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Hi from uk

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    Hi from uk

    Thanks all :thanks: The day finally claimed me....we had a burglary during the night..only the garage and they didn't get much, but I did have to deal with a police visit. Then I heard from the hospital where an aged relative is, that they want to send her home - I am the only relative really, so I have to organise getting her home. And a work problem blew up and I'm not sure that I've sorted it out. I wondered if I would be strong...but no...I gave in and had the infamous drink no1....and the others followed! However, I am now past that and back to 'normal' and have decided to set out for a few AF days, starting tomorrow. Help!!

    Thank you for the welcome as a I have revealed a bit about myself and written down in public that I will attempt a few AF days, I guess I should just join in the main threads and not seek to be mollycoddled here as the new girl!:H

    Off now to drink a litre of water to avoid the shakes in the night!

    I'm feeling positive about trying AF again...thanks guys!

    Slightly XX
    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


      Hi from uk

      Sleep well've certainly had a hell of a day! I hope you haev peaceful dreams.

      See you tomorrow.

      Feet x
      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


        Hi from uk

        Hello Slightly...Seems you had a bad day!Why is it life sends them all at once?Anyway just wanted to say well done for making that first move,and in good time,It can just spiral out of controll.
        Take care and stay in touch xx


          Hi from uk

          Firstly, can I apologise for my posts so far....reading them back I sound really prim! I think I was just very nervous I really wasn't meaning that I felt somehow 'better' than people who drink more than may have sounded that way. I meant to say that no matter how much you drink, if you can't stop it.... you're addicted. Not being able to say to 3 glasses is the same problem as not being able to no to 8 or more.

          I am really wary of over-committing myself, failing and therefore justifying myself to carry on drinking every I am just committing myself to being AF today. It will be difficult at my usual trigger time of 5pm...but just at this moment it feels good!

          Happy Tuesday everyone!

          Slightly xx
          Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


            Hi from uk

            Don't worry Suze - no-one here would have been offended by any of your posts - - it does take a while to relax and "be yourself" when you first start coming here. We can (usually!) tell pretty quickly by the tone of the posts what your true intentions are.

            But - that is my advice (for what it's worth)
            Relax - Just be yourself and join in the friendly mayhem that is MWO.

            I honestly believe that just by coming here we get subliminal reinforcement that it is "normal" to be trying to reduce your alcohol consumption.
            Out in the "real" world, it is quite the opposite - everything is geared to increasing ones consumption.

            I have been here about 7 months now - and have gone from a history of alcohol abuse lasting over 20 years drinking every day, to moderation (no more than 2 drinks on 2 days of the week) and finally have arrived here - 34 days Alcohl Free today.

            This place ROCKS!

            Looking forward to having you around!

            "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


              Hi from uk

              As I said my hubby is from UK and never says Boop Boop de Boop


                Hi from uk

                Hi Suze, Welcome to MWO. Please don't be nervous or ashamed about anything. Just relax and read the posts and you will find we are all like you. We're just a group of people with different backgrounds, ages, lifestyles, locations, etc, but we all have a common bond: we have allowed alcohol to control us instead of us controlling alcohol but we realize it and have decided to take back the control with the help of eachother. No one will judge you or belittle you even if you screw up. We're like one big happy disfunctional family that sometimes disagree with one another but God help the person that trys to hurt one of us. You can choose to moderate or go totally alcohol free and we will help you. I am on Day 13 AF after 30 years of heavy drinking. I finally realized I can't moderate, it's too much work. I feel better today than I have in years and it's because of this site and the people here. So just take it all in and we will be here for you. Good luck on your first AF day. You can do it. When you get the cravings get on here and post and someone will talk to you and get you through it. Again, :welcome: Don


                  Hi from uk

                  I've just landed too (and originate from the UK) ...
                  So much support here ...
                  Best of luck



                    Hi from uk

                    And to you, too, Kyna! I'm still finding my feet here, but it feels good! I'm on day 4 AF, and can hardly believe it:H How are things with you?
                    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.

