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My First Step-seeking understanding peeps

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    My First Step-seeking understanding peeps

    As my name says, I am a Hip Mom with 2 wonderful young children. The last 2 days, I fell asleep at 7:00 which is early for me, the kids stayed up til 10:30 when I got up from my "nap", I put them to bed.
    I came across MWO while searching liver damage from alcohol drinking. I've been drinking for about 3 years. Hey, it helped me conquer depression. I have read a bit about the system. I am sooo against prescription meds, I am into holistic treatments which have helped me and my family in many areas.
    This message is a "hey", I need someone who understands because no one knows what's truly going on inside. Yes, they notice I drink hard at parties and can hold my own. But they don't know the battle I'm fighting. Plus to be honest and this is not a statement to feel sorry for myself or have others feel sorry for me. But, I have been dealt a handful of people who truly don't give a ........... I have had a long road of non supportive family and friends when it came to my children, to my circumstances, jealousy, etc. So because of the fact that I was alone and felt totally alone, I turned to drugs then alcohol.

    Ahhhh, feels good to vent

    My First Step-seeking understanding peeps

    Hi HipMom! I wanted to welcome you to MWO! I am sure you will find a lot of comfort knowing there are people here that understand. I certainly did! I have to make this short as I need to go and pick my little one up from daycare - but wanted to welcome you!



      My First Step-seeking understanding peeps

      I've used alcohol to help my depression.....does'nt work. Alcohol is a depressent. So drinking to solve depression is like burning your barn down to get rid of rats. Thier are some Herbal alternitives to prozac or zoloft for depression. In the U.S. we have natuarlist Dr. that persribe herbal alternitives. You can also just stop in to a Herb & Vitamin store. (I suggest a local one, not one of those national type stores...only because the people working in the big stores usually don't know as much about what they sell. The small stores have serios people who know thier herbs. my opion anyway ) Also try the MWO the book, try the supplements. Thier Herbal/vitimins. Good Luck, read & Post, we're here to help. IAD
      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
      Dr. Seuss


        My First Step-seeking understanding peeps

        Yes I guess the depression is not truly over until I have overcome it without alcohol. But I haven't felt depressed in a while until yesterday. My post here is to deal with the alcohol because it is hurting me. My son (10 yrs old) wrote up a contract that states I would cook dinner for the family from Thur on. I have not cooked a home meal in months. Although we don't go hungry because there is always something to consume, my children know how Mommy cooked and how good it was for all of us. I DID make pasta with him today and it was great. I will read more about the milk thislte and the L serum something and the supplements.


          My First Step-seeking understanding peeps

          I use Milk Thisle, Evening Primrose, Kaduza, L-Gaultamine. for the alcohol cravings & repair. As far as for need to reserch that with your Herblest. I personnely use drugs that my Dr. Prescribes for me (Zoloft). Take Care !
          ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
          those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
          Dr. Seuss


            My First Step-seeking understanding peeps

            Hi HipMom,
            I used to use alcohol to cope with anxiety and depression, and, just as IAD said, alcohol cures nothing. Sure, a couple of drinks can work wonders to calm us down, in the short-term, but alcohol has a cumulative effect on the brain and ensures you remain depressed and anxious.

            I haven`t had a drink for almost 3 wks., thanks to this site and it`s caring members, and whilst that in itself hasn`t caused any radical, overnight improvements in my life, I do feel a lot calmer, and I believe that any remaining depression is caused by the transition of becoming a non-drinker as opposed to a drinker, which can cause us to feel somewhat "adrift" as we contemplate a future without alcohol.

            Personally, I`m not a great fan of meds either, although have the greatest respect for members who are using them to help them either moderate or be alcohol-free. So, I am not taking any meds..........I am simply adopting the "mind over matter" approach, and find that I have been able to quit drinking without the meds. If you really have an aversion to meds for yourself, you could try using the supps and the CD`s.......loads of members enjoy success with these.

            I hope this helps.

            Wishing you love and strength,

            Starlight Impress x


              My First Step-seeking understanding peeps

              Hi Hip Mom!

              I can understand your feelings of hope coming across this web site. I too just loved the program when I started reading about it. Maybe for slightly different reasons than you, I'm gun shy about prescription stuff - just seen too much abuse of it in a general sense through life. BUT...I will even willing to give Topomax (and the full MWO program as recommended in the book) a try just to get booze out of my life.

              I ordered the Topomax from outside the US, so the MWO supplements and hypnotic CD's got here first. I dove right into the supplements and CD's. For me anyway (and I think many others will say the same thing) those 2 components of the program really work! I think the supplements help the healing and cravings, and the CD's really help me to stay positive and reinforce my program. I was doing well - I think I was probably nearly two weeks alcohol free - by the time the Topomax got here, so I have never started taking it. Long story short - don't be afraid to try the rest of the program without the prescription drugs to see how you do.

              Anyway, welcome to MWO!!

              Day 39 AF (alcohol free)
              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                My First Step-seeking understanding peeps

                Hey HipMom
                Just a warm welcome to MWO! If you need to talk or just vent, don't hesitate to get ahold of me. We're one big team here. Keep your chin up!

                "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

                ~Red :h


                  My First Step-seeking understanding peeps

                  I am impressed that there are so many women on this site.

                  I thought only men, and me, were drunks.

                  I wish you love, lady. I think love cures alcohol. ....Ez


                    My First Step-seeking understanding peeps

                    Hi Hipmom & Welcome, Nice to have you here ....

                    As the others have said, alcohol actually causes the depression. For me it used to cause the most horrendous anxiety attacks.

                    I can so relate to the not cooking, When I was drinking heavily we used to live on snacks, but now i'm cooking again, there are some fabulous recipes on the recipe section here.

                    Love & Hugs, BB xx


                      My First Step-seeking understanding peeps

                      Hipmom, Welcome to you.This place is such a great place of support and frienship from people who really understand the struggles accociated with alcohol addiction.It can spiral out of control and becomes soo wearing,and before you know it ,it will effect even the basics of day to day life,and sadly the things we hold so dear.(It can take it all).
                      I know in my own bitter experience things were getting bad. It wasn;t untill it started to effect my children i knew i really really had to sort myself out.
                      Well done for making the first move-Keep posting,and read,read,order some supps if you can.Best of luck to you xx

