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Good morning! On to day 4 and feeling good!

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    Good morning! On to day 4 and feeling good!

    I just wanted to post a quick note before I'm out the door! I've got a busy, busy day ahead and probably won't stop before 11:00 tonight. Made it through day 3 with no probs, day 4 today - whoohoo, no hangover, feeling great! Shew, it's such a relief. It's funny, I only really seem to have a problem when I'm stuck at home with nowhere to go and nothing to do except CLEAN! Ya know, I think there's a lot of stuff tied up in that and I'm going to do some thinking on it and figure out a way to deal with it WITHOUT drinking! I may have to face some really unpleasant feelings, UGH!

    Anyway - hope everyone is doing well! And a happy Saturday to everyone!

    Good morning! On to day 4 and feeling good!

    Happy Day 4 Sheshe!! You sound really great! Congratulations! I agree it's easier on busy days. ACK on house cleaning too! I'm working on finding more FUN things to fill the prior drinking time with! YOU GO GIRL!

    Day 39 AF
    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Good morning! On to day 4 and feeling good!

      Yes, thoroughly agree is but a necessary evil (read it and weep, Boys!!!! LOL).........get yourself an enjoyable hobby to pass your former drinking time.

      Congrats on reaching Day 4. More power to you.

      It sure is tough, but then, so are we !!!!

      Starlight Impress x


        Good morning! On to day 4 and feeling good!

        Well done She!! And DG, you are right, find fun things to do with your new found sober time.

        I bought a motorbike and learnt to ride it at the age of 42! I also spend a lot of time reading and learning about myself. Time very well spent, and it continues to be that way. I am finally finding out who I am, without blocking it all out with the drink. And guess what, I like me now!!!

        Keep up the great work!
        It always seems impossible until it's done....


          Good morning! On to day 4 and feeling good!

          Wow impressed........thought you`d had a motorbike for 42, too much of a scaredy cat to even think of biking though!!! LOL

          Starlight Impress x


            Good morning! On to day 4 and feeling good!

            Take a look at the photo gallery to see me, and my bike - I started riding that two weeks after I got my learner's permit!!!
            It always seems impossible until it's done....


              Good morning! On to day 4 and feeling good!

              Flip, that is so awesome that you found a hobby to be passionate about in your 40's!!! I'm 49 - but maybe there is still hope for me. Something that is just totally ME and rocks my world. It will be fun searching anyway.

              Sorry for the threadjack - but I do think realizing that there is an EXCITING LIFE waiting for us outside of the bottle is an important motivator - especially in the early or rough times.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Good morning! On to day 4 and feeling good!

                Very cool bike and cool Flip!!!.........crikey, you rode THAT MEAN MACHINE only 2 wks. after getting your learners`re one gutsy lady!!! Maybe, it`s time for me to stop being such a wee feartie!!! LOL

                Starlight Impress x


                  Good morning! On to day 4 and feeling good!

                  Thread hijacking

                  :hijacked: Sorry about the thread! lol

                  DG, thats exactly what I did - found something so totally different and daring and exciting to do. It had changed my life so much for the better.

                  I had always said I wanted to ride a bike and never done it, so when I started getting sober I thought, what the heck, just do it!

                  Some people think I'm nuts because it's so dangerous, but I know for sure that it's saved my life.

                  One of my best friends now is 61 and got her licence a year ago, so you are NEVER to old for something new.

                  And Starlight, whatever a wee feartie is, be a do bee, not a don't bee!

                  It always seems impossible until it's done....


                    Good morning! On to day 4 and feeling good!

                    Yeah Flip,
                    Well am gonna get that book Kitty and some of you others are talking about.........guess I`m just another person who has been brain washed into being a don`t bee, i.e. "a wee feartie".

                    Still, can`t imagine I`d ever have the balls to ride a motorbike though.......well, O.K..........maybe pillion if there`s a mighty handsome chap keeping "the thing" under control !!! LOL

                    Starlight Impress x


                      Good morning! On to day 4 and feeling good!

                      Don't let some MAN take you for a ride honey!! Do it for yourself!

                      Next challenge, the Kokoda Trail, then white water rafting!!!
                      It always seems impossible until it's done....


                        Good morning! On to day 4 and feeling good!

                        Well said, now I just gotta work on how to transform this "wee softie" into one "tough cookie"!!!

                        WATCH THIS SPACE!!! lol

                        Starlight Impress x


                          Good morning! On to day 4 and feeling good!

                          hAPPY DAY 4 She,I know where your at.In my case,just to fill in time, I took over doing laundry for my family.My wife@ kids,boys,17,19,21 have supported me for 10 yrs on all my 1/2 hearted tries to quit.The wife found this site for me,I'm day 14? af, feel great,I visit this site everyday cause its my anchor.Well I'm going to start brkfst now. Have a great day


                            Good morning! On to day 4 and feeling good!

                            Sheshe, Great Job on Day 3 and glad you're busy on Day 4. Keep going, you are doing great!! We are here for you.. Don

