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Back from Napa...and docs appt...

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    Back from Napa...and docs appt...

    Hi to all my MWO friends!

    I haven't posted in awhile, but just wanted to check in and give you all an update:

    I made 9 days AF before my family trip to Napa, CA. Although I did drink out there, there were several nights with just one glass of wine. Unheard of in my past!! I did have more than I wanted one night, but it still wan't a pass out night, so I need to view this as a good thing instead of beating myself up over it. I travelled back on Wednesday and made that an AF day again --- despite the urges to drink before boarding and on the plane. Last night, I was AF again, so here I am on Day 2. Back in the saddle!!!

    The other update has to do with the doctor. Before I received the CD's and supps, I made a doctor's appt. I had been dreading that and I was worried what I would find out. I just had the follow up appt yesterday (to review the bloodwork results) and everthing was fine!!! He did every alcohol-related test, and they were perfect!! I am so thrilled! I also talked to him about some of the insurance nightmares I have read here, and he was so nice about it. He said he limited the amount of information on my chart and he put another diagnosis code on the bloodwork to not raise flags at this point. When I told him that I had made great progress with this program, he was very supportive and congratulatory. It felt good to hear it, as well as put those fears about liver failure to bed.

    I am determined more than ever to make this work. Day 2 here I come!!

    Just wanted to share... since many of you asked me to report back about all this. Have a great Saturday!!

    I have missed you all! )

    Back from Napa...and docs appt...

    Hey Pink Lady

    I was really glad to read your post today. I had a similar experience with MWO in the sense of not stopping altogether but finding that I am drinking less since coming here. The decline has either continued or plateaued at points over the last six months.

    so keep coming back since it seems to be working for you.


      Back from Napa...and docs appt...

      How great to have a supportive doc! that's great news about your blood tests too.
      It sounds like you are doing great. I don't think I'd be able to not drink on an airplane...I hate to fly.

      If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


        Back from Napa...and docs appt...

        Hi Pink:

        Just out of curiousity, how long have you been drinking? I'm scheduled for blood tests this week and I'm scared. I've been drinking a long time but heavily for at least 7 yrs. now.


          Back from Napa...and docs appt...


          I could not be more happy for you. It sounds to me like everything is just falling into place so well. I wish I knew how to find such a good doctor as you have. But you have done so much tough work yourself. I am just so happy for you!
          Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


            Back from Napa...and docs appt...

            Hey guys! Thanks for the well wishes!

            Roxanne - I have been drinking for a long time (I'm 46 now.) I binge drank through college, then all through my 20's and 30's. It was not until 2 years ago or so that I started drinking every single night. It got to the point that I could do a double bottle of wine in just a few hours, or 12 beers. This is a huge amount of alcohol, especially considering I had gastric bypass surgery 5 years ago. They say with the surgery that the effects of alcohol are elevated and that it goes to the liver less filtered, so there are bigger risks involved. I don't know how I got so lucky, but I am not about to tempt fate either!! I was afraid to go to the doc, and I assumed the worst, but it is such a relief to know the results! (I even got to the point that I wanted to know if it was bad to "scare myself straight!")

            I hope you all have a wonderful day! )


              Back from Napa...and docs appt...

              Hi Pinklady and welcome back! It sounds like you have been successful overall in meeting your goals - congratulations! Man I envy you with your doctor. I do plan to get a complete physical later this year. I haven't had one "regular" doctor in many years. How in the world do you ask questions to determine the doc's "level of discretion" without possibly letting the Big Cat out of the bag if you DON'T trust them to keep certain details out of the records???? At any rate, I'm very happy for you that you found someone like this.

              Love your avatar too! Happy AF Saturday!!

              Day 39 AF
              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Back from Napa...and docs appt...

                Pink Lady

                I am about ten years older than you, but also started binge drinking in college. Also downhill from there. I have managed to clean up in the last few years. But please don't take take a clean liver panel as a go ahead to keep drinking. I really don't think you are doing that, but I know how easy it is to make up any excuse to going back to the dark days.

                You will do this thing. We will all help you. I am so happy to hear of the good news. Keep posting.
                Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                  Back from Napa...and docs appt...

                  Glad you`re back PinkLady.

                  Good for you for drinking moderately when away.
                  Even better that you`re 2 days back on the AF track, since that seems to be your goal.

                  Love and strength to you.

                  Starlight Impress x


                    Back from Napa...and docs appt...

                    Welcome back PinkLady, I'm glad you are back and did not go on a full tilt bender in Napa. Congrats on 2 days AF! I'll bet you are ready to just keep adding to that. We're here for you. Don


                      Back from Napa...and docs appt...

                      Wow Pink Lady. Napa Valley, I love their wine. I almost went there a few months ago and I don't think I could have walked away with one glass!


                        Back from Napa...and docs appt...

                        We're about neck and neck with our drinking, although I've been drinking on a daily basis quite a bit longer than you. I hope I luck out with my results this week. Truthfully, I never really get intoxicated so it was only a couple of years ago that I realized I was doing any bodily harm. I have a friend who had gastric bypass and she seems to have substituted food with drinking. Although I've tried to mention this to her in a subtle way, I may have to be a little more vocal. Did you find that you started drinking more following your surgery? They had a segment on (I think) Oprah where people were substituting one addiction with another (i.e., drinking for food; sex for drinking, etc.)


                          Back from Napa...and docs appt...

                          Pink Lady, glad things are going so well for you!
                          The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                            Back from Napa...and docs appt...

                            PinkLady you're doing great!!!!!! Keep up the good work.


                              Back from Napa...and docs appt...

                              Thanks Pink for sharing your progress. I was AF for 3 weeks. Started to see if I could control. Did that for one full week stopping at one glass of wine. Then last Friday night, went to dinner with my husband and ordered a bottle of wine. We came home, and I continued to drink. Needless to say I had a horrible hangover the next morning, but worse was the guilt, and MADNESS I felt with myself. My sweet husband told me, it's like a horse, you fall off and get back on. So, I am on again and now AF for 4 days. I thought I could be good, but somehow it sucked me in that night.

                              Good luck to you. Looks like you are well on your way. I'm happy to hear your results. I too had the bloodwork done and THANKFULLY I had not done any damage.

                              Thanks again for sharing. Helps to hear that we all go through ups and downs.

                              :beach: "You can't go uphill thinking downhill thoughts"
                              AF since 10/11/2008

