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Finally...One day sober!!!

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    Finally...One day sober!!!

    It was tough, but I prevailed! One of the longest days I can remember. Although, I've felt terrible all week (i always thought withdrawling was just in people's minds). I literally felt like I've had the flu (pretty much miserable) and some awful stomach cramps & body aches. Hopefully, my days will soon take a turn for the better! I'm Optimistic. Sort of funny that since I've been drinking very very little - I can't sleep. Gosh!! Remember "drunk sleep" - aahhh!! I am nervous though. I have a wedding to attend tomorrow and am unsure of how i'll deal in social situations. My hubby is being awesome and giving me space when i need it and talking things out with me when i feel like hitting my head against a wall. anyway, i thought i would update you all to my little piece of progress ... because that's what i am (a work in progress!!)

    good night my friends,

    "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

    ~Red :h

    Finally...One day sober!!!

    Way to go Red

    Really proud for you keep it up I start again tomorrow at day one. We can do this!! especally with all the wonderful people here.


      Finally...One day sober!!!

      This is fantastic Red, keep up the good work, it's well worth it. There's some really good information on withdrawals on this site - RJ posted it in "need help asap" Understanding Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms ...

      Good luck, keep letting us know how you are doing!

      It always seems impossible until it's done....


        Finally...One day sober!!!

        You too Chief!
        It always seems impossible until it's done....


          Finally...One day sober!!!

          Good Job, Red. I'm starting day 6 and I know it's rough. The first two days for me were painful but now they seem to be getting better and better. Just hang in there and follow the program. We're all here for you.
          Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.--- Dale Carnegie


            Finally...One day sober!!!

            hey red well done, glad hubby is right there by your side. Chalk up day two babe it's tough going but it is worth it. I was there once and hope to be again Kimbo
            Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


              Finally...One day sober!!!

              Hey Kimbo, you can do this my friend, you know you can!

              It always seems impossible until it's done....


                Finally...One day sober!!!

                Congratulations Red!! And welcome to Day 2. I can understand the nervous feelings about the wedding where I'm sure people will be drinking at the reception. That's AWESOME that you have full support of your hubby.

                Here is what I did early on, and STILL DO each and every day. HAVE A PLAN for every situation. Of course I don't think there is ONE plan just for weddings - probably depends on whether this is someone really close, or a more casual friend/relative. But here's an example wedding plan I would make:

                Decide in advance what I will drink. Talk to hubby about my concerns. Agree on a specific arrival and departure time (or point in the proceedings) for the reception. In other words - limit the time spent (especially once drinking/dancing gets into full swing) without being rude.

                For me anyway, I HAVE to make my sobriety my number one priority. Yep, there have been times when people wondered why I left something early. Too bad. I won't be able to accomplish this important thing for my LIFE if I put everyone else's feelings/questions/whatevers first, and my sobriety second, third or last.

                So...long story short - do what you have to do to succeed with an AF wedding day. It's an added bonus that your hubby is willing to support whatever it is you need to do!

                Best wishes,

                Day 39 AF
                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  Finally...One day sober!!!

                  Great advice DG.
                  It always seems impossible until it's done....


                    Finally...One day sober!!!

                    Fantastic get`s easier every day...........let`s hear about you getting through Day 2 now!!!

                    Love and strength to you.

                    Starlight Impress x


                      Finally...One day sober!!!

                      Way to go!! The first day is the hardest, so keep in mind that you don't want to repeat it! I just got back from my family trip to Napa, CA, so I am jumping in here on Day 2 also! Let's do this together!!

                      The wedding will be tough, but think of the great sense of accomplishment that you will have tomorrow! I agree with DG's advice, and I will add that if you like dancing, go for it! It eats up the time, its good exercise, and its hard to drink while doing it! (Not that I haven't tried!! LOL)

                      Anyway, think of how good you'll look --- drunks often get all messed up by the end of the night --- I speak from experience!

                      Well, good luck and let us know how it goes. Be strong and confident! )



                        Finally...One day sober!!!

                        See Holistic thread for advice on sleep. (I started it ha ha). There are lots of natural remedies, good stuff -- Melatonin, Valerian, Calms Forte, Tryptophan, the list goes on and on BUT if this stuff doesn't work, I say go ahead and take a sleeping pill (a mild one), just don't get in the habit. You need your sleep to get through this, that's for sure. good luck.

                        ps: i am also on day 2 and also have a party to go to tomorrow. Will be takin DG's advice. I love to leave parties early anyway (usually because I'm too tired from all the booze, he he).
                        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                          Finally...One day sober!!!

                          I am so happy for you. You sound so positive. Despite what may happen at the wedding, I am sure you will at least moderate and then go abs again. You are definitely traveling on the right road and have a most inspiring attitude. Hope to hear ever more hopeful news from you in the future. Keep posting, and keep winning, girl.
                          Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.

