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Good morning! Day 3 a bit worried about hubby coming home tonight

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    Good morning! Day 3 a bit worried about hubby coming home tonight

    Good morning everyone! New day and this is day 3 AF for me. I haven't set any goals, just taking it one day at a time. I think one of the hardest things I go through when I try to do AF is when my husband is at home. He's a drinker, likes his beers and scotch at night; he also wants me to be able to "drink normally" with him. He travels a lot, so when he's out of town I just try not to have it in the house (well, these days ); when he's home we're stocked - beer, wine, Scotch. Well, he's coming home tonight, we'll be stocked again by tomorrow!

    I'm also so angry at him, and have been for awhile (for many reasons which I may eventually write about) that half the time I just want to scratch his eyes out! But what do I do instead? You guessed it - reach for that trusty shot of Scotch and slam it down with the anger! Smart, huh?

    Okay - got that out! I am feeling strong and determined this morning; am looking forward to a busy weekend with lots of energy and NO drinking! Wish me luck! And I hope everyone is feeling well this morning and ready to face the weekend, which I understand is hard for a lot of you guys who have social lives!

    Good morning! Day 3 a bit worried about hubby coming home tonight


    Good luck this weekend!!

    I am sorry you and your husband are having problems; it certainly doesn't make what you are trying to do easier.

    If you can get through the weekend AF, you will have really done something great. Keep that goal in mind.

    Take care,
    AF April 9, 2016


      Good morning! Day 3 a bit worried about hubby coming home tonight

      Hi SheShe

      It is a shame that your husband can't be more supportive towards you and as Cindi says, sorry you're having a bad time with him.

      When I finally "came out" and admitted my problem to my husband I felt as if a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. It's tough quitting isn't it and you need all the support you can get. You sound as if you're a very strong person though, so keep at it and you will succeed.

      Don't forget we're all here for you.


        Good morning! Day 3 a bit worried about hubby coming home tonight

        Thanks guys! I've got my kudzu (along with all of my other supps) and a HUGE desire to feel good all weekend! Funny, last Saturday my husband had a terrible hangover; I didn't as I drank moderately (like 3-4 beers), there was something so rewarding about being the one to feel superior for a change!:devil:


          Good morning! Day 3 a bit worried about hubby coming home tonight

          Hi everyone, just popping in before I go on holiday. Hope you can stay strong Sheshe,
          Have a good weekend. Be back 26 Aug. I'm feeling fairly optimistic that I won't drink
          while I'm away.
          Good luck everyone.
          Love Paula. xx


            Good morning! Day 3 a bit worried about hubby coming home tonight

            Have a GREAT holiday Paula! See you when you get back!

            Now, I really should get some work done!

