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Day one again and a big thanks to everyone!

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    Day one again and a big thanks to everyone!

    First I want to say a huge thanks to everyone for the kind words about my sister. It turns out that it's not so bad as we first thought, although she may end up having to have a hysterectomy if the second procedure doesn't get all of the cells. But in all likelihood she will be fine in the end!

    I sorta went a bit nuts the past couple of weeks - I had some twisted idea that I was being selfish and self centered spending all my time on my problem! Stopped coming here, ran out of Kudzu and, well - same old story. Although I did not get completely out of control I certainly have let myself slip into the bad old patterns! Am disappointed in myself and a little ashamed.

    But I know that the important thing is that I'm back here and that I refuse to give up. I don't know exactly what it is about this site, but it really helps and I wil not stop coming again!

    Day one again and a big thanks to everyone!

    SheShe, under the circumstances you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. Now that your sister is going to be OK (keeping fingers crossed until she gets a clean bill of health) you can now focus on your health and wellness!

    I am happy she isn't as bad off as you had initially thought!


      Day one again and a big thanks to everyone!

      sheshe, It's the people... welcome back. Don


        Day one again and a big thanks to everyone!

        Hi sheshe,
        Glad your sister`s prognosis turned out well.
        I think it most understandable that your drinking reared its ugly head again when facing such fear of the unknown, so I wouldn`t waste time or energy decrying yourself for it.........just reemploy your plan of attack and get back to where you were with it prior to your sis` diagnosis.

        Sending love and strength to the both of you.

        Starlight Impress x


          Day one again and a big thanks to everyone!

          Thanks guys! Day two, ya know, the day WITHOUT the hangover!, and am going to take my son "golfing" (miniature golf), then come home to do some work and some laundry! I have a very busy weekend coming up and want to feel healthy; so lots of water and good food. I wish I could find the time to do the CDs and get some exercise, but for some reason just haven't been able to. That's my next priority!


            Day one again and a big thanks to everyone!

            Hi Sheshe! I' am soooo happy to see you back! I was away from computer all day yesterday and missed your return! Great news about your sister!!!

            Good to hear you are going to be around for a while and that things are back to some kind of "normal" in your life. Day two! Good for you! I know what you mean about this place. Couldn't do it without the people on here either, and you are a big part of that, too. Anyway...I really am VERY happy you are back and a littlle selfish myself because you have so much knowlege to share with better take good care of your self!

            More on me later

            Mary:h :h


              Day one again and a big thanks to everyone!

              Okey dokey - about to give the boy a bath and get him to bed. Weird, I actually had a problem around 4:30, not so much a physical craving, but it sure was psychological! So, I took a kudzu and 2 Valerian, did some laundry and it passed. I don't think I've ever really experienced that before. I am going straight to bed after I get "the boy" set, gonna read a book and fall asleep looking forward to a clear headed day tomorrow!

              Hope everyone has a great night!

