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Newbies in need - Day 19

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    Newbies in need - Day 19

    Hi Everyone:

    Hope all is well. I just filled in my 18th zero in DrinkTracker for the 18th day in August that I've been sober. It feels great. I'm 11 days into my second 30 day stint. I noticed how many of us have zeros. Don, I especially noticed you have a string of zeros. Doesn't it feel good to put in that zero every day?

    I've used booze as a coping mechanism for so many years that I'm having to relearn how to live wo/it & solve problems in other ways. It's all coming back, & I feel so much better.

    Have a wonderful Sunday everyone, Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Newbies in need - Day 19


    Planning on a string of them myself!!

    With the help of several last night, chatted through and got past.


    Thanks to all who were on last night!!

    AF April 9, 2016


      Newbies in need - Day 19

      Hi Mary, Cindi and all to come.

      Mary, you just keep getting better and elated for you.

      Cindi.........good for you........let`s see those AF days tot up!!!

      Has been 21 days...........3 whole wks. since I last had a drink........what can I say? ecstatic!!!

      Have a super day all.

      Much love,

      Starlight Impress x


        Newbies in need - Day 19

        Mary,Cindi,Star- Congrats on your string of AF days! You are great and a big part of my string... and yes, I just love marking that big ZERO down on Drinktracker everyday... Don


          Newbies in need - Day 19

          I was a high school teacher all my adult life. Therefore, I'm going to take a page from my teen vocab book. Star, Don, Cindi: You guys are my homies! I dig ya! Star, I know you're British: a homey is a great friend from the 'hood (neighborhood). That's what you all are. I couldn't have done this wo/you. The zeros & the blessings keep piling up.

          Love, Mary
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            Newbies in need - Day 19

            Hi, I am on day 2, and this sounds great! congratulations ... i wish I had a longer history AF ... and keep m y fingers crossed to continue ... I have no clue how this message board works, so hopefully someone can give me some clues. Thanks
            Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


              Newbies in need - Day 19

              Can someone please give me some teps on how to use this message board?
              Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                Newbies in need - Day 19

                Hi janka and welcome.

                Not sure that I could give you a step-by-step guide on how any forum works........sorry, am something of the technophobe!! LOL

                When I first joined, I just kind of muddled through until it fell into place little by little.
                You`ve managed to post, so that`s something.

                May I suggest you visit several of the boards to start off with.........Just Starting Out, General Discussion and Tell Us Your Story are probably best as your first ports of call.
                And don`t forget to visit the Health Store to get an idea of the aids available to help you.

                Am only here a couple of mths. myself, so am certain that those here considerably longer have a wealth of advice to offer you.

                Wishing you love and strength.

                Starlight Impress x


                  Newbies in need - Day 19

                  Welcome Janka and congratulations on being on day 2. A lot of people here would agree that the first few days are the hardest, so stay strong and stick with it!
                  AF since December 22nd 2008
                  Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                    Newbies in need - Day 19

                    :h I am new to all this, I have read alot of testemonies and see how many other people are like me.. this is my first day and I am happy to have found this site


                      Newbies in need - Day 19

                      Welcome heatheronthelake,
                      Yes, you've found a great site! There's lots of support here from people who are going through the same problem with alcohol. Keep reading & posting.
                      AF since December 22nd 2008
                      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                        Newbies in need - Day 19

                        this might take a few times to figure out how to do all this.....


                          Newbies in need - Day 19

                          Thank you for the words of encouragement


                            Newbies in need - Day 19

                            Welcome heatheronthelake.

                            Love and strength to you.

                            Starlight Impress x


                              Newbies in need - Day 19

                              Saturday Slip

                              Hey guys,

                              I hate to be the one man out on this thread of positiveness and mounting zeros, but I slipped yesterday, caved, the beast got me and I drank 9 beers. Don't know why really, no specific situation or reason, it just happenned.

                              Felt like really crappy this morning on many levels. The headache was one reason, but I was most angry with myself for breaking my string of 6 AF days. :upset: But as bad as I felt about myself, it was nothing compared to the feeling of letting you guys down, especially The Chief, I'm really sorry man, I let you down. Same goes for Evergreen who was toe to toe with me on the AF days, and to Rob2 as well. My apologies to you all. I let the team down.

                              But I have been part of this forum long enough to know that I can't beat myself up to much, it's wasted energy. What I will do is pick up where I left off and build on the success of 6 days and look at yesterday as a "blip" on the radar.

                              Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda

