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I'm pissed off

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    I'm pissed off

    Some of you newbies don't know me, but I have been here for a while.

    The thing I am mad about is why we don't have more AF options available to us at restaurants and weddings and other social events. I personally don't like "soda" very much. Tonic with lime is OK, but I actually like some of the AF beers and wines. Ariel makes some not great but OK wines and I especially like the Clausthauler AF brew. It tastes very good with food or just to sip on at a party. And the AF Beck's is not bad, either.

    My problem is, when I go to social events such as retirement parties, weddings, etc. I am only given the option of wine, beer or soda. I always ask if they have AF wine or beer and they look at me like I'm crazy. Then I say, well, I have to drive home and don't want alcohol and they offer me soda.

    I personally think we should ask the restaurant and catering hall owners to offer more options to people. I am perfectly happy with AF options, but they are often not available. If the consumers ask for such things, the suppliers will provide it. I often hear people on this website worry about going to weddings and such. They need an alternative to alcohol and not feel like they have to drink a glass of Coke - very uncool.

    Just my thoughts. With less alcohol, there would be fewer highway deaths, many of us would be much happier and healthier and would be able to get over some of those social hurdles with more ease.
    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.

    I'm pissed off

    I'm with you on that. Clausthauler is that a AF beer never heard of it?


      I'm pissed off

      Clausthauler is an AF beer - German I think. Actually very good. But you will have to go to a good beer distributor to find it. The AF Beck's is a little easier to find, if you are lucky. The O'Doul's Amber is not that bad, but not that great but is available is many grocery stores. You don't want to knock back a lot of these; they are not that good. But with tacos or pizza, or other food that cries out for beer, they can be very good.
      Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


        I'm pissed off

        You know that non-alcoholic beer is out thier. St. Paulie-Girl has one, Which was always my favorite. I quess you have to take it with you, if you want it. Your right, they really don't think much aboiut those that don't use alcohol at functiions. So we must indure !!!! IAD
        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
        Dr. Seuss


          I'm pissed off

          maybe you can call ahead, like I always have to order special food before functions. maybe you can ask for special non-alcoholic drinks, just say you can't drink alcohol or soda for example. just an idea.
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            I'm pissed off

            I've been known to take my own in a handbag!
            It always seems impossible until it's done....


              I'm pissed off

              Great idea Mags, BYOB
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                I'm pissed off

                St. Paulie Girl NA is my favorite. Tastes like the real thing to me with no aftertaste... Don


                  I'm pissed off

                  I'm witcha Mags! It's so frustrating to be at a nice restaurant and see they have zero N/A adult beverages....arg! I brought Clausthauler last night to a barbyQ and was just fine. Finally found a place that carries it.
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    I'm pissed off

                    Really interesting to read! I think you guys in the US have more choice than in the UK but I will look....

                    The thing is, I haven't dared go that route in case it 'stimulates' me into wanting stuff with A in it... Not by the tiny amount of alcohol in it necessariy but just the smell etc....? I'm certainly not the kind to stop all cough rememdies etc in case they have 0.000005% A in them like I was told in AA but....actual AF wine????? And is that really free or 0.05% like in UK?

                    How's everyone found this? Can anyone let me know what they think/have found/reassure me?

                    Thanks - it would be good to have something other than soda sometimes! (I can't drink fruit juices as they give me migraines and more than one Coke and I'm glued together with sugar - cloying, ugh!) I have seen AF wine on a menu here in the UK recently......but I wasn't, er, bothering even drink the usual stuff; I had the 'heavy' stuf in my handbag!!! Not going 'handbags' again even with AF stuff, Flip, but you do what you need to!!!! I did smile!

                    Thanks guys and have a good day/evening.

                    :heart: c: :heart:
                    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                      I'm pissed off

                      The vision of "Me" as in my avatar holding a handbag stuffed with AF wine just made me laugh out loud! lol Can you imagine it?
                      It always seems impossible until it's done....


                        I'm pissed off

                        Flip, with you, I can believe anything
                        Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                          I'm pissed off

                          You are so right, Mags. I had decided my AF drink of choice would be tonic water & lime - to me tastes almost alcoholic - and the last few times we've been out the restaurants didn't even have it. So then I discovered that sparkling water and lime is petty good too, i.e., Perrier, or even no name sparkling water. So last time we went out I asked for Perrier, and sure 'nough did'nt have it either. I don't like to order soda water because it's pretty loaded w sodium, which makes me swell up. And I don't drink Coke because it leaches the calcium out of your ones. So sadly now I have tucked one of those individual serving size Lipton ice tea pkgs in my purse, and figure if I really need to I can always add it to their ice water. Surely they would have that! Also, don't mind ordering herbal tea, but not as special.

                          But you are so right. Most of the AF wines are too sweet, and I never was really a beer drinker to the AF beers, while ok, don't do much for me.

                          The future lies before you like newly fallen snow
                          Be careful how you tread it for every step will show.
                          The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

