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    Morning everyone, hope we all had a good day yesterday and are all ready for today, the weather here is grey and wet as usual so I dont think I will be packing summer clothes for my hols tomorrow. I could really do with some sunshine but will make do with grey clouds. I am off to the Lake District just for the week. I will catch up later keep strong everyone.


    hi everyone, will check in later properly - off to school with my daughter to get her A level results then I've got Drs appointment. Hope you are all well and motivated for today!! Janicexxx
    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)



      Where is everybody today have you all gone on holiday???:H


        NEWBIES IN NEED -- DAY 16

        Goodness, its 4pm UK time - where is everyone?? Is this thread dying??? Hope not! Garden Girl thanks for starting us off today, hope you have a great time in the Lakes - its a lovely part of England!! My daughter just got her Alevel results and did great, 2As and a B so we're really pleased - it means she's got her place at Manchester Uni to study English Language.

        I feel good today but have had to get some antibiotics from the Drs. He's also doing some blood tests to check out my liver etc. Have a good day Garden Girl and all to come - hopefully!!! Janicexxx
        AF since 9 May 2012
        Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


          NEWBIES IN NEED -- DAY 16

          Its just you and me Garden Girl!!!
          AF since 9 May 2012
          Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


            NEWBIES IN NEED -- DAY 16

            Hi everyone, just got in from work, hope the weather picks up GG, I'm off on holiday
            on saturday. Had a good day yesterday and today so far. Hope everyone is well and
            motivated. Love Paula. x


              NEWBIES IN NEED -- DAY 16

              Oh no it's not !


                NEWBIES IN NEED -- DAY 16

                Hello everyone,
                I had a nice 50th birthday yesterday, just DH and me. It was a hectic work day but we went out and had dinner because I did not want to cook. We will go out this weekend for a real birthday dinner then to Williams Sonoma to pick out anything I want for the kitchen. I love new cooking gadgets, what a treat! It was my first sober birthday in at least 20 years and I'm very proud and happy about that. I have God and MWO to thank and that includes all of you.

                Not everything that happened yesterday was good. I did not hear from certain people and we had some issues with the step daughter and those are real triggers for me. I knew that if drank I would really regret it today and that the only thing that would change would be how I feel about myself today. It wouldn't have made the phone ring and it wouldn't make the the step daughter a responsible young adult. I also gave my husband one less thing to worry about before he finally went to sleep, if he did.

                Garden Girl thanks for starting the thread today. Have a nice if cool vacation and be strong. Enjoy your family time.
                Janice have a great day. It's good to see you here everyday even if I don't post and say so.
                Paula, Hi we posted at the same time.

                If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                  NEWBIES IN NEED -- DAY 16

                  Melissa and Paula - hi!! Happy birthday for yesterday Melissa!! Janicexxx
                  AF since 9 May 2012
                  Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                    NEWBIES IN NEED -- DAY 16

                    Hi Everyone: We just got back from a few days away in Vermont, U.S.A. It was a nice AF time. There was a complimentary bottle of champagne waiting for us in our room (which we brought home unopened). We had 2 lovely gourmet meals while away, & they were perfectly enjoyable wo/wine. Today is day 38 for me, & the motivation not to drink grows stronger w/each passing day. Melissa, you said that you had a trigger but knew you'd regret drinking afterward. That is what keeps me going. I know that drinking won't make me feel better, only worse. Good luck everyone. Please don't give up on this thread. It's a good one. Mary
                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      NEWBIES IN NEED -- DAY 16

                      Just getting my first opportunity to login today.. so far so good, Day 4 for me.. It's tougher tonight than other nights I find.. don't know why.. but I'll do my best to abstain.

                      Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda


                        NEWBIES IN NEED -- DAY 16

                        Do it Riker. Day 4, you don't want to start over. Don't wait for The Beast, go after him. Don


                          NEWBIES IN NEED -- DAY 16

                          Good evening all, well I am still hanging in there and managing not to drink. I got the cds yesterday and intend starting to use them tomorrow. I also joined a slimming world group tonight and have ten pounds to lose to reach my target weight, so this is another incentive to stay af. Glad everyone is doing well and delighted for your daughter janice, hey that's wonderful news! I was very relieved that all my students passed their A level Religious Studies, it's a weight off my mind for sure. Have a good holiday GG. and thanks to everyone for your posts, they keep me going when I have time to get on line and to read them, love, joesgal xx


                            NEWBIES IN NEED -- DAY 16

                            Hi everyone, still busy packing as usual but totally sober, I wont be back on line till next friday, please keep the thread going and I wish everyone a good week and happy holiday to those going away. Take care and Don keep that beast at bay for the rest of us !! GGXXX


                              NEWBIES IN NEED -- DAY 16

                              Hi GG, Janice, Paula, Melissa, Reteacher, Riker, Chief, Joesgal, etc.
                              Just getting a chance to get to the posts. I am with you Stephane, for some reason I am finding Day 4 the hardest but trying to stick to my guns. Really don't want to start over yet again!!!! I will be sending my firstborn off to college in a week and she is going thru that stage where she makes it much easier for her mom to let her go!!!! Trying not to take her comments and attitudes personally and really trying not to use them as an excuse. There is nothing that is not worse if I drink, right!!!! I feel better already coming here!! Happy Birthday Melissa!!! Mary, Congrats on the unopened Champagne!! Have a lovely trip Garden Girl. I also will be away for the weekend but will be eager to check in Sunday pm

