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Day 2...Almost Perfect!

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    Day 2...Almost Perfect!

    Well, I did have one beer at the wedding. But, the thing that shocked me was that i didn't get the ever popular "euphoria" I usually get right before I pop a top. It's like I was trying to test myself or something. The rest of the evening I drank O'Doul's Amber. (not too bad). One other thing I was thinking of tonight is the fact that this was the first time it wasn't me totally pissed drunk. I saw the way some of my closest friends acted while drinking and feeling so thankful that it wasn't me. The toughest part was dodging questions from people inquiring as to why I was being AF. Even though I did have 1 beer, I am still totally confident that I can do this. I must however ask all of your opinions on this: "Is drinking AF beers & wines Ok for us? Is that still considered AF?" I know that our problems aren't one size fits all, I just want to make sure I not setting myself up to fail. Anyway, I bid all of you a wonderful, restful night....

    "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

    ~Red :h

    Day 2...Almost Perfect!

    Well done Red. You can do this. In my opinion, AF beers and wines are ok. As long as no alcohol is entering the body, then thats ok. I find that the minute anything alcoholic passes my lips I'm like.......I need more!!!!!

    Keep up the good work.

    Bella xxx


      Day 2...Almost Perfect!

      great job. of course AF wines/beers are fine. absolutely. Did you see my Day 2 thread on gen disc.? Are you day 3 now, like me? (I've already forgotten about that tiny little beer!)
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


        Day 2...Almost Perfect!

        Hi Red,
        I've been to a few nights out where I've not drank and I know what you mean about the questions.
        I was always the drunk and people couldn't get it in their heads that I wasn't drinking.
        The first time I said I was driving, then I just decided to tell them that I didn't want a drink.
        After a few curious glances, the novelty wears off and they just get on with their own night.
        I don't feel the pressure any more. I just sit with my pint of lemonade and try to enjoy myself.
        I hope this has helped.


          Day 2...Almost Perfect!

          After being a drunk for a long time, the first time my friends saw me sober was quite a challenge for all of us!

          These day, however, nobody bats an eyelid and I am more than happy to watch them get drunk and laugh at their hangovers in the morning.

          I don't actually drink any A/F wine or beer - my view is that it's too close to the real thing and I really don't want to risk it. Even though I am very firmly in the headspace that I am a non drinker these days, it doesn't pay to get complacent.

          Keep up the great work Red.

          It always seems impossible until it's done....


            Day 2...Almost Perfect!

            Red, congratulations on your success at the wedding! I bet it felt good to be in control of things. Good for you!

            Day 40 AF
            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Day 2...Almost Perfect!

              You`re making great progress Red........well done. Is a real eye-opener to watch everyone else get sloshed when sober ourselves, isn`t it?.........makes me shudder to think that`s how I used to look.

              I think peer pressure is a "school playground" problem and therefore am confident enough just to tell people now that I don`t drink..........politely but pointedly.........we shouldn`t have to make "excuses" for not drinking........and I won`t!!!

              I think it`s great if AF drinks allow people to still feel as if they`re having a grown-up drink and they can also put paid to other peoples` curiosity, as they look very much like the genuine article. I haven`t tried any AF wine, but since I really, really loved wine, I`d be afraid I might enjoy it so much that it could possibly tempt me back to my old Char, so am simply not going there.

              Wishing you continued success.

              Starlight Impress x


                Day 2...Almost Perfect!


                My first shot at going AF, I bought AF wine. It tasted so much unlike real wine (I am a red drinker) that I reminded me of bad grape juice and cost a lot more. :H

                Decided AF wine not an option for me.

                Iced tea and water with lime for me!!

                AF April 9, 2016


                  Day 2...Almost Perfect!

                  Congratulations!! A wedding is a tough event to get through and YOU DID IT!!! Way to go! Be very proud of yourself!

                  I guess I didn't make it to Day 2 with you. I went out on a "date" with my husband --- first time in over a year! I had been very unhappy with things, but last night showed me that everything might be ok. We had a very nice dinner and I thoroughly enjoyed sipping one glass of wine with my meal. I had water when that was done. Then, we decided to go downtown for a bit, and I did have 2 more small wines there. (Nothing like what I would pour --- this place is stingy with their $7 Pinot Griogios!) We came home and I had a large glass of water and then off to bed. No buzzed feeling or anything --- just totally in control. It was very nice.

                  I plan on AF throughout the week, but I am going to try not to over analyze myself or the numbers right now. I definitely don't want to slip back to my old ways, but as long as I can continue to keep wine out of my house and not drink anything here, I will count myself successful. This part alone is a huge improvement.

                  Have a great Sunday everyone!! I'm out for a long walk in a bit --- another great part of this program is that it has me religiously exercising for the first time in years! )

                  Hugs to All! Congrats to Red and everyone else that does not have a hangover today!!! Yahoo!!!! LOL


                    Day 2...Almost Perfect!

                    Sounds like you are also doing really well PinkLady. Congratulations.

                    I think it's right not to get too caught up in the numbers. It is just kind of a fun thing to do, especially if you are determined to be AF or at least AF for a certain amount of time before considering moderation.

                    Keep going girl.
                    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                      Day 2...Almost Perfect!

                      Beatle -
                      Thanks! Sorry I can't join you and Red on the other Thread for Day 2 now! Actually, you are on Day 3 today!! Congratulations to you also!! Keep up the good work!!

                      I'll be checking in with everyone. Here's to a good week for all! ) :goodjob:



                        Day 2...Almost Perfect!

                        Thanks everyone for all your kind words & advice. I'll just have to wait and see if AF free beers end up working for me. I really love the real thing....just don't want to lapse ya know...


                        "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

                        ~Red :h

