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Back from Napa...and docs appt...

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    Back from Napa...and docs appt...

    Liver failure go away, Boop Boop de Boop


      Back from Napa...and docs appt...

      Pinklady - I thought of you when I was away and your bloodwork results. Well done! You did brilliantly in Napa. I'm so proud of you! Let me know how you are doing. I've posted on the old thread but seems to have been abandoned! Hope Prose, Wakeupmom etc all ok.

      LR x
      Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


        Back from Napa...and docs appt...

        Thanks everyone! I appreciate your kind words!

        Michaela - Good for you for getting back on the horse!!! It must be nice to have such support from your husband! I am happy to hear about your bloodwork results also! I have certainly had my ups and downs too, like everyone else. It is a process --- heck if it was that easy, there wouldn't be anyone with a drinking problem left!!

        LilyRose - Nice to hear from you! What am I up to? Well, I did drink 2 times this week, but not a lot each time. The first one was unplanned and triggered because my mom stopped by unexpectedly and then left a little more than a half bottle at my house. (Even though I told her to take it.) I didn't drink with her --- water instead --- but after she left I couldn't help it. I finished the bottle. (Quite a dysfunctional and stressful relationship there!!) The other time was planned, but I was done drinking at 8:30, and then I took the dog out for a half hour walk. And, I am AF tonight, because I have decided not to drink when nothing was going on --- weekend or not.

        My approach is to keep working at this, trying to make progress and learn from mistakes --- little by little. I am not doing perfectly and there are many more people out there doing better than me. However, instead of dwelling on that, I have to force myself to concentrate on how much better my life has been over the past month of abstinence and moderation. If I look for perfection, I am the type of person that coulod say "Screw It!" and give up totally, and I don't want to do that!!!

        So, have a great weekend everyone! I hope we all are able to control our urges and make the right choices for ourselves individually. I'm here if anyone needs to talk! )


          Back from Napa...and docs appt...

          Great to hear you so positive.

          My latest "take" on all this is that, if my excessive drinking was the result of a progressive illness, then I can expect to weather the many storms as I undergo my progressive recovery.

          Love and strength to you,

          Starlight Impress x


            Back from Napa...and docs appt...

            Starlight Impress;184691 wrote: Pinklady,
            Great to hear you so positive.

            My latest "take" on all this is that, if my excessive drinking was the result of a progressive illness, then I can expect to weather the many storms as I undergo my progressive recovery.

            Love and strength to you,

            Starlight Impress x
            Wow - I'm going to write that one down. Thanks for sharing it
            Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

