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Will this work?

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    Will this work?

    Just found this site. It looks great and I am hoping I can get started.

    Will this work?

    Hi cutie,
    Of course this will work..........all it takes is for you to decide to apply yourself with all your might.
    Download the book and check out the Health Store to study the recommended supps and available meds, and decide on your personal strategy.

    Is working for can work for you too.

    Wishing you love and strength,

    Starlight Impress x


      Will this work?

      Welcome Cutie to MWO!! Janicexxx
      AF since 9 May 2012
      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


        Will this work?

        Thanks for the welcome. I must make the decision the apply myself. I am going to take the weekend to do some soul searching.


          Will this work?

          :welcome: Cutie. This site is as good as you want to make it. Lots of great people here, there is nothing u have done or thought or feel now that one or more haven't gone thru. We support each other here. :l


            Will this work?

            Cutie, I'm glad you found this site. I'm on Day 5 AF (alcohol free) and I would not have thought it possible a week ago. It works if you want it to work. Keep checking in and reading the posts and you will see everyone is in this together. There are people that are thinking about Day 1, people on Day 1 ,people on Day 600+, and everything in between. If you really decide to get serious about your drinking, we can help. Have a good soul search... Don


              Will this work?

              Welcome Cutie, If You want help, here's where to get it.I've been thru several diff programs,didn't, it's like comfortable.Stay in contact and everyone will help You out.Hang in there


                Will this work?

                Cutie: I was drinking a 1.5 L bottle of wine 3 - 5 times per week (at least). Now, I've been alcohol free since July 10th. I couldn't have done it wo/MWO. Mary
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012

