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AF day 4 feeling great!!

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    AF day 4 feeling great!!

    Hi Guys/Girls

    Yep day 4 and am so proud even going to gym (which is great seeing I used to be bit of a gym bunny before...and lost it along the way) just hope it stays this way.... any views on non-alcoholic beverages for example the non-alcoholic beers or is it just a way of fooling oneself again??

    AF day 4 feeling great!!

    So pleased for you Skye650 with you being on Day 4........feels such a relief to get through the first/worst couple of days, doesn`t it?

    Can`t comment on non-alcoholic "drinks" I`m afraid........I was a wine drinker and would worry that the taste of AF wine may tempt me back to partaking of the genuine article!!! LOL
    Have read here of many who are enjoying AF beer and wine, so they will be able to offer better advice you on that score.

    Wishing you love and strength.

    Much love,

    Starlight Impress x


      AF day 4 feeling great!!

      Hey Skye

      I struggled to find an "after gym" beverage too - but finally settled on Soda water and Lime, with a slice of lime and ice.

      Refreshing - rehydrating AND non alcoholic.

      I was singing its praises so much that someone on here even named it after me - folk in Australia were asking for a "Satori" when they went to the bar for a wee while!

      Are you actually on Skye BTW?

      Will be over there battering up and down the Cuillin sometime soon - if the weather EVER clears!


      "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


        AF day 4 feeling great!!

        Skye, Day 4- Isn't it great? Keep doing what you're doing- read, post, exercise, think about how you use to feel and how you feel now and always keep your guard up... You are doing great! Don


          AF day 4 feeling great!!

          Hi Skye. CONGRATULATIONS day 4 WOW!:yougo: I'm on day 1 "again" GRRR I am quite into Becks AF beer. I did 6 days with it last time before the merlot got me. its virtually like the real stuff and very refreshing, for some reason i get a slight "warm" feelin from it (placebo effect maybe ??) may not be the best way to go but at least it buys me another night AF. xxxMax :bigwink:
          Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy


            AF day 4 feeling great!!

            Skye well done, when I went to AA they would say keep away from non alcoholic beer
            and wine as it is the psychology of drinking, I don't agree with all they say but I do believe
            they have a good point. I personally am going to try a Satori, it sounds good.
            Best wishes. Paula xx

