Hi there Janka,
As always great advise from all and you certainly have come to the right place for help support and advise.I can honestly say I would not have gotten this far without this site and the wonderful members and I hope you find it the same for you (I'm sure you will ).
Just remember, the journey your starting is yours and no one else's.Perhaps you should suggest to your husband that if he had someone constantly sniping and belittling him when he was dealing with his problems, he may not be so far down the track today!
I had nothing but support, love and understanding from my partner and I couldn't have done it without him (well....I could but it would have been a really crappy ride :H ).
You're not alone going through this and even if he's not there for you...we are!
Each day gets better..some better than others...but it does get better.
Good luck and I'm looking forward to seeing you here often...
Love Victoria xxooxx