

                        Hey Guys, well mostly Gals here but you know what I mean.

                        Today I am on Day 2 AF..Got home after work at 3:30 in the afternoon as per my usual time. This is the witching hour for me because I am alone in the house for the next 2 hours, perfect for downing 4 to 6 beers before the wife gets home. Then I have more wile making dinner, then after dinner, pretty much until I go to bed at 11:00pm. Today, I went to the fridge to get something to eat and while I was there I counted the beers, there were 6 cold ones in there and another 12 next to fridge. 18 all told..'s 8:00pm and there are still 18 in total. !

                        I came really really close to have one, or more, between 4:30 and 6:00.. but once I had dinner and drank more water the urge passed and now I'm good for the rest of the evening. If I can go through that 2 or 3 hour period from 4:00 to 6:00 then I'm home free.. The weekends are a completely different story..cause I usually start at lunch time and go till bed time..But I am NOT planning on doing that this coming weekend.

                        One day at a time, and Day 2 is pretty much done for me as I am going to bed in a few hours. Friday night will be the toughest for sure, followed by Saturday, my favourite party day because I can drink even more and just sleep longer on Sunday morning.. But I will try to abstain this time around.

                        Just thought I would post to say how things went today. It helps me stay positive and I feel really good about not giving in this afternoon, as much as I CRAVED that cold beer, it stayed in the fridge. Now someone is probably going to sugest that should not keep cold beer in the fridge, but when there is none in the house, I want it even more. It was the same when I smoked, as long as I had cigs on me, I could go without one, but as soon as I ran out, panic !.. Now I quit smoking 5 years ago so that's not an issue anymore but it's kind of the same principle.

                        Thanks all of you and see you all tomorrow, on Day 3 AF !!

                        Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda


                          Newbies in need day 14

                          Riker, Good Job on Day 2!! You displayed a lot of self control by not drinking when there were 18 beers in the house! Beer was my beverage of choice also, to the tune of 12-15 a day, and there is no way I could have gone AF for 2 days with 18 in the house. That would have been torture. I'm not sure I understand your logic on that but keep checking in here and posting and you will find all kinds of support. It's tough but it's worth it. Tomorrow will only be day 5 for me so I know what you are going through. We're here when you need us. Don


                            Newbies in need day 14

                            Thanks Chief !

                            I'm hanging in as long as you are my friend !. Us EX beer drinkers have to stick together LOL.

                            Honestly, my ultimate goal is Mod. I want to get a good stretch of AF, like 30 days would be nice, and then see if I can mod.. or not.. never really tried yet because I need to get rid of the "excess" that has been building up over the years. I used to drink 3 or 4, then 6 , then 8, latetely it has been more like 10 - 12.. on weeknights !! that's just plain wrong.

                            If the find that the beers are calling me and I can't resist, I will get rid of them.. but not by drinking them LOL .. I'll give them to my neighbor, he drinks more than I do.. and the same brand to!. .He's also my friend and wants to quit as well.. same boat as all of us.. I'm going to send him the link to this wonderfull website and hopefuly he will use it like I do.

                            Going to turn in now.. See you all tomorrow on DAY 3 (for me) and Day 5 for The Chief !!

                            Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda

