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Anyone from N.Ireland on this site?

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    Anyone from N.Ireland on this site?

    :new: Hi folks,

    I was jut wondering if anyone visiting this site (or who has started the programme) is from Northern Ireland and if so, perhaps having a friend locally would be good for us both.

    TaTa for now,


    Anyone from N.Ireland on this site?

    I'm obviously not, but I have a friend that is from N. Ireland - does that count?? lol

    Welcome to MWO JJ!!
    It always seems impossible until it's done....


      Anyone from N.Ireland on this site?

      Hi JJ, I'm from Northern Ireland and I joined mwo about 4 weeks ago. You will find lots of help and encouragement here, it's a great place to be! Joesgal:welcome:


        Anyone from N.Ireland on this site?

        Welcome to MWO JJ. I'm not from Northern Ireland, but have plenty of relatives who live there. I recently post poned my September visit and hope to fly over in late October. When I do, I'll be staying in Belfast. Maybe we can meet up!
        September 23, 2011


          Anyone from N.Ireland on this site?

          Hi JJ and Reenie and Flip! Reenie that sounds like a great idea, maybe we could all meet up, that would be a really nice thing to do. Let me know when you are coming and we can organise something. Joesgal xx


            Anyone from N.Ireland on this site?

            N.I. Club!

            Hey reenie,

            That's a great idea and only a couple of months away!!

            Look forward to it,



              Anyone from N.Ireland on this site?

              Hi there, I'm from N.Ireland too. Found lots of help on site, good place to come.

              take care,



                Anyone from N.Ireland on this site?

                Hi, I'm from the UK, but any excuse to fly to N. Ireland is good enough for me, just let me know when (if i'm welcome of course) :H


                  Anyone from N.Ireland on this site?

                  BB you would be more than welcome, no need to even ask! I would love to meet you, I have just managed to get my 3 year old niece to bed.........oy and its midnight!! So this is my last post of the day, take care all, love joesgal xx


                    Anyone from N.Ireland on this site?

                    And Hi to Nicole, nice to find another person from Northern Ireland, Joesgal xx


                      Anyone from N.Ireland on this site?

                      Hi JJ: I rvc'd your email. Did you receive my reply. Funny that your dog's name is similiar to mine!
                      September 23, 2011


                        Anyone from N.Ireland on this site?

                        Hi JJ, My hubby's from Dublin, obviously not N. Ireland but I sure welcome u.:welcome:


                          Anyone from N.Ireland on this site?

                          A big Happy Welcome to you JJ... even though I'm from ... Northern... Ontario, Canada.. Does that count ? Hope you enjoy your time here along with all of us... Again, welcome !!!

                          ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                            Anyone from N.Ireland on this site?

                            So when is the get together so that I can book my flight?


                              Anyone from N.Ireland on this site?

                              Hey betty, Boop boop de boop

